Posted on behalf of Jochen Küpper.
Dear Colleagues,
My group has multiple openings to work on a novel approach for sample
preparation in high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy for structural biology.
This project is in collaboration with partner
Oops - I did in fact mean a start date of March 2017! Sorry for any
Thanks to the eagle-eyed Liz Duke for spotting the typo.
best wishes
On 05/12/16 16:40, Arwen Pearson wrote:
We are seeking two exceptional postdoctoral candidates to help develop
a time-resolved endstation at
We are seeking two exceptional postdoctoral candidates to help develop a
time-resolved endstation at the EMBL beamline P14 at PETRA III for ns-ms
time-resolved diffraction experiments that will complement the faster
experiments possible at the soon to be operational neighbouring European
Two PhD positions are open in the laboratory of Prof. Arwen Pearson in
the Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging
a) the development of new photochemical tools for time-resolved
structural biology
Research Officer in Dynamic Structural Science at the Research Complex
at Harwell and the University of Bath (fixed term for 2 years)
**Please pass this onto anyone you think might be interested.
Best wishes,
Dr Arwen Pearson
Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology
University of Leeds, UK
Research Officers in Dynamic Structural Science at the Research Complex
at Harwell and the University of Bath (2 posts, fixed term for 4 years)
Dear All,
If you are planning to come to the British Crystallographic Association
Spring Meeting in Keele this year today (7th March) is your last chance
for the discounted early bird registration.
You can register here:
This year's meeting i
(Posted on behalf of Nic Stonehouse)
The forthcoming Society for General Microbiology Meeting includes a
symposium on ‘Structural Insights into Virus Biology’, with
presentations from leading structural biologists. Also included is a
work shop session entitled ‘Virus Structure’, where PhD stud