[ccp4bb] Caution - 120 Hz LCDs: Not CRT killers yet...

2009-01-22 Thread Warren DeLano
Stereo 3D Users: I tested out the Samsung Syncmaster 2233RZ / NVIDIA 3D Vision bundle today ($599 for a 120 Hz LCD display with one pair of glasses). Unfortunately, the 2233RZ display is clearly not yet a drop-in replacement for your stereo-3D-capable CRT: The display is very nice, and the stere

Re: [ccp4bb] cbuccanner.exam failed with libFFTW generated by Intel MKL

2009-01-22 Thread William G. Scott
Dear Nobuo: I should let the experts answer definitively, but I think this might be because the clipper-related stuff (and coot) need single-precision s[r]fftw libraries. I had to do something like this: LDFLAGS="-Wl,-dylib_file,/sw/lib/libsfftw.2.0.7.dylib:/sw/lib/ libsrfftw.2.0.7.dylib"

[ccp4bb] cbuccanner.exam failed with libFFTW generated by Intel MKL

2009-01-22 Thread Nobuo OKAZAKI
Dear all, I tried to build CCP4 6.1 with Intel Compiler & Intel Math Kernel Library(MKL) on Fedora 8. I used MKL as LAPACK and FFTW libraries. The building processes have been completed successfully, but all tests passed except cbuccaneer.exam (core dumped). Log: --- % ./cbuccaneer.exam or "make

Re: [ccp4bb] Summary: cryoloops for X-ray data collection from protein crystals at room temperature.

2009-01-22 Thread Watanabe Nobuhisa
If you will use the Nextal device, I have also modified it something like fig.2 for checking crystals in the drop at room temperature. It is not difficult to make, too. Please see, http://journals.iucr.org/j/issues/2005/02/00/he5324/he5324bdy.html However, getting the film I have used in the


2009-01-22 Thread Cyndi Salbego
BEAM TIME AVAILABLE FOR MACROMOLECULAR CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AT THE TWO ID BEAMLINES OF NE-CAT AT APS. Beamline 24ID-C: Variable energy between 6-18keV, ADSC Q315 Detector, MAD Capable. Beamline 24ID-E: Equipped with MD2 microdiffractometer, delivering beam as small as 5 microns. Single energy (12662e

Re: [ccp4bb] Summary: cryoloops for X-ray data collection from protein crystals at room temperature.

2009-01-22 Thread James Holton
Something that is missing from your list is a remarkable device pictured as figure 2 in: Perutz, M. (1985) "Early days of protein crystallography." /Methods in Enzymology/ *114* 3-18 . which i

[ccp4bb] ARP/wARP and computer platforms

2009-01-22 Thread Victor Lamzin
We are collecting information on computer platforms that people would like ARP/wARP to run on. To access the questionnaire please go to http://www.embl-hamburg.de/ARP/platinf_new.shtml Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards, Victor

Re: [ccp4bb] temperature after 30 minutes using microscopes ?

2009-01-22 Thread Sandy, DJ (James)
We have both LED and cold light sources attached to our Zeiss Stemi microscopes on the beamlines at Diamond. There was some argument about not using LED lights however the solution from Zeiss is very good allowing different sections of LEDs to be used which can be moved around. This allows crystal

Re: [ccp4bb] Summary: cryoloops for X-ray data collection from protein crystals at room temperature.

2009-01-22 Thread cedric bauvois
hello all, I would like to thank everyone for all suggestions. Summary: 1 - MiTeGen Tools - MicroRTâ„¢ Room Temperature Mounting System - crystals slipping ? (suggestion of juan: amongst other things, problem resolved by using micromesh loops instead of using standard loops) - uses polyester

[ccp4bb] SUMMARY: suggestions for UV spectrometer

2009-01-22 Thread Tim Gruene
On Dec 4th last year I asked for recommendations for a UV spectrophotometer to determine the concentration of protein/ [RD]NA samples. I received an enormous amount of answer emails, both to the board and privately and I am trying to summarise them as good as possible. We finally decided for