2023-10-14 9:15 GMT+02:00, Magnus Rosenwalt :
> Dear Suckless.org
> I have been trying to apply for a membership.
> I have read the wiki saying "You can join suckless.org e.V. by sending
> us a written letter or an email indicating that you want to become a
> member." on https://ev.suckless.org.
Il 26/09/23, Mario Vittorio Guenzi ha scritto:
> Buongiorno a tutti,
> la prendo un po larga e spiego cosa c'e' adesso per arrivare a cosa mi
> piacerebbe ci fosse.
> In azienda (piccola ~90) per gestire le ferie abbiamo un foglio excel in
> una direcctory sul samba con le giuste a
2023-07-05 17:04 GMT+02:00, Dave Blanchard :
> Actually few if any other software projects NEED to be patched to provide
> basic ass functionality, like you know, SCROLLBACK BUFFERS IN A TERMINAL.
These are not "any other software projects".
2023-05-25 7:29 GMT+02:00, Страхиња Радић :
> Perhaps the most minimal solution for keeping data would be TSV files, but
> they
> are not suitable for storing data entered from the web because of
> concurrency,
> so a "real" database would be needed.
Probably it can be duct-taped writing new ent
Il 07/01/23, Davide Prina ha scritto:
> Ho notato che esistono due eseguibili:
> mupdf e mupdf-gl
> ma il man c'è solo per il primo, non ho capito cosa fa il secondo
> di diverso rispetto al primo.
se non ricordo male mupdf ti fa diversi binari a seconda di cosa usa
sotto per il rendering, quello
Hi Michael,
2022-11-24 20:42 GMT+01:00, Michael Partridge :
> Happy Thanksgiving!
> I'm having trouble using `git --send-email` to send a patch in.
> I am trying to use this email address (mcp...@nau.edu) with the
> following settings in my global config:
> ```
> [sendemail]
> smtpencryption
Il 30/07/22, Alessandro Rubini ha scritto:
>>> farebbe comodo avere una shell, compatibile con bash, che
>>> tramite qualche carattere particolare, accetta commenti su piu` righe.
> Non sarebbe compatibile con bash. Gia` bash non e` compatibile con sh
> e non dovrebbe essere usata per gli script
Il 31/07/22, Giancarlo Martini ha scritto:
> quando edito gli script in bash (o sh che sia) uso vim e quelli che conosco
> li trovo tediosi, rispetto al C.
> L'unico che che uso è esc :inizio,fines/^/# e similare per rimuoverli. Ma
> devo decidere a priori le line e se sono non contigue devo ripete
2022-04-28 9:38 GMT+02:00, Страхиња Радић :
> In my opinion, dark mode is unnecessary and favored by mainstream
> "webdevs".
Divide et impera (light vs dark mode) is the easiest solution they
could come up for soothing the look'n'feel hell in which desktop
vendors throwed themselves into.
2022-02-09 11:28 GMT+01:00, climbTheStairs :
> Hello,
> I have used quark to host my static website for the past few months,
> and I've been amazed by how well it works.
> I want to try out the idea of keeping data processing
> and data presentation separate, described on quark's webpage:
2021-10-25 20:36 GMT+02:00, Sagar Acharya :
> Hello,
> I'm making this software called kamitkami. It's a python script which takes
> 2 inputs foo.html and bar.css and outputs a css file named bar_foo.css which
> contains only the css which applies to the particular html page . This will
> make cs
2021-09-17 13:54 GMT+02:00, Страхиња Радић :
> Exactly what Wayland's monolithic,
> opinionated concept doesn't. If a compositor crashes, the whole session
> goes
> down.
Wayland isn't monolithic, BUT is a faulty funnel. It does one thing,
does it poorly, and cuts some well-established use cases i
2021-05-02 12:37 GMT, Greg Reagle :
> I just "discovered" programming language Nim. Has anyone tried it? Any
> reviews? Looks very interesting.
