
I checked the raid and the disks twice if there is any problem. Gpart 
didn't found anything.
My major problem is that bacula-dir isn't starting, because I 've got he 
out of memory message, 
that I posted on the end of my mail.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Wolf-Elmar Rath

Ohlendorfer Strasse 40
21220 Seevetal

Telefon: 04185-77-0
Telefax: 04185-77-440
Email: elmar.r...@systemcompetence.de

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Seevetal
Geschäftsführer: Sven Hannemann, Martin Pranzner, Rigo Rothenbröker 
Handelsregister: HRB 111223, Amtsgericht Lüneburg

SystemManagement <rd...@fs.wettzell.de> 
26.05.2009 17:41
Bitte antworten an

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula didn't start anymore


the messages point to a disc problem.

I see: ERR=disk I/O error

Check your discs!


elmarr...@systemcompetence.de schrieb:
> Haloo,
> I hope someone could help me wirth my problem. Monday morning faild my 
> backup with the following log.
> 25-May 02:01 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Start Backup JobId 124, 
> Job=Nightly-Save-bocsles.2009-05-25_02.01.00.02
> 25-May 02:01 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Using Device "LTO4"
> 25-May 02:01 bocsles-sd JobId 124: Error: 25-May 02:01 bocsles-sd JobId 
> 124: Volume "LIN-TAG-22" previously written, moving to end of data.
> 25-May 02:01 bocsles-sd JobId 124: Ready to append to end of Volume 
> "LIN-TAG-22" at file=136.
> bocsles-fd JobId 124:      /dev is a different filesystem. Will not 
> descend from / into /dev
> bocsles-fd JobId 124:      /opt is a different filesystem. Will not 
> descend from / into /opt
> bocsles-fd JobId 124:      /var/lib/ntp/proc is a different filesystem. 
> Will not descend from / into /var/lib/ntp/proc
> bocsles-fd JobId 124:      /home is a different filesystem. Will not 
> descend from / into /home
> bocsles-fd JobId 124:      /var/lib/ntp/proc is a different filesystem. 
> Will not descend from /var into /var/lib/ntp/proc
> 25-May 02:54 bocsles-sd JobId 124: Job write elapsed time = 00:52:53, 
> Transfer rate = 22.19 M bytes/second
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Fatal error: Can't fill File table 
> Query failed: INSERT INTO File (FileIndex, JobId, PathId, FilenameId, 
> LStat, MD5)SELECT batch.FileIndex, batch.JobId, Path.PathId, 
> Filename.FilenameId,batch.LStat, batch.MD5 FROM batch JOIN Path ON 
> (batch.Path = Path.Path) JOIN Filename ON (batch.Name = Filename.Name): 
> ERR=disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Error: sql_update.c:178 
> sql_update.c:178 update UPDATE Job SET JobStatus='f',EndTime='2009-05-25 


> 03:15:26',PriorJobId=0 WHERE JobId=124 failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: sql_update.c:178 UPDATE Job SET 
> JobStatus='f',EndTime='2009-05-25 

> 03:15:26',PriorJobId=0 WHERE JobId=124
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Warning: Error updating job record. 
> sql_update.c:178 update UPDATE Job SET JobStatus='f',EndTime='2009-05-25 


> 03:15:26',PriorJobId=0 WHERE JobId=124 failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Fatal error: sql_get.c:289 
> sql_get.c:289 query SELECT 

> FROM Job WHERE JobId=124 failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: sql_get.c:289 SELECT 

> FROM Job WHERE JobId=124
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Warning: Error getting Job record 
> Job report: ERR=sql_get.c:289 query SELECT 

> FROM Job WHERE JobId=124 failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Fatal error: sql_get.c:672 
> sql_get.c:672 query SELECT 
> ClientId,Name,Uname,AutoPrune,FileRetention,JobRetention FROM Client 
> Client.Name='bocsles-fd' failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: sql_get.c:672 SELECT 
> ClientId,Name,Uname,AutoPrune,FileRetention,JobRetention FROM Client 
> Client.Name='bocsles-fd'
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Warning: Error getting Client record 

> for Job report: ERR=Client record not found in Catalog.
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Fatal error: sql_get.c:942 
> sql_get.c:942 query SELECT 

> FROM Media WHERE VolumeName='LIN-TAG-22' failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: sql_get.c:942 SELECT 

