2016-03-01 17:04 GMT+01:00, Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com>:
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 02:02:13AM -0600, T.J. Duchene wrote:
>> >
>> >I think, window manager user configuration more or less rests on these
>> > tasks:
>> >a) configure some menu structure to access user programs
>> That's covered by any manager supported by menu-xdg.
>> >b) configure a keyboard structure to access user programs
>> Most wms support keyboard macros.  It varies by manager.
>> >c) configure wallpaper and screen saver
>> xscreensaver can be used with virtually any manager.
>> >d) adjust font sizes and screen brightness
>> Have you ever tried using the xrandr command to adjust the
>> brightness of X11 display? It may help you, by giving you the
>> ability to adjust the display regardless of the manager you chose.
>> Font control is specific to whatever manager you decide to use.
>> Please  feel welcome to email me if you need more information.
> Twenty years ago X used to have a feature calles X resources, whereby
> you could load into the X server (i.e., the screen) a set or options
> keyed by a very limited kind of regular expression to  specify verious
> options like fonts, default colours, and the like?
> Whatever happened to it?

Any single gui project for X had a faster pace than X, and baked its
own theme specification without implementing Xresources. Even Tcl/Tk.
Xresources still exist though.
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