Re: Docs

2001-10-15 Thread Lisa Nyman
> > Where's a good place to find documentation in HTML of the CGI and DBI > > modules? CGI: DBI: Lisa Wolfisch Nyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> IT Warrior Princess "Life is too short to wear ugly underwear." Get the facts at htt

CGI and NAME v. ID

2001-12-03 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, The HTML4 spec reads: "Each scripting language has its own conventions for referring to HTML objects from within a script. This specification does not define a standard mechanism for referring to HTML objects. However, scripts should refer to an element according to its assigned name. Scrip

Re: why wont images in webpages created with perl show up?

2001-12-05 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, jeremy wrote: > Here is a small followup question though. After I moved the files, say, to > directory /var/www/html/files and I tried to reference them from the perl > generated html with a hard reference... > > > > it didnt work, however, if I referenced it

Re: Generating static HTML Pages

2001-12-05 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, John Griffiths wrote: > I agree, I make & update static web site pages routinely, using the > methods recommended in other posts to this thread, but rather than > flocking files I write the new copy in a 'safe' place and then make a > copy of it on the web server. This

Re: SSI errors?

2001-12-14 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Steven Vargas wrote: > I'm trying to run a Perl program in my .shtml file using this directive: > > > I know includes work, because we're using them already. And, I've already > got one CGI application running, but this is the first one using an SSI > directive. Web se

Re: Hide Source?

2001-12-21 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Thu, 20 Dec 2001, Andre` Niel Cameron wrote: > Ok people dont get this. I am making a game and I dont want them to be able > to see form fields and function calls/quer_strings so I can prevent > cheating! Well any way I have a related question, with java script I can > load a window wit

Re: Environment Variables help

2002-03-02 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Sat, 2 Mar 2002, Naika - EV1 wrote: > $user = "$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}"; > ### Not working Note that this is only set for authenticated pages. You didn't mention if your script autheticates or not. Also, you don't need to cross post to both beginners lists. It's best if you pick the m

Re: Headers

2002-03-06 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Octavian Rasnita wrote: > Why if I use: > print $q->header; > print$q->start_multipart_form; > > the result does not contain the result of the first line, but only the > line? print $q->header; prints out HTTP headers like 'Content-type: text/html' and not html code

Re: Matt Wright's formMail

2002-05-13 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, Not Matt's Scripts -lisa -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Why "Premature end of script headers"?

2002-07-15 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Octavian Rasnita wrote: > I've made a little script that takes the lines from a file, removes the > dupplicate lines and prints the result to a new file. > The problem is that after printing almost 10% from the original file into > the new file, the script dies and the o

RE: Copy and past HTML into a perl script

2001-07-13 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Thomas Jakub wrote: > what about print ""; ? > would that piece of code work? Yes, that works, but escaping characters can get very ugly on screen. Another option is the qq operator: print qq(); For long bits of HTML, I prefer the here doc method mentioned in other

Re: passing form values to another Perl script

2001-07-17 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Brett W. McCoy wrote: > The first rule of form validation is 'Do not trust the data from the > user'. > > The second rule of form validation is 'Do not trust the data from the > user'. And remember the correlary to Rules 1 and 2: All form data is from the user (not ju

Re: Dreaded Internal Server Error

2001-07-18 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, When a CGI script runs from the command line but not from the web server, a common culprit is permissions. Be sure that anything the script does, like create files, write to files, read files, execute commands, etc, are allowed for the web server user and group. Lisa Wolfisch Nyman <[EMAIL

Re: Please, please help with taint mode problems!

