Hello, I have a situation here with CGI.pm. Look at this code:
my @campos = qw(uno dos tres cuatro cinco) print table({-align=>'center', -width=>'800', -cellspacing=>'1', -cellpadding=>'0', -border=>'0', bgcolor=>'#ffffff'}, Tr( td(\@campos) ), @row, ); the 'td(\@campos)' will be generate five table division because I have put an reference inside it. But if I want to generate the same thing with: print table({-align=>'center', -width=>'800', -cellspacing=>'1', -cellpadding=>'0', -border=>'0', bgcolor=>'#ffffff'}, Tr( td(font{-face=>'verdana', -size=>2, -color=>'#000000'}, \@campos) ), @row, ); Perl didn't put de font tag into de table division. The only thing that I want is to print multiple tables division with the font tag inside in it. I will apreciate any help. --------------------------------------------- This message was sent using PRT Internet Web Based Mail Client. http://www.prtc.net/ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]