On 24 Sep 2008, at 19:27, comex wrote:
Goethe's arguments in CFJ 2165 would disagree with you.
Oh the irony.
On 24 Sep 2008, at 22:18, ais523 wrote:
On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 22:13 +0100, Elliott Hird wrote:
I transfer all my VP to ais523.
Why the VP? Trying to bribe me?
You bet.
On 25 Sep 2008, at 00:14, Benjamin Schultz wrote:
I think I have this right:
I mill 8 * 5 = 7.
I mill 8 - 8 = 0.
I harvest 5704, a Democratic proposal, for 4 points.
I harvest 5705, a Democratic proposal, for 4 points.
I mill 8 / 4 = 2. I deposit a 2 crop in the RBoA.
Benjamin Schultz
On 25 Sep 2008, at 15:15, comex wrote:
When a public document is ratified, the gamestate is modified so
that the ratified document was completely true and accurate at
the time it was published. Nevertheless, the ratification of a
public document does not invalidate, reve
On 25 Sep 2008, at 20:55, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Kerim Aydin
root's judgement generally (though not specifically) goes against
CFJ 1879 for computers in general.
I believe R2200 was created in direct response to the original
On 25 Sep 2008, at 21:34, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
No attempt has been made to change the holders of these offices since
the beginning of April, so I'm required to make nominations.
For Conductor, I nominate Murphy and root.
For Clerk of the Courts, I nominate Murphy and Goethe.
For IADoP, I no
On 25 Sep 2008, at 17:57, Kerim Aydin wrote:
Not only did e try this before, but e was specifically warned that
it was a breach of trust, the severity of it was pointed out, and the
Rules were changed as a result to amplify that this was a breach of
This was done knowingly, willingly,
On 26 Sep 2008, at 16:06, Elliott Hird wrote:
Having 1 Servant Coin, I leave I'm Still FINE (dissolving it).
f all of this fails, i need to do it without 3 objections
On 26 Sep 2008, at 17:13, Kerim Aydin wrote:
Well you did come forward a week later but I'm wondering as to your
purpose, were you exploring a bug in the self-ratification-of-identity
rule? (I can't remember what you said when you originally told us
it). It's turned into an interestin
On 26 Sep 2008, at 20:33, Taral wrote:
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Elliott Hird
I hereby apologize to Agorans (yet again) for spamming the lists
like this.
I would love to know what's changing in all these iterations...
You could read them... an
On 27 Sep 2008, at 17:45, ais523 wrote:
I submit the following proposal (AI=1, II=1, Title="The IADoP is
Append the following paragraph to rule 2138:
The portion of a public message purporting to be an IADoP's report
lists the holder of each office is self-rati
On 27 Sep 2008, at 20:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This message hereby informs the Agoran community that this email
is one that I will occasionally use to send messages to Agora, and
from this address are likely to be from me. However, I will
continue to use
On 28/09/2008, comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I submit the following proposal:
> Proposal: switch off the fountain (AI=3)
How dare you!
> {
> WHEREAS the Town Fountain is an ugly triviality of ASCII art, unlike
> the fine Map of Agora,
> and whereas the scamming spirit of the game is adequa
On 28 Sep 2008, at 22:57, Ed Murphy wrote:
[Disclaimer: HRC is still used as a placeholder for now, though tusho
has pretty much admitted to being the sole party behind
I absolutely have not.
On 28 Sep 2008, at 23:22, comex wrote:
On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Elliott Hird
Referencing Goethe's most recent thoughts, I recommend a very long
for me.
Y'know, I recommend EXILE.
Good to know.
On 28 Sep 2008, at 23:46, Ed Murphy wrote:
No, you don't.
Indeed! I was ... er... seeing if you'd pick up on that!
On 29/09/2008, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I transfer a prop from myself to tusho for attempting to build a
> spinner control for the Assessor's vote entry form. (I couldn't
> figure out how to adapt it to multiple controls per page, so ended
> up adapting a different example. But the
On 29 Sep 2008, at 02:27, Ed Murphy wrote:
I tried replacing this:
with this:
and it generated two pairs of buttons, but one pair was the wrong
and they both affected the same input control.
