Dear Bubli,

these are very sad news indeed, and I am very sorry to hear that, both on a professional, and even more on a personal level.

You've been around in the community ever since. I still remember how we first met at a gathering after dinner back at openSUSE Conference in Nuremberg. Wasn't that the evening where we got served those insanely large pizzas, Fridrich helped to translate with his language skills and then we all went to a party afterwards? Feels as if it was yesterday, but it was a few days after LibreOffice was launched in 2010. Back in the good old early days, when everything smelled so new. How time goes by... I probably had half the weight and twice as many hairs back then. ;-)

I am very proud to say that over all these years, you've not only been a valued contributor, but also have become a close friend.

It is burning inside me to convince you to stay, but at least for this public forum and for the moment, I will respect your wish. Let me say thank you for all you did inside the community. My sincere hope (and possibly also my sincere conviction) is that our paths will cross again in the near future, in this very project, in this very community.

TDF to me is always about people. About their dedication, their passion, their enthusiasm, their engagement. All of us working jointly on one common goal, everyone in the area they're best skilled at, and everyone as friends. Even with friends, we sometimes have hard times, but if at the end of the day we can sit together at a beer, coffee or tea and rejoice again, then everything is fine.

Having been in the community for more than 13 years now, reading that you encountered a different TDF makes me very sad. My sincere wish is we can all together work on resolving the woes and issues, and I would be very happy to see you in Rome at the conference. Friends stay friends, no matter if in official capacity or not. And we all owe it to TDF to make it a place everyone feels appreciated, respected, welcomed and happy.

All the best,

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