Dear all,

I tried to build CCP4 6.1 with Intel Compiler & Intel Math Kernel
Library(MKL) on Fedora 8. I used MKL as LAPACK and FFTW libraries. The
building processes have been completed successfully, but all tests
passed except cbuccaneer.exam (core dumped).

Log: ---
 % ./cbuccaneer.exam or "make runtest"
Cycle: 1

 C-alphas after finding:    5
 C-alphas after growing:    5
./cbuccaneer.exam: line 12: 23479 Aborted                 cbuccaneer -mtzin-ref 
$CLIBD/reference_structures/reference-1tqw.mtz -pdbin-ref 
$CLIBD/reference_structures/reference-1tqw.pdb -mtzin-wrk 
$CCP4_SCR/toxd_phase_mir_pirate1.mtz -pdbout-wrk $CCP4_SCR/toxd_phase_mir.pdb 
-colin-wrk-fo '/NATIVE/NATIVE/[FTOXD3,SIGFTOXD3]' -colin-wrk-hl 
'/*/*/[pirate.ABCD.A,pirate.ABCD.B,pirate.ABCD.C,pirate.ABCD.D]' -find -grow 
-join -link -prune
(core dumped)

In case of compiling with Intel Compiler and default fftw libraries
(bundled by CCP4), building and all test processes passed.

Building process:
 % mkdir ccp4-intel
 % cd ccp4-intel
 % tar xvf CCP4-6.1.0.src.tar   (CCP4 core source package)
 % setenv XLDFLAGS "-lmkl -liomp5 -lguide"
 % setenv COPTIM "-O -ip"
 % setenv FFTW_LIBS "-lfftw2xc_intel -lmkl -liomp5 -lguide -lpthread"
 % setenv FFTW_CXXFLAGS "-I/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/074/mkl/include/fftw"
 % ./
   (building x-windows programs - no)
   (building fftw library - no)

Any suggestions?


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