Ah. Oh dear. I probably should have tested multiple controls. :-)
On 29 Sep 2008, at 13:32, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
I nominate Wooble as Mad Scientist.
Yer just in it for the deputization...
On 29 Sep 2008, at 14:18, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
No, I'm just opposed to officers blatantly abusing their powers.
The power is a blatant abuse in the first place.
On 30 Sep 2008, at 14:07, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:59 AM, Elliott Hird
Also, where da mad scientist elections be at?
The nomination period hasn't ended yet.
Ah. Silly me.
On 30 Sep 2008, at 18:12, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
I challenge this message's claim that it was not published by tusho.
I am not Dvorak Herring, nor [EMAIL PROTECTED], nor Annabel.
I am Phill, previously known as tusho. That's it.
On 30 Sep 2008, at 18:35, Kerim Aydin wrote:
I thought the whole *purpose* of MMI was to set up this conceit, that
CAN and CANNOT sets the game "physics". This is supported by every
precedent I am aware of as well as words like IMPOSSIBLE. Of course I
am aware of the self-referential issue of
On 30 Sep 2008, at 19:55, ais523 wrote:
On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 14:53 -0400, comex wrote:
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Geoffrey Spear
I challenge this message's claim that it was not published by tusho.
I challenge this message's claim that it was not pubilshed
On 30 Sep 2008, at 20:47, ais523 wrote:
Actually I posted that to a-d deliberately, it was a bit too frivolous
for the Public Forum IMO. (It was partly an illusion to the
spoon-discussion memes that blow up out of nowhere in B every now and
then, such as players signing messages in s-d as from ea
On 01/10/2008, Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 6:15 PM, comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 3. bayes.py is a script whose purpose is to act on behalf of Bayes in
>> a generally autonomous way, controlled by the parties to this
>> contract.
>> 4. bayes.py CAN cause Bay
On 01/10/2008, Dvorak Herring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree to the Bayes contract if I can.
> --
> Dvorak Herring
You cannot.
On 1 Oct 2008, at 05:14, Ian Kelly wrote:
It categorizes adopted proposals as spam, rejected proposals as
non-spam, and votes against spam?
On 1 Oct 2008, at 04:16, Ed Murphy wrote:
I need to check the exact details of Goethe's and BobTHJ's sell
tickets. I have the votes as 15F / 16A without those. Will take
care of it later tonight.
Haha. It is all for naught. ais523 was trying to continue eir
long-running streak of winning onc
On 1 Oct 2008, at 04:33, Sgeo wrote:
I come off hold.
Because you had a cold.
On 1 Oct 2008, at 13:32, Bayes wrote:
Bayes votes as follows:
5732 FORx2
5733 AGAINSTx2
bayes 2008-10-01 13:10:18 +0100
IT WORKS!! The machine works!!
Although I'm kind of surprised it agreed with my titles...
Really, neither of them is a good proposal.
HOWEVER. That's irrelevant. It w
On 1 Oct 2008, at 15:10, comex wrote:
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 12:14 AM, Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It categorizes adopted proposals as spam, rejected proposals as
non-spam, and votes against spam?
The other way around. It votes FOR stuff like adopted proposals.
Oh. Yeah.
On 1 Oct 2008, at 15:50, Alexander Smith wrote:
Also, I did send the deputisation for the monster for the Assessor
to the lists; but I had to do it from a different account and it
seemed not to get through. I have proof of having sent the message,
and I'll post it to a-b along with all the header
On 1 Oct 2008, at 17:07, Alexander Smith wrote:
That isn't a miswording, I sent the message but I had to send it
from a different address, and it seems not to have arrived. H.
Distributor Taral, can you check a-o to see if something got stuck
there? Note that it's worth 8VP to you, quite p
On 1 Oct 2008, at 19:06, Bayes wrote:
I submit the following proposal, titled " the" (AI=1):
Was only meant to send once, sorry.
