I have a situation here with CGI.pm. Look at this code:
my @campos = qw(uno dos tres cuatro cinco)
table({-align=>'center', -width=>'800', -cellspacing=>'1',
-cellpadding=>'0', -border=>'0', bgcolor=>'#ff'},
I have a CGI program that use the Mail::Sendmail module. The
situation is that at the end of the script it send a email
notification with the Mail::Sendmail but because the
Mail::Sendmail check for the email address to see if its valid,
when the
user enter an invalid email address the modul
I am doing a CBT for my company that's run in a cd in Micro Web
from Indigo Start. this software create a mini web server in the
a CD and you can run a web site like if you have the site in a
computer server. This is the problem, the people that will use
the CD may have IE 4+ in Windows 9x, in
Here the doubt,
I have a Form with some radio and checkbox groups in it. when
the user fillout the form and then hit the Submit button a perl
program is invoke depending on how the user fill. if i want to
know all of the field names and values that have the form i do
foreach my $name (
Here the situation:
I am doing a perl program to do some exams and quiz to the
employees in my job. Supose the name of the program is exam.pl
and I want to store the hash in onother file called
hash_store.pl with a hash called "%RESPUESTAS", so I can change
the test more easy (the question an
I downloded the Merlin Desktop server that comes with Apache
Server, MySQL and indigo Perl I want to test the server to see
if the cgi-bin directory work to do my Perls works. When I run a
simple Hello Worl! script the server tells me the ocures a fatal
error. When I go to the error.log I foun
This is the doubt,
I resume the problem in the next lines...
Suppose I have 3 web pages in my web site. In each of the 3
pages I have a SSI tag at the final of each page. The SSI call a
perl program in the cgi directory thats open a .txt file for
increment a counter and then return to the pag