On Dec 10, 2007 10:34 AM, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Within one week after an interested proposal is adopted, any player
> CAN Mill the ID number of that proposal to gain X red marks, where X
> is equal to the number of times any player has previously gained marks
> in this way on tha
Roger Hicks wrote:
>For the purposes of Milling, a date is represented as a four digit
Better to define milling a date from first principles:
A player CAN Mill a date by spending four Crops corresponding to
the tens and units digits of the month number and day of month
BobTHJ wrote:
If it is currently a holiday, any player CAN Mill the date to gain X
magenta marks, where X is equal to the number of times any player has
previously gained marks in this way on that date in the same year plus
The point of holidays is to minimize the disadvantage of players
Latest Revision:
Proto: Crops
AI: 2
Create a new rule titled "Crops" with the text:
Each type of Crop is a currency. Ownership of Crops is restricted to
players. There are ten types of
Crops, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. The Accountor is the
recordkeeper of
A player CAN spe
BobTHJ wrote:
All Crops of the same numerical value are fungible.
This is already part of the general definition of currencies.
A player CAN Mill a given number by spending a Crop of the
corresponding type for each digit in that number's canonical decimal
representation.. A player CANNOT Mil
On Dec 5, 2007 11:02 AM, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seed is a Digit Ranch switch with a
> range of the integers from 0 to 9 inclusive.
> Operator is a Grainary switch with
> values of + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication) and /
> (division).
> Labor is a
> Grainary switc
On Dec 5, 2007 11:02 AM, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Seed of a Digit Ranch
> is flipped to a random value upon its creation, and thereafter CAN NOT
> be changed.
> The Operator of a Grainary is flipped to a random value
> upon its creation, and thereafter CAN NOT be changed.
On Dec 5, 2007 4:38 PM, Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "E then forms a mathematical expression using the values of those two
> crops and the value of the Operator exactly once each, and e evaluates
> the expression modulo 10. If the result is a number, e gains one Crop
> of the correspondi
On Dec 5, 2007 11:02 AM, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When the CotC publishes a CFJ, but before that CFJ is answered, any
> player CAN Mill the ID number of that CFJ by announcement to cause any
> one Sitting player to Stand, or any one Standing player to sit.
I don't like this. Since
Revision (going with a full farming theme):
Proto: Crops
Create a new rule titled "Crops" with the text:
Each type of Crop is a currency.. Ownership of Crops is restricted to
players. There are ten types of
Crops, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. All Crops of the same
numerical value a
Ed Murphy wrote:
>Under the latest version of the proto, all types of land are the same
>price, so presumably players would just buy 0-farms and 1-farms and
>generate-2s-through-9s factories for simplicity.
But you don't get to choose which type of farm you get. It's random.
Zefram wrote:
Taral wrote:
What are you smoking, Zefram? See my message before about M and N
being arbitrary (different) digits.
Your formula will accept digits M and N and output digits 2 to 9.
Not so useful if M=3 and N=7: you have no way to get 0 and 1 digits.
The complexity in my formula
Taral wrote:
>What are you smoking, Zefram? See my message before about M and N
>being arbitrary (different) digits.
Your formula will accept digits M and N and output digits 2 to 9.
Not so useful if M=3 and N=7: you have no way to get 0 and 1 digits.
The complexity in my formula is due to the nee
On 12/2/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If M and N are not contiguous, then it's more difficult because the
> desired output range is not contiguous. Using the C-style conditional
> operator, and C syntax, how about (given M < N):
> t = 4*(X == M ? 0 : 1) + 2*(Y == M ? 0 : 1) + (
On Dec 2, 2007 6:22 PM, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Josiah Worcester wrote:
> >Clearly, we should establish a C interpreter into Agora. :p
> C is too tied to machine architecture for our purposes. Much better to
> use a programming language that has no inherent connection to machine
> ar
On Dec 2, 2007 6:22 PM, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Josiah Worcester wrote:
> >Clearly, we should establish a C interpreter into Agora. :p
> C is too tied to machine architecture for our purposes. Much better to
> use a programming language that has no inherent connection to machine
> ar
Josiah Worcester wrote:
>Clearly, we should establish a C interpreter into Agora. :p
C is too tied to machine architecture for our purposes. Much better to
use a programming language that has no inherent connection to machine
architecture at all, most likely a functional one or a nearly-functiona
> Using the C-style conditional operator, and C syntax [...]
> if using a C-style conditional operator: [...]
Clearly, we should establish a C interpreter into Agora. :p
Ed Murphy wrote:
>Trivially so; if you have M and N farms, then replace X with X-M
>and Y with Y-N.
Not quite. It's easy (I would say trivial except that people are
getting it wrong) if N = (M+1) % 10. In that case, replace X with
(X-M), Y with (Y-M), and Z with (Z-M). That gets you a machine t
I wrote:
You might want to dig through Pumpkin Patch Nomic's old rules on
letter farms: http://www.nomic.net/deadgames/pumpkinpatch/EdRules.html
Briefly, instead of Equation Factories, they had Word Machines:
1) A word machine is a list of words (in the OED) where each word
consists o
On Dec 1, 2007 2:26 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You might want to dig through Pumpkin Patch Nomic's old rules on
> letter farms: http://www.nomic.net/deadgames/pumpkinpatch/EdRules.html
Ha! I was wondering if someone would catch where I got this idea from.
On 12/1/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trivially so; if you have M and N farms, then replace X with X-M
> and Y with Y-N.
Not quite. Assuming wlog M
"Please let me know if there's any further trouble I can give you."
-- Unknown
Eris wrote:
On 12/1/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This will produce pairs of the same Digit. It might sometimes be useful
to produce two different digits, but that's probably only slightly more
complicated as well. For instance, with 0 and 1 inputs,
11 * (1 + 4X + 2Y + Z) + 1
On 12/1/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This will produce pairs of the same Digit. It might sometimes be useful
> to produce two different digits, but that's probably only slightly more
> complicated as well. For instance, with 0 and 1 inputs,
>11 * (1 + 4X + 2Y + Z) + 1
> will
Zefram wrote:
After the last time you protoed this, I came up with the optimal
expression for Expression Factories. Suppose you have two Digit Ranches,
one generating 0 digits and one generating 1 digits. An Expression
Factory with the expression
11 * (2 + 4X + 2Y + Z)
will generate
BobTHJ wrote:
Digits are a currency that is owned by Players. There are ten types of
Digits, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. All Digits of the same
numerical value are fungible. The Banker is the recordkeeper of
Omitting comments already covered by Zefram.
"Digits are classes
Roger Hicks wrote:
>Digits are a currency that is owned by Players. There are ten types of
>Digits, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. All Digits of the same
>numerical value are fungible.
You want "Each type of Digit is a currency.".
>A player may not Digit Dash a number if
Dragging this up from a proto I put forward earlier this year.
Proto: Digits
Create a new rule titled "Digits" with the text:
Digits are a currency that is owned by Players. There are ten types of
Digits, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. All Digits of the same
numerical value are fungi
Roger Hicks wrote:
> A Digit Ranch's switch MUST be flipped to any
>state by its owner upon creation. It MAY NOT be flipped thereafter
>except as specified by the rules.
Better to say that the ranch is created with its switch set a particular
way, and CANNOT be changed therea
Soliciting comments on the following:
Digits Again
AI ?
Create a new rule titled "Digits" with the text:
A Digit is an asset which is owned by a player. There are ten types of
digits, each represented by an integer in the range of 0 to 9
inclusive. Digits of the same type of fungible.
A Dig
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