> https://nim-lang.org/
I don't like the Pythonish syntax, but you can hack a quite efficient
executable in very short time, so I think that it p
2021-04-20 10:56 GMT+02:00, Laslo Hunhold :
> I'm certain the only main reason Ada wasn't picked up is because it was
> developed in the military, and the hippies in the FSF didn't like that.
Probably it's a matter of power (no GNU folks in that standard
commission) and of taste (Ada never been a
2021-04-09 18:24 GMT, Sagar Acharya :
> It doesn't need to be complex. Few things make enormous impact like choosing
> good font, size of bars, color, connecting icons with programs, good battery
> and datetime displays. A simple 1 line script can run in the background. One
> would just take few im
Il 02/04/21, Matteo Bini ha scritto:
> Buongiorno.
> Che ne pensate del nuovo polverone sorto riguardo a RMS [1]?
> Io ho deciso di firmare la lettera in suo supporto [2].
> Qualcuno ha delle opinioni che vorrebbe condividere con me in privato
> o pubblicamente sulla lista?
> Sarei molto curioso
> Qualcuno dice che è un complotto contro RMS e il SL da parte di GAFAM.
> Secondo me (e non solo secondo me) il supporto a RMS è un gran regalo a
> GAFAM (non mi stupirei se molti firmatari fossero nahh troppo
> complottista... però...) ed il modo più veloce per affossare
> definitivamente
2021-02-13 22:01 GMT, g...@suckless.org :
> commit 325fee10fa33ed360ceff2c8bc89dfec3310863b
> Author: David
> Date: Sat Feb 13 17:00:55 2021 -0500
> Added needed page to sucks
> diff --git a/suckless.org/sucks/suckless/index.md
> b/suckless.org/sucks/suckless/index.md
> new file mode 100
2021-01-28 13:41 GMT+01:00, shirenn :
> I didn't found out how to install the utf library (by looking it up, I
> found out it was a librairy for plan9), do you know how I could install
> it ? For your information, I am trying to compile it on a arch based
> distro.
It's in sbase, in the git
Il 29/10/20, Sabrewolf ha scritto:
> Ciao a tutti, su debian bullseye ho installato quiterss ma pare sia
> buggato perché mi usa un core della cpu al 100% fino a quando non lo
> termino. Non ho idea su come investigare l'origine del problema e
> soprattutto sto cercando alternative per legge
2020-06-08 11:25 GMT+02:00, pop.popaze...@gmail.com :
> This is a receiver that supports Enigma 2
> I want a netsurf browser to run on my device
> https://goldenmedia.sk/produkty/satelitne-prijimace/golden-media-spark-reloaded/
> Dual Boot : enigma2 / spark
> _
2020-05-20 15:16 GMT+02:00, Kai Hendry :
> Use the libxft-bgra package on Arch. 👍
Yeah, maybe in 2021 we will have this [1] working right and pushed to
every libXft existing.
[1] https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libxft/-/merge_requests/1
2020-05-14 12:05 GMT+02:00, g...@suckless.org :
> commit 59c4190d0ac40e0e9196d5d1e8915b7bbd9a006d
> Author: bit9tream
> Date: Thu May 14 13:04:48 2020 +0300
> fixed typo in index.md
> diff --git a/dwm.suckless.org/patches/cool_autostart/index.md
> b/dwm.suckless.org/patches/cool_autostar
Il 27/02/20, Leonardo Boselli ha scritto:
> mi trovo a dovere fare una specie di tabella dove per ogni riga ha uno o
> due parole da visualizzare.
> Dove è l'inghippo ?
> che queste due parole (che potrebbero anche essere uno solo o 3) debbono
> essere messe in un punto preciso della riga (
2020-01-25 17:12 GMT, Hadrien Lacour :
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 05:20:19AM -0500, Jesse Limerick wrote:
>> In regard to "replace webkit with something sane" from the TODO.md
>> fileincluded within surf. I'm not sure if you all are aware of this:
>> https://github.com/SteveDeFacto/zsurf
23 January 2020 12:53:24 CET, Teodoro Santoni
> wrote:
>>2020-01-22 18:26 GMT+01:00, Emanuele Petriglia
>>> Hi!