On 1 Oct 2008, at 19:05, Bayes wrote:
I submit the following proposal, titled "No spring ii office
and" (AI=1):
If proposal 5111 was adopted, amend rule 1871 by adding the
following information:
with this text:
the sum of the source and destination are the nominees, quorum is
On 1 Oct 2008, at 20:54, Ed Murphy wrote:
Make it a bit more grammar-specific and I'll support it for
Mad Scientist.
Heh, it wouldn't be able to do Monsterization atm, but I could
definitely write one - detecting nouns shouldn't be too hard.
On 1 Oct 2008, at 22:35, Ben Caplan wrote:
I believe it was decided that the most natural Monsterization
of "judgment" was "Monsteredict". Can you write a script to make that
kind of analysis?
Did I say it'd produce the most natural monsterization all the time?
On 1 Oct 2008, at 23:02, Bayes wrote:
I submit the following proposal, titled "Ordinary for a of
Repeal rule 2142
Modify Rule 2138, replace: c) A term explicitly defined by that
On 1 Oct 2008, at 23:09, Ian Kelly wrote:
What exactly is the goal of this? None of these proposals are
anything that we might actually consider adopting.
Bayes is a Fully Mechanical Automation of Gamular Playing, Striving
to Play in As Many Forms As Possible, Regardless of Skill Level,
On 1 Oct 2008, at 23:27, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Kerim Aydin
On Wed, 1 Oct 2008, Elliott Hird wrote:
On 1 Oct 2008, at 23:09, Ian Kelly wrote:
What exactly is the goal of this? None of these proposals are
anything that we might ac
On 1 Oct 2008, at 23:27, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Kerim Aydin
On Wed, 1 Oct 2008, Elliott Hird wrote:
On 1 Oct 2008, at 23:09, Ian Kelly wrote:
What exactly is the goal of this? None of these proposals are
anything that we might ac
On 1 Oct 2008, at 23:37, Ian Kelly wrote:
I agree to the following:
This is a public contract. This is a pledge. root CAN amend or
terminate this contract at any time by announcement. Any person CAN
act on behalf of root to cast on any Agoran decision a vote endorsing
the partnership that wa
On 02/10/2008, Ben Caplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 01 October 2008 05:01:41 pm Elliott Hird wrote:
>> On 1 Oct 2008, at 22:35, Ben Caplan wrote:
>> > I believe it was decided that the most natural Monsterization
>> > of "judgment" was &qu
We heard you the first time with your giant toppost.
On 02/10/2008, Jeff Weston (Sir Toby) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The quoted notice is invalid because it lacks information required by
> Rule 107. Specifically, the following information was not provided:
> (c) A clear indication of the
On 02/10/2008, Jeff Weston (Sir Toby) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Elliott Hird wrote:
>> We heard you the first time with your giant toppost.
> I apologize for spamming everyone with these notices, but there were
> five separate proposal distributions that I was deal
On 08/10/2008, Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Sgeo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I intend, with monstrous consent, to add this rule to the ruleset
>> {Sgeo gains the patent title Scamster. This rule repeals itself after
>> Sgeo gains the Patent Title Scamster
On 10 Oct 2008, at 20:00, Ed Murphy wrote:
The AFO joins this contract.
I assume that I can contact the AFO by contacting each of its members?
On 10 Oct 2008, at 20:37, comex wrote:
> Sorry, but this is trivially TRUE. ehird did, in fact, decide to
disclose the password to the AFO's other partners.
yah, pikhq too
On 10 Oct 2008, at 20:58, Ian Kelly wrote:
The Embassy also joins this contract.
Please specify how I can contact the Embassy, as it is not a player.
c/o you? Thanks.
On 10 Oct 2008, at 22:11, Ian Kelly wrote:
Note the proposed revision would fix this.
It is quite irrelevant now.
On 11 Oct 2008, at 20:14, Taral wrote:
Which game is that?
