Re: [ccp4bb] Apple M4 chip

2024-11-08 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I am sure the problem would be not with the chip but the latest version of the Mac OS - which may not be compatible. I can’t test because my university is one whole operating system behind the times. One of the few occasions when what they do actually benefits us. Adrian Sent from my iPhone

Re: [ccp4bb] Assistant Professor in Structural Biology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2023-10-15 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Usually 6+1 - or at least it was when I was in the system. You can apply for tenure earlier. It’s the adjunct positions that have increased and are crap. Those never tenure. In Some v fancy places - scripps is one - you are required to find 100 pc of your salary. This is more common in med schoo

Re: [ccp4bb] naturally obsessed - the movie

2023-10-03 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Bob and all, This doesn’t seem to be complete - I hadn’t known of this, but it fails at about 9 minutes in, when we are supposed to start watching a video diary? - at least that’s how it is for me. Does anyone have another experience of it? Adrian > On

Re: [ccp4bb] On the production of a two domain protein

2023-07-26 Thread Goldman, Adrian
a possibility, if you must try, would be to look at intein-based protein ligation. Hideo Iwai has a series of papers on this over the last 15+ years. Adrian On 26 Jul 2023, at 11:14, Armando Albert>> wrote: Dear all, We are trying to characterize a protein consistin

Re: [ccp4bb] 1990s-style stereo viewer

2023-07-25 Thread Goldman, Adrian
For what it’s worth, side-by-side stereo-adjustable mirror glasses are still available. Also ones that use prisms to achieve a similar, though not identical, effect. I’ve bought various objects, because I *still* prefer building in 3D. I think one understands better what one is looking at. Ba

Re: [ccp4bb] 1990s-style stereo viewer

2023-07-24 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Yes but this is just classic side by side stereo. I had one until quite recently. My memory of the ps300 is that it was fullscreen, not side by side with the display synced as another poster said. I also feel that the ps300 didn’t flicker because it was a raster display so no matter how many l

[ccp4bb] short-term postdoctoral position

2023-07-14 Thread Goldman, Adrian
A short-term (10 months) postdoctoral position is available in my laboratory at the University of Helsinki. You will continue our work on understanding the structure and effect of cancer-causing mutations in RET by combining cryoEM with molecular dynamics (Liu et al. Unexpected structures formed

[ccp4bb] Apple glasses

2023-06-06 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I’m hoping for a coot implementation that allows immersive stereo… Sent from my iPhone To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: This me

Re: [ccp4bb] Structure prediction - waiting to happen

2023-04-01 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I think this is all true - and I’ve been putting things like this into my (failing) grants - but I get the dispiriting sense that the medics think (to borrow a line from hamlet) “the applicant doth protest too much methinks”. Well if as per James H today ;), we deposit coordinates to 1sf, alpha

Re: [ccp4bb] new PDB file format

2023-04-01 Thread Goldman, Adrian
And the good thing is we won’t be needed any more! - as alphafold structures will be just as good! ;) Adrian Sent from my iPhone On 1 Apr 2023, at 18:06, Kolenko, Petr <> wrote:  Dear James, what a great step forward! I see another point. In our p

Re: [ccp4bb] To Trim or Not to To Trim

2023-03-17 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I would add that those who insist on modelling the atoms that they can’t see display a quasi-religious fervour about it, as if there is only one right way. Sorry about the snark. One example I remember from my graduate student days is this: where intact and truncate

Re: [ccp4bb] To Trim or Not to To Trim

2023-03-10 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Maybe simplest just to trim it back. I do worry that the presence of a wrong conformation will lead to inaccurate vdw clashes that could negatively affect other atoms. Sent from my iPhone > On 10 Mar 2023, at 18:25, Phil Jeffrey wrote: > > On 3/10/23 4:05 AM, Julia Griese wrote: >> Hi all,

Re: [ccp4bb] Is this Spam? This looks like Spam.