>>> I would like to learn how to create a C graphical application without
>>> using some toolkit for hobby.
2020-01-22 18:26 GMT+01:00, Emanuele Petriglia :
> Hi!
> I would like to learn how to create a C graphical application without
> using some toolkit for hobby. I know that there are two main libraries:
> Xlib and xcb. The first is old but has a lot of documentation, the
> second is newer but
2019-12-19 18:40 GMT+01:00, ACE :
> On 12/19, Teodoro Santoni wrote:
>> If all those buttons are supported on linux (e.g. xev output a button
>> code for every button clicked) I'd buy one too!
> From my experience they simulate key strokes that are "unlikely"
Hi Càg,
2019-12-19 15:43 GMT+01:00, Cág :
> Hi,
> I've recently got two different A4Tech/X7 mice with nine buttons, one
> at work and one for home. I'd like to map buttons 8 and 9 to some
> keyboard events, let it be volume changing (like
> XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume), or simple copy-pasting for s
Hi krzysztof,
2019-12-08 21:17 GMT, krzysztof :
> Hello,
> As of 2019-12-08 18:20 UTC+0, http://surfraw.alioth.debian.org/ seems down.
> Please consider updating https://packages.debian.org/stretch/surfraw or
> bringing the site up.
> Regards
> Krzysztof
I don't know why you asked he
Hi marc!
2019-11-25 21:23 GMT, Marc Chantreux :
> hello people,
> some of the things i really enjoy in zsh comes from rc
> (setopt rcquotes, the ^ expansion, the alternative syntax
> for constrol structures that are close to rc, ...) but
> both the codebase and the binary are very large.
> i'm
2019-10-03 15:22 GMT+02:00, Abdullah :
> I would write something, but something in dwm.c should be modified to give
> polybar some space.
> On 03-Oct-2019 6:09 PM, Greg Reagle wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 3, 2019, at 06:26, Abdullah wrote:
>> > I can use bash for that. But don't you think it will us
2019-10-03 10:31 GMT+02:00, Abdullah :
> Polybar isn't working with dwm. Can someone write a patch to make it work
> with
> dwm? I'm not good at C. I have made it work with ewmh patch but still I
> can't
> click on tags in polybar. They are just there. I think we have to reserver
> some
> spac
Il 25/09/19, Portobello ha scritto:
> Buon giorno Lista,
> Da un po di tempo ho questa cosa che mi gira sullo stomaco, quindi ora
> devo esplicitare in qualche modo.
> Veniamo al dunque.
> Ho uno Smartphone Samsung con Android 2.1, quindi non riesco più ad
> installare nessuna app
Il 21/08/19, Davide Prina ha scritto:
> Ciao,
> sto cercando un servizio che mi permetta di avere un numero di cellulare
> personale, senza avere il cellulare per invio/ricezione di SMS. Ho visto
> che ce ne sono alcuni online e per alcuni puoi farteli inviare anche ad
> un indirizzo email
2019-06-05 14:41 GMT+02:00, sylvain.bertr...@gmail.com
> Hi,
> After xml, json.
> Do you know of a light json parser lib? Or json seeming being very simple,
> better write a parser directly?
> I have libjq from the jq command line, but this is quite a beast and don't
> think
> it fits
2019-05-01 18:21 GMT, Adrian Grigore :
> I think it's done:
> http://adi.tilde.institute/tmp/pp.c
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 6:44 AM Adrian Grigore
> wrote:
>> Ok, refactored.
>> http://adi.tilde.institute/tmp/pp.c
>> Sorry, was experimenting before.
>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019
2019-02-02 18:15 GMT, sylvain.bertr...@gmail.com :
> Hi,
> I am looking at xml parsers.
