Have you printed the variable $vars::name to be sure it contains what you
think it does?
Also, try the grep command:
open(LINKS, "$statedir/links.dat") or die "Error at LINKS: $!\n"
my @all_matches = grep (/$vars::name/, <LINKS>);
&print_link (@all_matches)
You can use arguments to grep to get inverse lists and such.
Lisa Wolfisch Nyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> IT Warrior Princess
"Life is too short to wear ugly underwear."
Get the facts at http://quickfacts.census.gov/
On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How can I test whether a person's name (which is the variable called
> $vars::name) is in a particular file ( "links.dat")? The file is simply a
> list of names all separated by the newline character, i.e,
> open(LINKS, "$statedir/links.dat") || die "Error at LINKS: $!";
> @people = <LINKS>;
> $pattern_to_match = "$vars::name"; #$vars::name is Harry, but the code
> won't find him
> #$pattern_to_match = "Harry"; # the code will find Harry
> for (@people) {
> if ( /$pattern_to_match/) {
> print "a match ";
> } # end if
> else {
> print "no match ";
> &print_link; # print a hyperlink to the home page
> } # end else
> } #end for loop
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