On 11 Oct 2008, at 21:05, Ed Murphy wrote:
H. Ambassador BobTHJ, I suggest flipping recognitions as follows:
PerlNomic -> Friendly
Normish -> Friendly
Nomic 217 -> Neutral
Civ3Democracy -> Neutral
NooPolis -> Neutral
Dragonomic-> Abandoned
I agree, but wit
On 11 Oct 2008, at 23:28, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
I call for judgement on the following statement, barring Ivan Hope:
"If Ivan Hope takes actions in the PerlNomic game which cause em to
become an active player of PerlNomic, e will become a party to the
PerlNomic Partnership contract."
Argument: e
On 11 Oct 2008, at 23:56, ihope wrote:
That is not relevant to the CFJ.
--Ivan Hope CXXVII
In your opinion.
I was merely noting that I had actually asked you this already.
On 12 Oct 2008, at 14:50, Ed Murphy wrote:
Friday, August 31, 2007
lol wut
On 13 Oct 2008, at 14:15, Benjamin Schultz wrote:
5765 O 1 1.0 Wooble
1 x FOR, 1 x AGAINST
Well, it's readable now. :P (I'm sure your mailer has a "reply"
button, though,
that'd also handle quoting for you...)
On 14 Oct 2008, at 00:04, Ian Kelly wrote:
Oops, I misread paragraph 20. Ignore me.
Even your first deposit fails - it'd be for 9 coins.
Still, welcome Comrade!
On 14 Oct 2008, at 00:24, Elliott Hird wrote:
2008-10-13 - The People's Bank of Agora is formed.
On 14 Oct 2008, at 00:38, Ian Kelly wrote:
I disagree; there's no reason that the deposit should fail just
because I misstated the exchange rate. I just deposited and withdrew
the same crop 10 times in a row for a net of 0 coins.
I don't want people to make booboos with their exchange
On 14 Oct 2008, at 05:16, Charles Reiss wrote:
I intend, with majority Comrade consent, to cause the PBA to register.
I intend, with majority Comrade consent, to cause the PBA to become
a Farmer.
Any other contracts we need it to join for the currencies we trade in?
On 14 Oct 2008, at 16:22, comex wrote:
I don't understand... where did the grudge come from? Anyway, it
clearly was not envisioned by the contract that anyone would join, so
it seems to me that equity is achieved only if Wooble leaves.
In ##nomic Wooble has admitted that it's petty spite tha
On 14 Oct 2008, at 18:49, Roger Hicks wrote:
Just curious:
Why the objections? As RBOA chit holders wouldn't this change be to
your benefit?
Why do you want your capitalist PIG HANDS on our beautiful communist
bank?! Hm??!
On 14 Oct 2008, at 20:44, Taral wrote:
You haven't been a party since the Flower Incident.
Do not talk about the Flower Incident.
Penalties have been made.
On 14 Oct 2008, at 21:26, ais523 wrote:
On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 15:24 -0500, Pavitra wrote:
I consent. I support. I vote FOR. I endorse the Monster. I act on
behalf of BobTHJ.
Didn't Quazie try that a while ago?
No but you did the same for filling tickets.
I think this is trying t
On 14 Oct 2008, at 22:05, Kerim Aydin wrote:
If a Player registers, e should take responsibilities. I vote Bayes.
Btw, if Bayes gets elected e will deregister and Seyab will pop up.
On 14 Oct 2008, at 22:41, Charles Reiss wrote:
Bayes could just resign. Wouldn't that be easier?
... Yea.
On 15/10/2008, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Oct 2008, Elliott Hird wrote:
>> On 14 Oct 2008, at 22:05, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>>> If a Player registers, e should take responsibilities. I vote Bayes.
>> Say that to
On 15 Oct 2008, at 15:13, ais523 wrote:
I join the PBA. I PBA-deposit an 8 crop. I PBA-withdraw a 4 crop.
(Yay, the PBA's first actual crop trade, as opposed to mere deposits!)
You now have a 4 crop, and the PBA has none. The PBA now has an 8
crop. You have no
All succe
On 15 Oct 2008, at 01:13, Charles Reiss wrote:
This time, hopefully with effect:
I PBA-deposit a 0 crop. I PBA-deposit a 4 crop.
All works out nicely. You have 26 coins.
On 15 Oct 2008, at 15:29, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
I join the People's Bank.
