Hi, I've already reduced the file to the smallest size that shows the
figured bass bugs. The thread is here:
Also, it seems that version 2.7.18 has almost fixed the tie bug. I say
almost because there is always a rare tie wit
liang seng wrote:
The same goes with the extender line problem in the figured bass bugs.
If I type that problematic bar only, there is no problem.
You should start with a faulty example, and remove .ly code until the
bare minimum that is necessary for it to break.
I suggest that you invest a
Hi, I would like to apologize for sending such a large file. The thing is,
if I just type those particular bars alone (eg bar 43-44) with the ties, or
the example that you gave, the problem does not surface. The ties come out
The same goes with the extender line problem in the figured ba
Graham Percival wrote:
Hi, I'm using Lilypond 2.7.17 for Windows and I find that the tie bug
where the vertical position of ties are still not resolved. Here is
the file:
Thanks for the bug reports, but in the future please include an example
which is as small as possible -- ie
c''4 c'
On 22-Nov-05, at 3:19 AM, liang seng wrote:
Hi, I'm using Lilypond 2.7.17 for Windows and I find that the tie bug
where the vertical position of ties are still not resolved. Here is
the file:
Thanks for the bug reports, but in the future please include an example
which is as small as possib
Hi, I'm using Lilypond 2.7.17 for Windows and I find that the tie bug where
the vertical position of ties are still not resolved. Here is the file:
\version "2.7.17"
\header {
\relative {
\set Staff.instrument ="Violin I"
\key a \major
\time 3/4
\clef treble \override Score.RehearsalMark #'pa