I'll vote for « L'ordinateur mange les pissenlits par la racine. » (with
Etenil's correction). It's less frequently used, so it has a more
humoristic sounding.
But I'm fine with the other one « a cassé sa pipe » too.
Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug" - kilo...@nerim.net - http://kilobug.fr
On Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 12:43:12AM +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> - « L'ordinateur a cassé sa pipe. » (“Computer broke his smoking pipe”)
> - « L'ordinateur a mangé les pissenlits par la
> racine. » (“Computer ate the dandelions from the roots”)
I vote for the latter (the dandelions) because i
I personally prefer: « L'ordinateur a cassé sa pipe. »
Short and incisive and the only one I knew (I live in France but I'm
not a native speaker).
Cordialement, Best regards, Distinti saluti
Etenil, le Fri 08 Mar 2013 11:45:42 +, a écrit :
> I would rather write "l'ordinateur mange les pissenlis par la racine",
> because the idiom refers to being dead rather than the act of dying (is that
> really an action anyway?).
Ah, right.
I would rather write "l'ordinateur mange les pissenlis par la racine",
because the idiom refers to being dead rather than the act of dying (is
that really an action anyway?).
I prefer "l'ordinateur a cassé sa pipe", it's short and informative.
On 07/03/13 23:43, Samuel Thibault w
Tanguy LE CARROUR, le Fri 08 Mar 2013 08:54:58 +0100, a écrit :
> Bien que je sois un grand fan de "casser sa pipe" je voulais aussi porter a
> ton
> attention la toute aussi fameuse "passer l'arme a gauche" [1].
Je l'avais vue, oui.
> L'avantage est que cela reste dans le registre militaire [2