
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Ryan Davis wrote:

> The Javascript way is:
> <a href="wherever.html" onClick="return false;"> Just try to click this
> link!</a>
> But some people turn their Javascript off, and older browsers might have
> trouble.  I'd be a better idea to disable the link with the CGI.  You could
> make the text match your link style, but not have it be a link...
>From a usability standpoint, this is really obnoxious.  Why frustrate your
users by presenting them with links they can't select?  Are you providing
visual clues as to what is active and what is not active?

As mentioned before, it's much better to build you pages dynamically and
just print links that are active, and supress links that are inactive.

Lisa Wolfisch Nyman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  IT Warrior Princess
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