I PBA-deposit two 0 crops.
I PBA-withdraw an 8 crop.
You now have 10 coins and an 8 crop.
0 crop rate = 11, qty = 3
8 crop rate = 14, qty = 0
On 15 Oct 2008, at 15:05, ais523 wrote:
I intend, without objection, to make the IRC channel ##nomic on the
server irc://irc.freenode.net:6667 a Discussion Forum.
I proto-object. I don't think ##nomic should be tied to anything -
it's an unofficial,
non-partisian service.
On 16 Oct 2008, at 15:28, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 4:35 PM, comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Elliott Hird
Actually, you can't. With the agreement of the other members of
Bayes, I intend to caus
On 16 Oct 2008, at 07:01, Ian Kelly wrote:
There's not enough context here. The fact that RFC 2 was created via
RFC 1 demonstrates that the rules were at least somewhat amendable,
not that they are. Would the initiator please provide the text of RFC
1 and whatever rules were in effect at the t
On 16 Oct 2008, at 16:38, Ed Murphy wrote:
Wooble wrote:
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 10:40 AM, ais523 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tue 7 Oct 22:19:33 oklopol registers (disputed, since ratified).
Tue 7 Oct 23:21:15 the Monster registers (disputed, since
CoE: neither of these rat
On 16 Oct 2008, at 22:45, Pavitra wrote:
I deposit one crop each of the digits 1, 4, 8, and 9 with the PBA.
I deposit 1 2 Crop with the RBoA.
I withdraw 1 VP from the RBoA and deposit it with the PBA.
☭ Comrade Pavrita
Thanks! You have 111 coins.
On 16 Oct 2008, at 23:02, Charles Reiss wrote:
I mill 4 / 7 = X.
I mill 4 / 7 = X.
I mill 3 - 4 = X.
I RBoA-withdraw an 8 crop for 61 chits.
I mill 4 * 8 = X.
I mill 4 + 6 = X.
I PBA-deposit a 3 crop.
I PBA-deposit a 6 crop.
I RBoA-withdraw a 7 crop for 72 chits.
I RBoA-withdraw a 1 crop fo
On 17/10/2008, Dvorak Herring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am I still a member of the Bayes Contract?
> What do I need to do to leave the Bayes contract?
> --
> Dvorak Herring
Consent to your parting, I think.
On 17/10/2008, comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Elliott Hird
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> What do I need to do to leave the Bayes contract?
>> Consent to your parting, I think.
> And Wooble's.
After e leaves eir consent is unneeded.
On 16 Oct 2008, at 22:45, Pavitra wrote:
I deposit one crop each of the digits 1, 4, 8, and 9 with the PBA.
I deposit 1 2 Crop with the RBoA.
I withdraw 1 VP from the RBoA and deposit it with the PBA.
☭ Comrade Pavrita
actually you have 75 coins, sorry
On 17 Oct 2008, at 16:39, Kerim Aydin wrote:
I'm contemplating some large-scale protos and a thesis, so I have a
for all.
Who has performed an action, other than changing key, primarily for
the sake
of earning a note for the action (as opposed to performing the
action for
On 17 Oct 2008, at 18:14, Roger Hicks wrote:
Without three objections I make the above changes.
I like the part where you ripped off the PBA.
No fear. Floating rates and the beautiful power of COMMUNISM shall
overthrow you!
BEGONE, CAPITALIST PI- transfer interrupted
On 17 Oct 2008, at 18:18, Roger Hicks wrote:
On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 06:44, Geoffrey Spear
I act on behalf of the Monster to award 100 points to Wooble.
I act on behalf of the Monster to award 100 points to Taral.
This is a win announcement:
One or more players (
On 17 Oct 2008, at 18:23, Roger Hicks wrote:
What part was that? (considering this was posted before the PBA's
You stole the ideas from my mind (they've been there since a few
months back) >:(
On 17 Oct 2008, at 20:51, ais523 wrote:
I PBA-deposit a 5 crop and a Points Voucher (for ^34).
I PBA-withdraw a 6 crop and a 0 crop (spending ^27).
