[Bacula-users] COMPAQ MSL5000 Series 0311

2006-10-09 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
I was wondering if anybody is using COMPAQ  MSL5000 Series  0311 Autochanger with Bacula. It is not listed among the supported autochanges on the website.Thanks,Ambex - Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT Join S

[Bacula-users] Clarification in volume creation and utilization (Help)

2006-05-02 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
I am new to Bacula and to this mailing list. I have been reading people's questions and answers for the last two days and I am encouraged by the activity of this mailing list. I hope to come an active participant! I am currently half way through reading the manaul, but I am running out of time. ENV

Re: [Bacula-users] Clarification in volume creation and utilization (Help)

2006-05-04 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
On 5/3/06, Alan Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Tue, 2 May 2006, Ambahunen Gebremariam wrote:>> Does that mean that server A backs up server B, server B backs up C, ...>>   R backs up A?>> We have Server 'A' backing up Server 'B', Server '

Re: [Bacula-users] Clarification in volume creation and utilization (Help)

2006-05-08 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
On 5/4/06, Alan Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Wed, 3 May 2006, Ambahunen Gebremariam wrote:>> If you're going to do that, why not just have a dedicated bacula server?>> I didn't design the backup system; I'm just working with I've got. I've a >

[Bacula-users] Thinking like Bacula (Help) > Volume Retaintion + Maximum Volume Job

2006-05-08 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
SYSTEM SUMMARY:Redhat 7.3, Bacula 1.32 (planning on upgrading), Backing up to a file  PROBLEM: I am afraid that we do not have full restorable backup from the day full backup expires to the next full backup, which is for 4 days.HYPOTHESIS: For all my backup jobs, Volume Retaintion is set to 10 day

[Bacula-users] ERR=Could not open file device .... No Volume name given.

2006-05-16 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
Bacula Version: 1.32d ... I am testing an upgrade to the newest version on a test environmentOS: RedHat 7.3Backing up to a file on a harddriveI tried running a Backup Job, but recieved " Warning: device is BLOCKED due to user unmount."So I tried to mount the device, but received "ERR=Could not open

Re: [Bacula-users] Question: decision how tapes are choosed from a pool

2006-05-16 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
Few days ago, I had almost the same question and Arno gave me the following volume cycle:  because job count or size limit exceeded  Append  --->  Used     ^          

[Bacula-users] Question: Mounting a file -> 16 hrs

2006-05-17 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
Hey All:I accidently unmounted a file storage that contains multiple volumes from the console and now I cannot mount it back. *mount storage=KY-file3901 open device failed: ERR=Could not open file device /u01/backup/ky. No Volume name given. When labeling a new volume, I get the same error as well.

Re: [Bacula-users] Device is BLOCKED waiting for appendable media.

2006-05-18 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
Marcin: Restart your Storage deamom, mount the device if it is a tape volume, then run your backup again from the console.AmbexOn 5/17/06, Marcin Wasilewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello Group,I wonder that You could help me with my problem.Sometimes when the tape fill at night I got a message

Re: [Bacula-users] Question: Mounting a file -> 16 hrs -> Sloved

2006-05-19 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
Martin: Thanks... I am planning on doing the upgrade within the next 30 days. Restarting the storage daemon solved the problem. AmbexOn 5/19/06, Martin Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >>>>> On Wed, 17 May 2006 11:00:27 -0500, "Ambahunen Gebremariam" <[EMAI

[Bacula-users] --enable-storage-only?

2006-06-04 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
Okey...I installed the bacula-dir, bacula-sd, and bacula-fd. Now I would like to install only the bacula-sd on a machine that will be used to store backups.  How do I configure bacula with bacula-sd only? Ambex ___ Bacula-users mailing list Bacula-users@l

Re: [Bacula-users] waiting for appendable volume

2006-06-04 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
I would label another volume and try to run the the backup job again.AmbexOn 5/28/06, RYAN M. vAN GINNEKEN < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I am getting this error from stat dir and when i do a list volumes it seem to show an append-able volume for this backup.  Please see below for my corresponding conf

Re: [Bacula-users] is mysql 5 supported

2006-06-04 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
MySQL 5.0.21 is working for me as well.AmbexOn 5/29/06, Robert W Hartzell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Robin Mordasiewicz wrote:> Is mysql 5 supported for use with bacula ?> I don't think it's supported as in "tested and guaranteed to work" bythe developers but I have been using 5.0.xx for several mo

Re: [Bacula-users] Restore Problem

2006-06-04 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
If you don't have enough space on your restoration device, some files or folders could be skipped. However, I don't have enough info to make that conclusion. Do you have the log file for your restore job? You should get an e-mail if you had Bacula set up to e-mail you too. Check your append parame

Re: [Bacula-users] Install Problem (using Source rpm)

2006-06-04 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
Try the following...asumming that you have RedHat1. rpm -Uvh 2. cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS3. vi bacula.spec Modifty the file according to your distribution4. rpm -bb bacula.spec 5. cd .. RPMS6. rpm -Uvh If you have the same error, probably installing from the source might be another option.AmbexOn

Re: [Bacula-users] --enable-storage-only?

2006-06-05 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
Thanks...I guess I have no choice but to install it all. AmbexOn 6/5/06, Ryan Novosielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:On Sun, 4 Jun 2006, Ambahunen Gebremariam wrote:> Okey...I installed the bacula-dir, bacula-sd, and bacula-fd. Now I would > like to install only the bacula-sd on a

Re: [Bacula-users] SD is blocked but volume is mounted

2006-06-05 Thread Ambahunen Gebremariam
I have the same issue. I usually cancel the job and run it again. That usually fixes it. Restarting the Storage daemon may not be a bad idea either. AmbexOn 6/5/06, Dan Langille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: How can a device have a mounted volume yet be waiting for media?Any ideas?I see this in my SD