> I am about to go expat, but I am wondering if there are some interesting
> alternatives I did miss?
> --
> Sylvain
Have you seen slcon16's silvan jegen talk[1][2]? He describes some C
xml pars
Il 10/10/18, Paolo Redaelli ha scritto:
> Il 10/10/2018 11:05, Paolo LX ha scritto:
>> Noto con dispiacere che non prendete nemmeno in considerazione il
>> problema (evidentemente non lo considerate un problema).
>> Non entro nel merito di SystemD (non ho sufficienti conoscenze, anche
>> se ho l
Dovrebbero solo emettere a che ne so un suono fortissimo che la
registrazione comprimendo poi capta coprendo gli altri eventuali
Come giustificano il costo smisurato che allora potresti andare a dire
cose confidenziali in discoteca o ad un concerto stoner metal?
L'apparecchio riesce a
2018-05-18 18:04 GMT, isabella parakiss :
> compilers considered harmful because they make the source unreadable
> On 5/18/18, Hiltjo Posthuma wrote:
>> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 05:22:43PM +0100, Martin Tournoij wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 18, 2018, at 16:46, Thuban wrote:
>>> > Does anyone has advice
2018-04-26 16:45 GMT+02:00, Rudolf Sykora :
> Hello
> I, using OpenBSD's p9p, see this
> % w='A
> B
> C'
> % echo $w
> A
> B
> C
> % for(i in $w) {echo $i; echo XXX}
> A
> B
> C
> ie, w in for is taken as just one argument instead of
> 3. What can I do with it?
> I haven'
2018-04-20 15:54 GMT+02:00, Dennis Yurichev :
> Hi all!
> Is it possible somehow to make st's cursor changing according to the current
> language?
> So it would alternate between two colors?
> Offtopic: is it possible to do the same in xterm? VIM and Emacs?
> --
> -- http://www.yurichev.
Il 16/03/18, Piviul ha scritto:
> Ciao a tutti, mi smebra di sognare... ci sarà il suo motivo ma non lo
> capisco proprio. Considerate questo script di php:
> $date = '03/30/2018';
> $iWeek = 0;
> $date = strtotime($date);
> while (date('w',$date) > $iWeek) {
> $date -= 86400;
Il 22/02/18, Alessandro Pellizzari ha scritto:
> On 22/02/2018 12:10, Teodoro Santoni wrote:
>> Parlare di sqlsrv è una presa in giro da parte di php.net, perché è
>> un'estensione windows-only.
> L'estensione sqlsrv per PHP è mantenuta da Microsoft stessa:
Parlare di sqlsrv è una presa in giro da parte di php.net, perché è
un'estensione windows-only.
Finora non ho provato a integrare wine nelle mie cose, né ho provato a
usare unixodbc (provato a mettermici tre secondi e non sono riuscito a
cavarne un ragno dal buco) e vivo coi giorni contati e
Il 17/01/18, tarqui ha scritto:
> salve, è possibile estrarre manualmente un allegato da un file email e
> salvarlo?
> spiego
> ad esempio se ho il file miamail.eml in cui compare
> --=_NextPart_000_0791_01D36511.AAF7EAE0
> Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
> name="nomefile
Parlando da avido utente di sshfs, è meglio la soluzione che ha usato
lui, cioè spararsi in stdin
di ssh lo script e farlo interpretare al py3 nella macchina stessa.
Molta ma molta meno latenza.
Il 13/12/17, Paolo Redaelli ha scritto:
> Una sola parola: sshfs
> Il 13 dicembre 2017 17:04:52 CET,
Inoltre, se invece volevi il contenuto di quanto contenuto nelle
wildcards, ti tocca usare sed o egrep, imho.
for i in /var/vmail/*/*/Maildir/INBOX/Junk
do first=$(echo $i | sed 's,/var/vmail/\(.*\)/.*/Maildir/INBOX/Junk,\1,')
second=$(echo $i | sed 's,/var/vmail/.*/\(.*\)/Maild
Il 17/11/17, Mattia Oss ha scritto:
> Scusate il pessimo titolo ma non so il nome dell'argomento e quindi
> spero di spiegarmi bene.
