* Kevin Keane <subscript...@kkeane.com>:
> > From: Stan Meier [mailto:stan.me...@billigmail.org] While you are
> > right and creating a configuration based on scripts is quite easy
> > (and has added benefits, for example that you dan define one file
> > pool per server group), we still have to deal with 120 backup
> > jobs.
> >
> > But, since you didn't jump on that part of my question, I presume
> > there is no solution to that?
> You will always have (at least) 120 jobs, but with a script, you can
> simply autogenerate them in something like a for loop.

Thanks, Kevin. I POC'd the scripts/integration and will probably come
up with some Perl code which can parse a configuration file.

> One of the pitfalls with concurrency is that if you set up
> concurrency on the same storage device, multiple backups will end up
> on the same storage volume. That may make it later harder to recover
> the disk space. Also, restores will take longer because bacula has
> to sort through the jumble of blocks.

I'm seriously thinking about enabling data spooling for the disk

> - Schedule the copy jobs for one minute later than the backup jobs,
> and with a lower priority. Bacula will then complete all backup jobs
> and immediately work on the copy jobs. Pitfall: if the backup jobs
> overrun, the next backup jobs may get scheduled before the copy job
> ever executes.

Thank you, that sounds like a perfect fit.

> > I don't see how we can synchronize more than 120 backup jobs yet,
> > to be honest. We could run backup at 9pm and the copy job at 10am
> > to allow for a large margin of error, but that just doesn't feel
> > like a proper solution.
> Also doesn't look like a large margin of error. Depending on how big
> your backup jobs are and how well tuned your system is, 120 full
> backups may well take much more than 24 hours - and that's simply
> due to network bandwidth limitations and the like, nothing bacula
> could address.

We don't backup whole servers, there's no point. So, yes, 120 systems
may seem like a lot, but for a lot of those, it will only be /etc,
/opt, /root and perhaps the crontabs.


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