* mehma sarja <mehmasa...@gmail.com>:
> A hunerd-n-twenty jobs makes me wince. Why not simplify...a couple of ideas
> and feel free to knock them down:

It's really not as bad as it sounds. A little Perl script parses a
text file which contains groups of servers with their respective
passwords, include/exclude lists and so on and generates all client
definitions, all backup/copy jobs (and job definitions) and all
filesets on thy fly.

This way, one can focus on the servers which need special treatment.

Quickly skimming through the archives of this list (and of course, the
helpful comments from participants) made everything else quite clear.

The plan is to have the standard three pools (monthly full, weekly
differential, daily incremental), accompanied by two copy jobs (one
run daily, one run monthly to create tapes that will go to "The

Everything else is up to trial and error (and more reading, of course:
concurrency on the device level (5.0.1), TLS communication, deployment
of bacula-fd through cfengine/puppet).

I'm confident.


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