2023-01-11 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Me too. My uni says that a Microsoft set of addresses ended up on a spam blacklist, which is why this happened. I suspect your institutions are also using office365 outlook (also known as crapmail) as mail server and client As roberto, I complain all the time to my uni about their mail and it. P

Re: [ccp4bb] [ccp4bb] Fragmented Chains after Automated Rebuilding

2022-10-06 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Surely in this day and age, one would just run AF2? - it’s clearly the best homology modelling program ever, finding homologies that other programs can’t reach. I would - we are - using it to supply another “best guess” for difficult-to-build structures. One could even use it as an input for MR

Re: [ccp4bb] Coot sporadically crashes

2022-07-09 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Hi no - Mac. I’ll have a look next time it occurs. Adrian Sent from my iPhone > On 9 Jul 2022, at 14:41, Paul Emsley wrote: > > On 09/07/2022 12:36, Goldman, Adrian wrote: >> On a related theme, Paul, I often find that the undo button doesn’t work, >> but I ca

Re: [ccp4bb] Coot sporadically crashes

2022-07-09 Thread Goldman, Adrian
On a related theme, Paul, I often find that the undo button doesn’t work, but I can’t figure out why it sometimes does and sometimes doesn’t. Is this something to do with how I open .pdb files - that somehow Coot can’t find the backup files, even though they exist? What should I do to rectify

Re: [ccp4bb] [ccp4bb] Up-to-date 3D stereo solution

2020-12-13 Thread Goldman, Adrian
the “best” I’ve found is stereo glasses and display side-by-side stereo. When I was a graduate student in the Steitz lab a WHILE ago, there was a frame built that fit over the Evans and Sutherland Ps2 and PS390 monitors (I said a while ago :)) that carried two mirrors at 45 degrees at your eye

Re: [ccp4bb] External: Re: [ccp4bb] AlphaFold: more thinking and less pipetting (?)

2020-12-08 Thread Goldman, Adrian
My impression is that they haven’t published the code, and it is science by press-release. If one of us tried it, we would - rightly - get hounded out of time. Adrian On 4 Dec 2020, at 15:57, Michel Fodje>> wrote: I think the results from AlphaFold2, alth

[ccp4bb] BBSRC-funded 34-month position working on integral membrane pyrophosphatases

2020-08-07 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I am looking for a research assistant to join the project. We are moving on from structural studies of the enzyme to functional studies (such as PELDOR and Nanion Surfer). Working with a postdoc in the lab, you will be an integral member of my team. We are a diverse group of about 15 scientis

Re: [ccp4bb] [EXTERNAL] Re: [ccp4bb] number of frames to get a full dataset?

2020-07-01 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I find, when discussing definitions of words, it’s always good to look in the OED (well, the SOED, I don’t have the big one). For redundant (redundancy being defined as the state or quality of being redundant), we find: 1. Superabundant, superfluous, excessive. b. Characterised by superfluity o

Re: [ccp4bb] Any advice on specs for a new Mac Laptop to run CCP4 and other Xtal Software?

2020-06-08 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I tend to agree - though I am still using a 15” machine myself - the lab has 13” machines and at their desks they have a big monitor as well. Adrian > On 8 Jun 2020, at 17:37, Harry Powell - CCP4BB > <> wrote: > > Hi > > I’d make the decision bas

Re: [ccp4bb] Macromolecular Crystallography workshop in South America 2020

2020-02-06 Thread Goldman, Adrian
l. > > Diana > > ** > Diana R. Tomchick > Department of Biophysics, Rm. ND10.214A > University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center > 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. > Dallas, TX 75061 USA > 214-645-6383 (office) > >> On Feb 5, 2020, at

Re: [ccp4bb] Macromolecular Crystallography workshop in South America 2020

2020-02-05 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Phoebe and all, What I heard recently (I have no idea whether it applies in this particular case…) is that organisers of conferences/meetings often have considerable difficulty getting women speakers in the first place - apparently 85% of the XYs asked say “yes” and only 50% (less?) of the XXs.

[ccp4bb] Technician position!

2020-01-06 Thread Goldman, Adrian
The Goldman laboratory is looking for a research technician in membrane protein purification. The job advert is at: - and I can be contacted for further information. Adrian Goldman #

[ccp4bb] Positions in my laboratory

2020-01-03 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Hi, There are two vacancies in my laboratory at the University of Leeds, one for a postdoctoral associate working on integral membrane pyrophosphatases )Vidilaseris et al., Sci Adv 5, eaav7574 (2019), Li et al., Nat Commun 7, 13596 (2016), Kellosalo et al., Science 337, 473-76 (2012).) https:/

[ccp4bb] Job Advert, University of Leeds

2019-12-20 Thread Goldman, Adrian
Hi, I have a 3-year postdoctoral position in my laboratory at Leeds for a structural biologist (broadly defined) to continue our work on integral membrane pyrophosphatases (Kellosalo et al., Science, 337 p473 (2012); Li et al., Nature Comm, 7, 13596 (2016); Vidilaseris et al., Sci Adv 5, eaav75

