Hello world,
our company is planning to move to Bacula. Preliminary tests are
looking fine, but we really don't know how to deal with a few things.
As for hardware, we got a 24TB raid and access to a working tape
library with several drives.
1. Keeping configuration sane: With more than 120 serv
* Arno Lehmann :
> 27.02.2010 14:46, Stan Meier wrote:
> > 1. Keeping configuration sane: With more than 120 servers, we need to
> > find a way to keep the configuration files readable. Our servers all
> > follow some naming scheme, for example, we got "appserver01&quo
* Kevin Keane :
> > From: Stan Meier [mailto:stan.me...@billigmail.org] While you are
> > right and creating a configuration based on scripts is quite easy
> > (and has added benefits, for example that you dan define one file
> > pool per server group), we still have
* mehma sarja :
> A hunerd-n-twenty jobs makes me wince. Why not simplify...a couple of ideas
> and feel free to knock them down:
It's really not as bad as it sounds. A little Perl script parses a
text file which contains groups of servers with their respective
passwords, include/exclude lists and
Hi there,
I just noticed that (for disk backups) by
1. (director) specifying multiple "Device = " lines in the "Storage" section
is referenced by a given (single!) Pool and
2. (storage daemon) setting "Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1" per device
Bacula does perform a true parallel backup -
Hi there,
is it possible to backup a 32 bit filedaemon client using a 64bit
Cheers Stan
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Hello world,
our Problem at the moment is this: We have configured monthly full,
weekly differential and daily incremental backups. Unfortunately,
the differential and incremental backups seem to lose all information
about the higher level jobs.
Symptoms: The differential level backup, one week a