This is the doubt,

I resume the problem in the next lines...

Suppose I have 3 web pages in my web site. In each of the 3 
pages I have a SSI tag at the final of each page. The SSI call a 
perl program in the cgi directory thats open a .txt file for 
increment a counter and then return to the page, but not display 
the counter. Thats all right the problem is the next...the SSI 
tag is the same in the 3 pages so!, it will be call the same 
perl program in the cgi directory. At the final I will have only 
1 counter for the 3 pages and this is stupid. The solution that 
I want is that each of the pages have their own counter but not 
call from the SSI a diferent perl program from ane of each page. 
I want to call the same perl program and pass a value or 
argument about what page is the SSI calling the script. this is 
he structure:

Directory: Counter
Files in directory: index.txt, home.txt, contact.txt

each of the files will be cointain the hit of each page. So, I 
have to pass to the script the final part of the URL string like 
this: (I will make this 
regrex: /^http:\/\/*.\/(.*).html$/ to pass the page name that is 
the file name in the Counter directory and to make it index.txt 
I will do this

$file = $variable_that_pass_to_the_script.".txt"

an then I can open the file with the variable. But the main 
problem is from how to obtain the URL information. If there any 
$ENV variable thats contain the actual URL. The $ENV
{'HTTP_REFERER'} don't function because I will increment a 
referer page. If any bosy can help me I will apreciate. I want a 
program that open a file that I will pass to it with a variable, 
I don't want to call a diferent program for each of the 
page...this way sucks. Sorry with my english I am from Puerto 

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