> In pratica da un for del tipo:
> for i in "/var/vmail/*/*/Maildir/INBOX/Junk/"; do
> è possibile inserire i valori che sostituiscono gli "*" in variabili
Il 23/10/17, Felipe Salvador ha scritto:
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 09:21:29AM +0200, Teodoro Santoni wrote:
>> Ciao,
>> Il 09/10/17, Felipe Salvador ha scritto:
>> > Buonasera lista,
>> > se invoco una shell da emacs con 'M-x shell' ba
Il 25/10/17, Felipe Salvador ha scritto:
> Buonasera lista,
> ho questa situazioni qui:
> $read DATA <<< tee$echo $DATA
> $"2017-10-25 16:32:40"
> $sqlite3 -column /var/lib/pmacct/pmacct.db 'SELECT SUM(bytes) FROM
> acct WHERE stamp_updated > "$DATA";'
> $42
2017-10-17 16:38 GMT+02:00, Giacomo Tesio :
> Out of curiosity, do anybody know why Plan9 designers chose lowercase
> variables over uppercase ones?
> At first, given the different conventions between rc and sh (eg $path is an
> array, while $PATH is a string), I supposed Plan 9 designers wa
Il 09/10/17, Felipe Salvador ha scritto:
> Buonasera lista,
> se invoco una shell da emacs con 'M-x shell' bash 'parsa' regolarmente
> bashrc. Se invece da emacs lancio un singolo comando con 'M-!' no.
> Mi ritrovo quindi (fra l'altro) senza aliases e non riesco a capire il
> perché di quest
Il 14/10/17, marco pirola ha scritto:
> Ho provato gia' prima a chownare tutto wordpress ma mi ha creato casini
> su casini. Domani provo a chownare quella cartella da te desritta e vi
> faccio sapere.
> Buon we
> Il 14/10/2017 17:46, Teodoro Santoni ha scritto:
>> C
Il 14/10/17, marco pirola ha scritto:
> Nella versione 4.8.2 non trovo tale directory. Se metto tutto sotto
> -data:www-data?
> Il 14/10/2017 15:54, maxlinux duemila ha scritto:
>> metti la directory upload con -data:www-data
>> On 14/10/2017, marco pirola wrote:
>>> Qu
Hi Laslo,
2016-12-24 10:11 GMT, Laslo Hunhold :
>> Anything else can be solved by finding your way into scraping the
>> website and building a proxy that sends you a very simplified version
>> of it at your w3m, links, lynx, dillo, mosaic or shell script.
>> It isn't easier and should be packed in
2016-12-17 17:51 GMT, Sylvain BERTRAND :
> The real pb are web coders: many of the web sites could have a noscript
> portal
> without losing significant functionalities. The web sites which _must_ have
> a
> rich GUI (hence a dynamic browser, for instance soundcloud) should provide
> an
> simp
Il 25/09/16, beppe ha scritto:
> Lo script funziona bene finche' non incontra una directory con spazi:
> $ cat tar_backup.sh
> #!/bin/bash
> data=$data$(date | cut -d ' ' -f6 | cut -c 1-4)
> data=$data$(date | cut -d ' ' -f2)
> data=$data$(date | cut -d ' ' -f3)
> echo $data
Il 25/09/16, Gollum1 ha scritto:
> Il 25 settembre 2016 17:57:04 CEST, Francesco Zanolin
> ha scritto:
>>Io lo raggiungo, anche la parte della registrazione.
>>Cordiali saluti
> Grazie... dopo il reset della Vodafone station, sono riuscito a raggiungerlo
> anch'io, m
2016-09-16 17:40 GMT, Evan Gates :
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 9:25 AM, wrote
>> Thank you Greg for writing such a fantastic pager. I could increase lines
>> however to something more than 22.