2001-07-29 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Bill Barrett wrote: > I really want to keep -T to keep my script completely safe, > but I simply cannot get the script to completely execute. I am driving > myself crazy because I don't want to cop out and delete the -T. > > Apparently Perl is not allowing me to modify

Re: matching on a variable

2001-07-30 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, Have you printed the variable $vars::name to be sure it contains what you think it does? Also, try the grep command: open(LINKS, "$statedir/links.dat") or die "Error at LINKS: $!\n" my @all_matches = grep (/$vars::name/, ); &print_link (@all_matches) You can use arguments to grep to get in

Re: Exec cgi

2001-07-31 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, Lotts of things could be going wrong. On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Tiago Almeida Spritzer wrote: > Anybody help me with this question? > I have two folders at the server, one with perl files and other with > html files. I need that the page index.html execute perl file, and I know > that

Re: Identifying Server Type

2001-07-31 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, To get the server, you can send a telnet request to port 80 and read the header: telnet 80 Connected to GET / HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Netscape-Enterprise/4.1 Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 18:40:20 GMT etc. Be sure you enter two blank lines after the GET request. L

Re: PERL and JavaScript

2001-07-31 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Chris Johnstone wrote: > My question is, do "professional" programmers working on large > applications using the CGI interface oftern turn to > JavaScript, or do they try to solve everything internally with PERL? As a 'professional', I turn to the tool that does the job

Re: HTML/CGIPERL/JavaScript related

2001-08-01 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Ryan Davis wrote: > The Javascript way is: > > Just try to click this > link! > > But some people turn their Javascript off, and older browsers might have > trouble. I'd be a better idea to disable the link with the CGI. You could > make the text match your link styl

Re: Newbie -- got a question

2001-08-07 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Lee Hoffner wrote: > use strict; > use CGI qw/:standard/; > my $dir = param('dir'); > > #Verify that the requested directory exists. > #I imagine I want to say something like: > if (-d $dir) { > > print < Content-Type: text/html\n\n > > > > END > @filearray =

Re: PERL Array to hash table help

2001-08-08 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, David Draley wrote: > I am writing a search script that will retrieve records from an MYSQL db. I > have used an array to store the returned records, but I am having problems > pushing the array into a hash table. So far, my search script only returns > the first rec

Re: CGI::POST_MAX use and control

2001-08-23 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, John wrote: > The current incarnation of my script blows itself out of the water if the > $user_body variable (the TEXTAREA source) is greater than 4K, for example. > This is good. > > I would like to be able to capture and control the process so that I don't > get rude

Re: securing sensitive information in CGI scripts

2001-09-04 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, One thing to do is to be sure that the db user who accesses the db from a web page has properly restricted rights within the database. For example, in mysql, you can set table and column priveledges for each user and table. Lisa Wolfisch Nyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> IT Warrior Princess "Life

Re: I'm stuck

2001-09-10 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, You need to establish your headers before you print anything. Lisa Wolfisch Nyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> IT Warrior Princess "Life is too short to wear ugly underwear." Get the facts at On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Peter Bosmans wrote: > But if i comment the 3 lines be

Re: I'm stuck

2001-09-10 Thread Lisa Nyman
will need the headers first. -lisa On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Lisa Nyman wrote too quickly: > You need to establish your headers before you print anything. > > But if i comment the 3 lines between "comment out", then this script > > will work. (i see the generated HTML-page

Re: redirection with perl

2001-09-26 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, You can do a couple of things. 1) just print a Location: header like if ($name eq 'invader') { print "Location:\n\n";; } Or, using, use the redirect function: if ($name eq 'invader') { print redirect('');

Re: error reports

2001-10-31 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, Guy Tubbs wrote: > Does anybody know if it is possible to trap errors in Perl when they occur > and then send them with a bit of info with sendmail? Sure it is. In fact, you always want to trap errors in a web app so you can die gracefully and give the user some nice

Re: Call for Top 10 reasons your form is broken

2001-11-21 Thread Lisa Nyman
Hi, If you mean top reasons why a script produces an error? 1) The script is trying to do something that the http user can't do. 2) Your script is not executable. 3) The script directory is not a recognized script directory. 4) The script doesn't produce a valid HTTP header. 5) The script tries