I have the same issue. I usually cancel the job and run it again. That usually fixes it. Restarting the Storage daemon may not be a bad idea either.


On 6/5/06, Dan Langille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How can a device have a mounted volume yet be waiting for media?

Any ideas?

I see this in my SD status:

Device status:
Device "FileStorage" (/home/bacula/db) is not open or does not exist.
Device "DLT" (/dev/nsa0) is mounted with Volume="DLT7000-JNY227"
    Device is BLOCKED waiting for media.
    Total Bytes Read=64,512 Blocks Read=1 Bytes/block=64,512
    Positioned at File=0 Block=0

Strange... DLT is mounted, but the device is blocked waiting for
media.  How can that be?

The full output is:

*status storage=DLT
Connecting to Storage daemon DLT at bacula.unixathome.org:9103

polo-sd Version: 1.38.8 (14 April 2006) i386-portbld-freebsd4.11
freebsd 4.11-STABLE
Daemon started 22-May-06 16:51, 179 Jobs run since started.

Running Jobs:
Writing: Full Backup job pepper JobId=9263 Volume=""
    pool="Default" device=""DLT" (/dev/nsa0)"
    Files=9,802 Bytes=6,923,824,183 Bytes/sec=103,833
    FDReadSeqNo=191,419 in_msg=162183 out_msg=5 fd=12
Writing: Full Backup job BackupCatalog JobId=9264 Volume=""
    pool="Default" device=""DLT" (/dev/nsa0)"
    Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=14
Writing: Incremental Backup job undef JobId=9265 Volume="DLT7000-
    pool="Default" device=""DLT" (/dev/nsa0)"
    Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=4 fd=16

Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:

Terminated Jobs:
JobId  Level   Files          Bytes Status   Finished        Name
  9247  Incr        184  5,054,359,591 OK       03-Jun-06 09:19 xeon
  9248  Incr        228     47,413,066 OK       03-Jun-06 15:19
  9249  Full          1    101,716,955 OK       03-Jun-06 15:21
  9250  Full        134        952,584 OK       04-Jun-06 00:55 undef
  9251  Full     34,888  2,857,161,698 OK       04-Jun-06 01:06 xeon
  9252  Full     20,721 11,994,796,180 OK       04-Jun-06 05:44
  9253  Full      1,236    314,445,066 OK       04-Jun-06 05:45 bast
  9254  Full      3,777     60,960,440 OK       04-Jun-06 05:46 dfc
  9255  Full     63,233  2,701,906,826 OK       04-Jun-06 05:56 polo
  9256  Full          0              0 Other    04-Jun-06 06:27 ngaio

Device status:
Device "FileStorage" (/home/bacula/db) is not open or does not exist.
Device "DLT" (/dev/nsa0) is mounted with Volume="DLT7000-JNY227"
    Device is BLOCKED waiting for media.
    Total Bytes Read=64,512 Blocks Read=1 Bytes/block=64,512
    Positioned at File=0 Block=0

In Use Volume status:
DLT7000-JNY227 on device "DLT" (/dev/nsa0)

Data spooling: 0 active jobs, 0 bytes; 34 total jobs, 85,074,050 max
Attr spooling: 0 active jobs, 0 bytes; 34 total jobs, 390,519 max

Dan Langille : Software Developer looking for work
my resume: http://www.freebsddiary.org/dan_langille.php

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