Oops - I did in fact mean a start date of March 2017! Sorry for any
Thanks to the eagle-eyed Liz Duke for spotting the typo.
best wishes
On 05/12/16 16:40, Arwen Pearson wrote:
We are seeking two exceptional postdoctoral candidates to help develop
a time-resolved endstation at the EMBL beamline P14 at PETRA III for
ns-ms time-resolved diffraction experiments that will complement the
faster experiments possible at the soon to be operational neighbouring
European XFEL. The project will encompass all aspects of a
time-resolved pump-probe X-ray diffraction experiment, including X-ray
beam delivery, pump-probe synchronisation, sample delivery, data
acquisition and processing. Candidates will be expected to work on
endstation design, construction and commissioning, as well as
supporting proof-of-principle time-resolved experiments on P14, other
beamlines, and existing ultrafast optical spectroscopy setups. The
successful candidates will become part of an interdisciplinary team
from the University of Hamburg, DESY and EMBL. UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG
We're particularly looking for candidates who have experience of the
development and integration of synchrotron instrumentation or
time-resolved laser applications, as well as implementing instrument
The deadline for applications is the 23rd December 2016 for a planned
start date in March 2018 and more details, including application
instructions, can be found here: