Yep, sorry that is the link I actually made, I wrote it too hastily, my bad.
Miguel Ortiz Lombardía
Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (UMR7257)
CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université
Case 932, 163 Avenue de Luminy, 13288 Marseille cedex 9, France
Tel: +33(0) 491 82 55 93
Fax: +33(0)
My installation is not in a standard place, more likely
you need:
cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s /Applications/ .
Miguel Ortiz Lombardía
Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (UMR7257)
CNRS, Aix-Marseille Univer
Hi Sebastiano,
Yes, you have to put the xds-viewer executable in your PATH. In the Mac
and assuming /usr/local/bin is in your PATH:
cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s
/Applications/Sci/Struct/ .
Miguel Ortiz Lombardía
Architecture et Fonction des Macrom
Hi Sebastiano,
sorry, I don't see immediately what's wrong. The console seems to show the XDS
output of an INTEGRATE job that only looked at a single (judging from the small
number of reflections ...) frame (number 10, I'd guess; you could check this if
you scroll up a bit). Could you please ch
Hi Kay, hi all,
sorry to bother again, but I was wondering if people is experiencing the same
problem I am.
With the nice new XDS graphical interface, I cannot manage to have the "show
frame with predicted spots" script to work.
It looks like all the steps are performed correctly, but then XD
hi Kay,
thanks a lot for the prompt reply.
Indeed the problem rises from the fact that the program is launched in a
"non-bash" environment, so one would have to add generate_XDS.INP to the PATH
of the Mac interface, rather than to the bash PATH.
I took the workaround of launching XDSgui from th
Hi Kay, hi all,
sorry for the -maybe- naive questions, but i'm struggling to get the GUI for
XDS going.
I'm on Mac OSX 10.8.4. The dmg installer and the script work nicely.
However, I have a couple of problems::
I have placed the generate_XDS.INP script in the XDS directory
Hi everybody,
I developed a GUI for academic users of XDS which is documented at . This
XDSwiki article also has the links to binaries of xdsGUI (or XDSgui or xds-gui;
this has not been decided yet ...), for Linux 32 and 64 bit (