> FROM Media WHERE VolumeName='LIN-TAG-22'
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Warning: Error getting Media record 
> for Volume "LIN-TAG-22": ERR=Media record for Vol=LIN-TAG-22 not found 
> Catalog.
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Fatal error: sql_get.c:359 
> sql_get.c:359 query SELECT VolumeName,MAX(VolIndex) FROM JobMedia,Media 
> WHERE JobMedia.JobId=124 AND JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId GROUP BY 
> VolumeName ORDER BY 2 ASC failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: sql_get.c:359 SELECT 
> VolumeName,MAX(VolIndex) FROM JobMedia,Media WHERE JobMedia.JobId=124 
> JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId GROUP BY VolumeName ORDER BY 2 ASC
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Error: Bacula bocsles-dir 2.4.4 
> (28Dec08): 25-May-2009 03:15:26
>   Build OS:               powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu suse 10
>   JobId:                  124
>   Job:                    Nightly-Save-bocsles.2009-05-25_02.01.00.02
>   Backup Level:           Full
>   Client:                 "bocsles-fd" 
>   FileSet:                "BOC_Full_Set" 2009-03-17 02:01:00
>   Pool:                   "TagesPool" (From Job resource)
>   Storage:                "LTO4" (From Job resource)
>   Scheduled time:         25-May-2009 02:01:00
>   Start time:             25-May-2009 02:01:03
>   End time:               25-May-2009 03:15:26
>   Elapsed time:           1 hour 14 mins 23 secs
>   Priority:               10
>   FD Files Written:       805,529
>   SD Files Written:       805,529
>   FD Bytes Written:       70,287,992,114 (70.28 GB)
>   SD Bytes Written:       70,412,688,427 (70.41 GB)
>   Rate:                   15749.0 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   None
>   VSS:                    no
>   Storage Encryption:     no
>   Volume name(s): 
>   Volume Session Id:      1
>   Volume Session Time:    1243209010
>   Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    1
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:  OK
>   SD termination status:  OK
>   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Begin pruning Jobs.
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Fatal error: sql_create.c:488 
> sql_create.c:488 query SELECT ClientId,Uname FROM Client WHERE 
> Name='bocsles-fd' failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: sql_create.c:488 SELECT 
> FROM Client WHERE Name='bocsles-fd'
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Fatal error: sql_create.c:523 
> sql_create.c:523 insert INSERT INTO Client 
> (Name,Uname,AutoPrune,FileRetention,JobRetention) VALUES 
> ('bocsles-fd','',0,0,0) failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: sql_create.c:523 INSERT INTO Client 
> (Name,Uname,AutoPrune,FileRetention,JobRetention) VALUES 
> ('bocsles-fd','',0,0,0)
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Error: sql_create.c:525 Create DB 
> Client record INSERT INTO Client 
> (Name,Uname,AutoPrune,FileRetention,JobRetention) VALUES 
> ('bocsles-fd','',0,0,0) failed. ERR=disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Begin pruning Files.
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Fatal error: sql_create.c:488 
> sql_create.c:488 query SELECT ClientId,Uname FROM Client WHERE 
> Name='bocsles-fd' failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: sql_create.c:488 SELECT 
> FROM Client WHERE Name='bocsles-fd'
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Fatal error: sql_create.c:523 
> sql_create.c:523 insert INSERT INTO Client 
> (Name,Uname,AutoPrune,FileRetention,JobRetention) VALUES 
> ('bocsles-fd','',0,0,0) failed:
> disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: sql_create.c:523 INSERT INTO Client 
> (Name,Uname,AutoPrune,FileRetention,JobRetention) VALUES 
> ('bocsles-fd','',0,0,0)
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: Error: sql_create.c:525 Create DB 
> Client record INSERT INTO Client 
> (Name,Uname,AutoPrune,FileRetention,JobRetention) VALUES 
> ('bocsles-fd','',0,0,0) failed. ERR=disk I/O error
> 25-May 03:15 bocsles-dir JobId 124: End auto prune.
> After that I tried to restart bacula and get now the following problem:
> bocsles:~ # /root/bacula/bin/bacula-dir -t
> bacula-dir: dird.c:878 Could not open Catalog "MyCatalog", database 
> "bacula".
> bacula-dir: dird.c:883 sqlite.c:210 Unable to open 
> Database=/root/bacula/working/bacula.db. ERR=out of memory
> 26-May 16:54 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION
> Please correct configuration file: bacula-dir.conf
> bocsles:~ #
> I don't know why it thinks, that there is no memory left. I checked my 
> harddrives and there was more then 14GB space left. Also I didn't have 
> problems with my swap or RAM, there should be more then enough memory 
> for the backup job to run. 
> BTW: The bacula.db has a size of 2 GB, could that be a problem for 
> I hope you could help me.
> Best regards
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen
> Wolf-Elmar Rath
> Ohlendorfer Strasse 40
> 21220 Seevetal
> Telefon: 04185-77-0
> Telefax: 04185-77-440
> Email: elmar.r...@systemcompetence.de
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Seevetal
> Geschäftsführer: Sven Hannemann, Martin Pranzner, Rigo Rothenbröker 
> Handelsregister: HRB 111223, Amtsgericht Lüneburg
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> the minds behind Google Creative Lab, Visual Complexity, Processing, & 
> iPhoneDevCamp asthey present alongside digital heavyweights like 
> Group, R/GA, & Big Spaceship. http://www.creativitycat.com 
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