I guess some of it is available here:
but the full interview will probably be taken down soon. Need to "save
a stream" if you really want to keep a copy around...
Harm Otten, PhD
+45 50 30
Harm Otten, PhD
Thingvalla Allé 1, st.tv.
DK-2300 Copenhagen
mobil +45 50 30 76 39
mail harm.ot...@gmail.com
web www.harmotten.com
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On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:56 PM, Tom Oldfield wrote:
> Hi
> You can do this type of selec
If you want to consider the cheapest shipping, consider ebay.de and amazon.de
I found booklooker.de to be helpful:
4 hits: (used) approx 36 €; 170 € and 150 €.
Good luck
Harm Otten, PhD
Department of Chemistry
eventually present, which already let to some
group internal discussions.
You will see a properly modeled PDB entry at one point!
Have a successful day
Harm Otten
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:26 PM, wrote:
> Dear Harm,
> As Edwin pointed out, there might not be any non-crystallographic
EW and pointless, phenix.xtriage)
2) What is the best phasing program at these resolutions in your experience?
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Harm Otten, PhD
Office C316
Biophysical Chemistry Group
Department of Chemistry
Universitetsparken 5
2100 Copenhagen
# +45 35 32 02 86
EG makes a difference, but does not
give "small molecule" crystals. Hope that helps a little,
Harm Otten
Department of Chemistry
Universitetsparken 5
2100 Copenhagen
# +45 35 32 02 89
fax +45 35 32 03 22
email h...@chem.ku.dk
Please consider the environment before printing t
> seeding. Thank you for your input ahead.
> Best regards,
> Donghui
Harm Otten
Department of Chemistry
Universitetsparken 5
2100 Copenhagen Ø
# +45 35 32 02 89
fax +45 35 32 03 22
email h...@kemi.ku.dk
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