Hi Bubli,
Katarina Behrens wrote on 27-07-17 23:43:
> ... and every1 else who poked me privately: thanks for your support, I
> appreciate it.
We already had a short communication on the MC mailing list. And of
course execute the changes in your roles, as you requested.
> Right ... I have some
Hullo Eike, Osvaldo, Thorsten, Flo, Michael, every1 in MC, ...
... and every1 else who poked me privately: thanks for your support, I
appreciate it. The extent of it was something I didn't expect (I saw some "K
thx bye" coming, but that was about it ...)
> If there's something we, the communi
Dear Bubli,
you wrote:
> The change I would love to see in TDF and in the community around
> Libreoffice is unlikely to happen in any foreseeable future. I tried
> to change a thing here or there, but I failed and I feel burned-out
> from fighting a very lonely fight.
Thx a million for pushing
Dear Bubli,
these are very sad news indeed, and I am very sorry to hear that, both
on a professional, and even more on a personal level.
You've been around in the community ever since. I still remember how we
first met at a gathering after dinner back at openSUSE Conference in
Nuremberg. Was
Dear Katarina,
I was extremely saddened by your message and I think TDF is losing
one of the most significant and representative figures. If there is
something I can do, please feel free to contact me in private.
2017-07-25 9:50 GMT+02:00 Eike Rathke :
> Hi Bubli,
> On Sunday, 2
Hi Bubli,
On Sunday, 2017-07-23 23:57:30 +0200, Katarina Behrens wrote:
> [... burned-out ...]
Sad to hear.
If there's something we, the community, TDF and board could had done
better (I'm sure there is) or that specifically upset you I'd like to
know (in private).
GPG key 0x6A6CD5
Hi Bubli,
On 23/07/17 22:57, Katarina Behrens wrote:
> The change I would love to see in TDF and in the community around Libreoffice
> is unlikely to happen in any foreseeable future. I tried to change a thing
> here or there, but I failed and I feel burned-out from fighting a very lonely
> fig
Fellow MCMs, dear BoD,
I hereby resign from my position in Membership Committee of The Document
foundation effective immediately. If my resignation doesn't mean automatic
loss of TDF membership, I'd like that to happen separately as soon as it is
technically possible, preferably before BoD ele
Dear TDF Members,
I, Jan Holešovský, hereby resign from The Document Foundation Membership
Committee, effective immediately.
Thank you for the trust you had in me when you elected me into the
Membership committee - and thank you once again for electing me into the
Board recently; which is also th