I mill 5/6=X and 5/6=X using my two Division Mills.
I mill 4*8=X and 4*8=X using my two Multiplication Mills.
I mill 3-4=X using my only Subtractio
On 17 Oct 2008, at 21:18, Charles Reiss wrote:
I object.
On 18 Oct 2008, at 19:42, Charles Reiss wrote:
I PBA-withdraw a 1 crop.
I RBoA-deposit a 9 crop.
I RBoA-withdraw a 1 crop.
I harvest 101, the number of a recently amended rule (for I think 9
Works out fine.
Now I'm going to write a script that does all this stuff for me. :
On 18 Oct 2008, at 22:30, Pavitra wrote:
On Tuesday 14 October 2008 01:23:02 pm Pavitra wrote:
Without three objections I intend to set the RBoA's exchange rate
of Coins to 10 chits and cause the RBoA to agree to the PBA.
Having received no objections, I do so.
I deposit 75 Coins with the R
On 19/10/2008, Pavitra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I initiate the following Bank Motion:
> {
> Join the People's Bank of Agora.
> Deposit with the PBA all assets owned by the RBoA that are instances
> of Eligible Currencies as defined by the PBA.
> }
> I approve of this motion.
> ☭ Comrade P
On 19/10/2008, ihope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't know how to vote? Don't waste your voice with PRESENT; vote LLAMA!
> I vote as follows:
>> 5794 O 1 1.0 Murphy Return of the Repeal-o-Matic
>> 5795 O 1 1.0 Murphy Stop letting the Mad Scient
On 19 Oct 2008, at 17:13, ihope wrote:
I'm afraid recordkeepors aren't allowed to ignore actions they don't
like. Sorry.
Actually, I have previously stated that it is a safeguard mechanism
for people, and I
treat "X (this gives me Y)" as not fundamentally different to "X.
This gives me Y."
The PBA itself currently has 142 coins... I think.
Is it a good idea to distribute these among the members?
I don't think so - it'd just mean that over time, everyone would get
richer and richer.
That would be silly.
However, making them be destroyed instead of transferred to the PBA
On 19 Oct 2008, at 21:03, comex wrote:
I give 1 marks to the PBA.
That's nice, but marks are not an Eligible Currency.
On 19 Oct 2008, at 21:20, comex wrote:
Proposal: Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of
Amend the contract known as the Reformed Bank of Agora by setting the
exchange rate of Coins to 0.1; furthermore, create
700,000,000,000 Coins in the possession of the Reform
On 19 Oct 2008, at 23:52, Ian Kelly wrote:
The number in circulation should be equal to the number required to
withdraw everything. If there are extra coins in circulation, the
excess are worthless. If there are insufficient coins in circulation,
then the coinholders have lost value.
On 20 Oct 2008, at 14:07, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
I do agree that the existing coins in the PBA's possession should be
destroyed, and that withdrawing assets should involve the destruction
of coins rather than transfer to the PBA.
Feel free to write a different draft, I'm amending it enough as-i
On 20 Oct 2008, at 19:32, Ian Kelly wrote:
Can somebody post the current PBA rates and holdings?
ais is kindly working them out for me.
I recommend that you change all your chits into coins soon, as I
believe the RBoA is now
effectively worthless.
On 20 Oct 2008, at 20:39, Ian Kelly wrote:
By my calculations, the RBoA has at least 813 coins and very little
else. That make coins worth more than 20 chits apiece.
I believe I have 4337 chits. I withdraw 394 coins for 4334 chits; if
I have fewer chits than 4334, then I withdraw as many coin
On 20 Oct 2008, at 21:10, Ian Kelly wrote:
There were 75 deposited by Pavitra, 75 deposited by Wooble, and 663
from the scam. What am I missing?
Thanks. I missed Pavitra's. Fixed. RBoA has 850 coins.
On 20 Oct 2008, at 21:22, warrigal wrote:
I withdraw as many coins as possible from the RBoA.
--Warrigal of Escher
I have absolutely no idea how many this is due to the recent stuff.
Anyone know?
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