Re: [ccp4bb] challenges in structural biology

2019-07-23 Thread Goldman, Adrian
..and responding in the same vein: my OED says that its etymology also comes from the Latin sulfur, sulphura in the plural. So there is an etymological basis for the ph, even if it doesn’t come from Greek. Plus, since when has etymological logic has _anything_ to do with English spelling? Fi

Re: [ccp4bb] SO4 or PO4

2019-02-17 Thread Goldman, Adrian
The total number of electrons in the two systems is identical, so you are looking for that extra fraction located closer to S than to P due to the change in atomic number. I haven’t checked but I doubt if this is easy even in ccdb, and I would be stunned if it is possible in the pdb. There might

Re: [ccp4bb] Is there any alternative to siliconized glass coverslips for crystallization?

2019-01-31 Thread Goldman, Adrian
--Original Message- > From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of > Goldman, Adrian > Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 8:43 AM > To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK > Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Is there any alternative to siliconized glass > coverslips for crystalliz

Re: [ccp4bb] Is there any alternative to siliconized glass coverslips for crystallization?

2019-01-31 Thread Goldman, Adrian
When I was a graduate student, about 150,000 years ago, we took regular coverslips and doused them in ?silane to make siliconised ones. You then let them sit in a rack to dry. It was a bit tedious but not horrendously so. After a while, I stopped doing it altogether, because IMHO it didn’t ma

Re: [ccp4bb] [ccp4bb] Oxford University Press

2018-06-30 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I personally don’t think paying reviewers is a necessary solution, though it would be nice- for us. The result would just be an increase in journal costs. I think what we should do is not publish in journal families where the profit is above 10 per cent. Elsevier is the place to start as their

Re: [ccp4bb] improper rotation matrix

2018-03-12 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I am struggling to see why one would want to apply an improper rotation, which I thought was defined as rotation plus reflection. Det=-1. Truly bad things happen to ones amino acids. Unless you had the coordinates from a small mol in one chiral arrangement, and wanted it in the other? But in t

Re: [ccp4bb] Asp-Asp pair facing each other at <3.0 A distance

2017-12-29 Thread Goldman, Adrian
All true, I did my undergraduate thesis (at cambridge about 10**6 years ago it feels) on the formation of carboxylate-pairs in the gas phase…. But I agree with the thread: there is a metal there; it’s almost certainly not Mg, but it’s hard to say without further data whether its Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn

[ccp4bb] Positions available in an EU training network

2017-12-11 Thread Goldman, Adrian
15 positions for PhD students in various aspects of structural and adhesion biology for VIral and BacteRial Adhesins (ViBrANT) are available. This is an EU ITN (innovative Training Network), with positions in both academia and industry, and spanning all the way from Portugal to Finland, The c

Re: [ccp4bb] Incorrect Structure in the PDB

2017-06-27 Thread Goldman, Adrian<>,<> URLs: , ________

Re: [ccp4bb] Incorrect Structure in the PDB

2017-06-27 Thread Goldman, Adrian
That’s quite something. To me, this thread raises another issue: I see a lot of comments about extracting the last little bit from every byte of data collected - but that’s not our main problem. Our main problem appears to be shoddily-done refinement of data that are in fact perfectly decent (

[ccp4bb] 12 PhD places available in Membrane Protein studies!

2017-04-13 Thread Goldman, Adrian
There are 12 PhD places available as part of the EU Innovative Training Network “RAMP” (RAtionalising Membrane Protein Crystallisation), headed by Monika Spano. Applicants can be from anywhere in the world, but can not have worked in the country where they want to get a PhD in the last three ye

Re: [ccp4bb] Glycoprotein expression question

2017-04-12 Thread Goldman, Adrian
I think it completely depends on the protein: in some proteins, they are required for folding; in some (eg Fcs), they are not required for folding but for function); in some, some of them are required and others not; in some they are required _during_ folding, but afterwards they can be removed

Re: [ccp4bb] Structure comparison

2017-04-10 Thread Goldman, Adrian
The right people to look at for this are found in the structure prediction community; a series of algorithms were developed to compare different predictions of the same structure. Look for papers from about CASP-3 (John Mount) or pick up any recent CASP and look at how they compare the differen

Re: [ccp4bb] Positive densities map on selective residues on Coot or Pymol

2017-03-22 Thread Goldman, Adrian
One could argue that this type of behaviour is worse than doping in athletics: If you get caught doing that, you lose your medals and may be sued; if you severely misreport data that enables you to publish “important” papers, you get grants and may become tenured…but suffer no long term conseque