> char *lines = getenv("LINES");
> int page_size = lines ? atoi(lines) : 24;
May segfail under
2016-08-25 10:51 GMT, Kevin Michael Frick :
> Hello suckless folk,
> what do you use to communicate with the part of the world (a majority,
> unfortunately) who uses suckish formats such as .doc(x), .od[tspg] or
> whatever? If Office is bloated, LibreOffice ain't slim, and people
> keep send
2016-08-16 6:39 GMT, Britton Kerin :
> The problem is you imagine your weird factorization of an extremely
> common bit of
> terminal emulator functionality is somehow the right one. You say use
> dvtm. But
> dvtm is 4500 lines and I want nothing else from it. It's 95% redundant with
> dwm
> and
2016-08-11 17:32 GMT, Britton Kerin :
> It should be a goal because it's generally desirable and the
> alternative mentioned on the web page isn't.
I've fulfilled that desire by using tmux inside st.
2016-08-05 11:30 GMT+02:00, Christoph Lohmann <2...@r-36.net>:
> Greetings comrades.
> The systemd insanity is all over Linux. With its latests addition of
> making /etc read‐only or the DNS scandal it’s too annoying for one per‐
> son to get through the git changelog. Parazyd started
2016-05-11 12:56 GMT+02:00, Nick :
> Hi folks,
> A few nights ago my too-expensive laptop met with too-cheap wine and now
> it is a far-too-expensive brick. As it's therefore time for me to
> install a new OS on a new laptop, I was wondering what people would
> recommend. I've been using Deb
2016-05-09 8:45 GMT+02:00, Mitt Green :
> LOL that self-centric poof[1], that tells people
> what to do[2], has #gnome in one row with #geek[3].
> Don't forget to add #mentallychallenged,
> Laurent Bigotville.
In this mailing list there has been a peak in things
I don't care about, during re
2016-04-23 15:03 GMT+02:00, Marc Collin :
> Hi.
> Recently a user from suckless told me that bash sucks, but before I
> could ask why he went offline.
> I tried looking at suckless.org page about software that sucks, but
> couldn't find anything about bash.
> I can imagine why it sucks - no p
Cool! Have you considered also to send pull requests
to the site repo or the sup git repository at suckless.org?
Dng mailing list
2016-03-14 21:37 GMT+01:00, Rainer Weikusat :
> But GNOME developers presumably don't belong to a social class of people
> buying cheap stuff in brick & mortar high street shops ...
And that makes the issue quite strange: the evoluent vertical mouse
has four buttons
and a scrollwheel. All pro-gami
2016-03-06 21:33 GMT+01:00, Rainer Weikusat :
> Not at all, actually. VNC based on keeping two bitmapped displays in
> sync by sending by sending 'bitmap updates' from the remote machine to
> 'the local display'. Even in a LAN environment (disclaimer: Haven't used
> it since 2004) this is a clunky
2016-03-06 18:23 GMT+01:00, Steve Litt :
> What did they replace X11 forwarding with? (I shudder to ask)
Nothing afaik.
Some people are enabling VNC for wayland compositors though.
They are very akin technologies.
Dng mailing list
2016-03-04 12:55 GMT+01:00, Nuno Magalhães :
> Meh, i don't buy their guarantees. Rephrasing: considering they're
> focusing on sd-bus, is the borg collective maintaining D-bus? Or is it
> still "free"? What are the init-inclinations of freedesktop.org?
It seems to me, reading the main Borg Frontm
2016-03-02 15:17 GMT+01:00, Marc André Tanner :
> I want the possibility to store my most freqently used commands
> in a regular "favorites" file where they can be exexcuted from. I
> guess you could kind of hack something together with macros but that
> is not the same.
