On 5/3/06, Alan Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, 2 May 2006, Ambahunen Gebremariam wrote:

>> Does that mean that server A backs up server B, server B backs up C, ...
>>   R backs up A?
> We have Server 'A' backing up Server 'B', Server 'B' backing up Server 'A',
> Server 'C' backing up server 'D' and so on ...

Ew, that's hideously complicated.

If you're going to do that, why not just have a dedicated bacula server?

I didn't design the backup system; I'm just working with I've got. I've a meeting tomorrow and I will lay the issue on the table.

> Updating to version 1.38 is my next step. I will have to create a project
> plan and get it approved for that.

Now would be a good time to go to a separate machine for backups.

I'd advise increasing your retention time to something saner too.

3 months is a good starting point. Tape is cheap.

Yes, current retention period is too short. I will present that to the team tomorrow as well.



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