For various reasons we are frequently expressing proteins with a GST
tag. The glutathione sepharose beads that we are using for affinity
purification seem to be difficult to regenerate and we see much lower
capacity when used the second time. We are following the manufacturer's
I just downloaded the CCP4 6.1.13 version for Windows and attempted to run
MolRep. After pointing to the mtz file I am getting the message that mtzdump
is missing. Have to kill to GUI to get out of it. Where is the code for
I am looking at a protein model (no electron density) that has a highly
distorted helix. I would like to idealize this helix in the context of the
protein, e.g. do least squares idealization with restrains on the backbone
torsion angles, with the smallest possible divergence from the initial
Several post-doctoral positions in the area of structural biology
are available in the laboratory of Dr. Mirek Cygler and funded by CIHR. The
research activities of the group focus on structural and functional
characterization of proteins to gain detailed understanding of their mode of
Here is a question from a Windows illiterate. I would like to run
pdbcur with parameters that are not accessible through the CCP4i interface.
Need to create symmetry-related molecule. I can modify the script file but I
do not know how to execute the program. I guess that I only know how