Like GNU sed's branches or
2016-03-01 17:04 GMT+01:00, Hendrik Boom :
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 02:02:13AM -0600, T.J. Duchene wrote:
>> >
>> >I think, window manager user configuration more or less rests on these
>> > tasks:
>> >a) configure some menu structure to access user programs
>> That's covered by any manager suppor
Il 24/02/16, Leonardo Boselli ha scritto:
> Considerando che si tratta di una media di 2 messggi al giorno la
> soluzione più semplice sarebbe quella di forzare l'invio di un SMS
> all'arrivo di quello specifico messggio, ma la soluzione non è accettabile
> da tutti perché non necessariamente tutti
Il 23/02/16, Leonardo Boselli ha scritto:
> Ho un servizio che più o meno occasionalemente deve mandare delle
> notifiche. la idea era di usare uno dei client per android che ricevono le
> notifiche, ho trovato anche tutte le istruzioni .
> Solo che tutti passano tramite googleapis.
> Che sappiate
Good afternoon,
2016-02-03 8:05 GMT+01:00, Edward Bartolo :
> Hi All,
> I did a google search for netman but I was presented with several
> pages of results always pointing to other similarly named commercial
> projects. Therefore, I am thinking about changing netman's name into a
> unique name
2016-01-30 18:30 GMT+01:00, fsmithred :
> I finally went into the gmail settings and set a filter there. I put "DNG"
> in the Contains text box and have it go to the inbox. Today, I see a
> message from Go Linux in my DNG folder. I think it's working.
> fsr
Tried that, mails from Go and
2016-01-27 17:11 GMT+01:00, Mitt Green :
> I am using Yahoo!Mail as well, and wonder, whether my emails
> are delivered.
Your emails are delivered into my spam folder.
Anything I try to get them anywhere else ends with your emails
delivered into my spam folder.
Same thing applies to Go Linux.
2016-01-26 19:46 GMT+01:00, Edward Bartolo :
> Hi All,
> Call me paranoid but I am noticing big companies like Microsoft making
> it very difficult to buy a computer or laptop without Windows
> installed.
> Are you experiencing the same difficulty and what do you do when you
> need to buy a new
2016-01-25 21:21 GMT+01:00, Mitt Green :
> Removes GNOME3
> Removes systemd
> Removes Xfce
> Removes 9wm
> Removes X
> Removes their package manager
> Removes make, because "I can cc everything by myself"
> Removes C++ programmes
> Removes C programmes
> "Why do I need Assembly when the
Good afternoon,
2016-01-24 13:55 GMT+01:00, Edward Bartolo :
> Is there a way to avoid this new 'cool feature'?
> Edward
At the moment a lot of the sites I visited recently ended with
sourcing a script from cookie-script.net, thus I think that writing
2016-01-23 21:44 GMT+01:00, Steve Litt :
> Suckless Tools terminals are very low footprint, but they also lack
> features necessary for certain tasks. IIRC you'd never use one for a
> login terminal, and IIRC they can't be told to run a certain script
> (like xterm -e). But they often suffice, and
Good evening,
2016-01-16 20:53 GMT+01:00, Steve Litt :
> Probably not. My fight is with systemd, not dbus or PulseAudio.
> However, the whole systemd episode has made me untrusting of anything
> promoted by Freedesktop.Org, so in an ideal world I'd have no dbus.
A friend of mine uses don't-know-w
Good evening,
2016-01-14 18:06 GMT+01:00, Adam Borowski :
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 11:52:31AM -0500, Mitt Green wrote:
>> Frankly, I don't understand, why Open Sound System
>> option is marked DEPRECATED in menuconfig.
> Have you looked what hardware does it support?
The big
2016-01-08 4:08 GMT+01:00, Greg Reagle :
> On Thu, Jan 07, 2016 at 05:22:38PM -0800, Louis Santillan wrote:
>> Do mean something like this in a makefile? Essentially adding a
>> `./$@` to end of `dwm` target:
> I tried it and it does not seem to be a solution. If dwm is up to date,
> Make
> Se il server rimane bloccato per tanto nel fare 'sta roba, potresti
> suddividere le query di scrittura in tranche da 1000 righe per
> esempio.
