Hi Bubli,

On 23/07/17 22:57, Katarina Behrens wrote:
> The change I would love to see in TDF and in the community around Libreoffice 
> is unlikely to happen in any foreseeable future. I tried to change a thing 
> here or there, but I failed and I feel burned-out from fighting a very lonely 
> fight.

        That's an unexpected shock. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm deeply
curious as to the fights you're fighting that burned you out - or is it
some cumulative final-straw that breaks the camel's back type thing.

> I'm doing this because I grieve for the community I would like to be part of, 
> but can't anymore.  Sometimes values re-align and then people leave.
        Again - I'd love to persuade you to re-consider; at the least - I'd
like to get your list of things that grieve you, and list of fights so
we can process them before this is made final. Your contribution has
been appreciated and distinctive =) there is much you've offered in the
MC, code, mentoring and lots of other places that it is a significant
loss to the project.

        All the best,


michael.me...@collabora.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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