(Posted on behalf of Nic Stonehouse)
The forthcoming Society for General Microbiology Meeting includes a
symposium on ‘Structural Insights into Virus Biology’, with
presentations from leading structural biologists. Also included is a
work shop session entitled ‘Virus Structure’, where PhD students and
post-doctoral fellows are encouraged to present their work . The meeting
runs from 30 March - 2nd April 2009 in Harrogate, UK, with the
structural symposium on 1 and 2 April.
Information on the meeting can be found at
with details on abstract submission at
The deadline for abstracts is 23 January (submission to
n.j.stoneho...@leeds.ac.uk) but conference registration is open until
March. There are generous bursaries available for PhD students who are
members of the Society.
Dr Arwen R Pearson
RCUK Academic Research Fellow
Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology
Astbury Building
The University of Leeds
United Kingdom
(t) +44 (0)113 34 33032
(e) a.r.pear...@leeds.ac.uk