this is the first time, that I try to get Bacula running. At the moment
the system looks good, but can someone advice me - what I must do - so
that Bacula will label new tapes automatically? I tried to add volumes to
my pool, but all new volumes got an diffrent slot. e.g.: Save_0001 got
This is the notification, that I got from the Job:
Bacula: Backup Fatal Error of bocsles-fd Full
22-Apr 02:01 bocsles-dir JobId 52: Start Backup JobId 52,
22-Apr 02:01 bocsles-dir JobId 52: Using Device "LTO4"
22-Apr 02:01 bocsles-sd JobId 52: Erro
Hello Jean-Sebastien,
on monday morning I got a no disk space problem, because the daily dump of
the Bacula database appended in one file on the root-partition. After
nearly over one month the file had a size of nearly 22GB. I removed the
file so that I got my free space back. I changed the con
I hope someone could help me wirth my problem. Monday morning faild my
backup with the following log.
25-May 02:01 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Start Backup JobId 124,
25-May 02:01 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Using Device "LTO4"
25-May 02:01 bocsles
I checked the raid and the disks twice if there is any problem. Gpart
didn't found anything.
My major problem is that bacula-dir isn't starting, because I 've got he
out of memory message,
that I posted on the end of my mail.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Wolf-Elmar Rath
Hi Reiner,
I didn't change the bacula-dir.conf. Bacula is running since the last two
month with out a problem. All of sudden last monday my backup failed. I
tried then to access bacula and got that failure, after I restarted
I first checked, if the configuration was corrupted, after th