Aggiungo che 'sto lavoro su tabelle estratte dal db, joinate da dentro
php e poi aggiornate (20k righe valutate, qualche migliaio scritto)
teneva occu
Il 06/01/16, Leonardo Boselli ha scritto:
> Un po'ot ma penso che darà da discutere:
> ho un database (mariadb) con una tavola con tanti (circa 30) campi e circa
> 50 righe.
> Mi interessano tre colonne: EI ET e ED (numerici)
> ogni giorno, alle 3 del mattino, debbo effettuare la s
Good afternoon,
2016-01-06 10:09 GMT+01:00, k...@aspodata.se :
> More like, how can I avoid things that people with good intentions push
> on me so I have to waste my time and work to work around it...
> Avoids cups, don't give me anything than making the actual processing
> hidden and obs
2016-01-05 19:55 GMT+01:00, k...@aspodata.se :
> Teodoro Santoni:
>> It's easier to
>> * avoid hacks in the login process if your software controls
>> everything from the power button to the session;
> I don't understand you.
> Don't we already co
2016-01-05 15:26 GMT+01:00, Rainer Weikusat :
> It's certainly possible to program something like this but even the
> 'mount /usr in initramfs' Debian-text admits that there's presently
> nothing which would need this, just something 'someone' might create
> in future. Within the envisioned 'releas
2016-01-05 12:28 GMT+01:00, Karl Hammar :
> And what has "how to login" to do with "how to boot" ?
> Regards,
> /Karl Hammar
It's easier to
* avoid hacks in the login process if your software controls
everything from the power button to the session;
* get away with "your OS will die without my s
Good evening,
2016-01-04 21:43 GMT+01:00, Rainer Weikusat :
> k...@aspodata.se writes:
>> chaosesquet...@cock.li:
>>> I don't understand the desire to change it at all.
>> And neither do I.
>> Except someone talked about ssl libs.
> Someone wrote about some PAM module which would require Open
Il 01/01/16, Andrea Chelattini ha scritto:
> Secondo Bruce Perens suo successore come DPL è morto vittima di una non
> meglio specificata malattia mentale.
> http://perens.com/blog/2015/12/31/ian-murdock-dead/
Nulla di più facile, ma mi vorrei fidare del tempo e di un annuncio
Il 31/12/15, Shaggy Stardust ha scritto:
> Deve essere un coglione come me ad attirare l'attenzione sulla morte di Ian
> Murdock?
> Siamo una comunità o un ammasso di cervelli?
> Nessuna iniziativa in Italia a tal proposito? Tutti presi con le 'botte' da
> fine anno?
> E che cazzo.
2015-12-30 22:01 GMT+01:00, Franco Lanza :
> R.I.P. Ian, you are the father of devuan too.
Although renamed, Debian and Devuan carry his name. The very same name,
Debian, is a statement of love, and not the Miniluv kind of love.
He's been a prominent figure in opensource, having been also
2015-12-29 21:08 GMT+01:00, Wim :
> Hi List,
> I'm not sure this is really appropriate for this list, but here goes:
> Ian Murdock, one of Debian's founder is threatening via Twitter to commit
> suicide after being beaten by Police twice. See:
> https://twitter.com/imurdock
> The mos
Good evening,
2015-12-26 4:23 GMT+01:00, Steve Litt :
> On Sat, 26 Dec 2015 00:50:48 +0100
> Teodoro Santoni wrote:
>> Hey there,
>> 2015-12-25 18:42 GMT+01:00, Steve Litt :
>> > Anyway, if I stick in a thumb drive that contains
>> > parti
Hey there,
2015-12-25 18:42 GMT+01:00, Steve Litt :
> Anyway, if I stick in a thumb drive that contains partitions /dev/sdd1
> and /dev/sdd2, would the most convenient way for it to automount
> be /mnt/sdd1 and /mnt/sdd2, or would it be more convenient by the ID so
> it might look like /mnt/usb-Ge
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