Dragging this up from a proto I put forward earlier this year.

Proto: Digits
Create a new rule titled "Digits" with the text:
Digits are a currency that is owned by Players. There are ten types of
Digits, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. All Digits of the same
numerical value are fungible. The Banker is the recordkeeper of

When a player Digit Dashes a particular number, for each of the digits
in that number, that player loses a digit of the corresponding type in
eir possession. A player may not Digit Dash a number if e does not
possess the required digits to lose.

After an Ordinary Proposal is distributed, but before voting ends, any
Player MAY Digit Dash the ID number of that proposal by announcement.
This has the effect of increasing eir EVLOP on that Proposal by two.
This action may be performed multiple times by the same Player for the
same Proposal.

After a Democratic Proposal is distributed, but before voting ends,
any Player MAY Digit Dash the ID number of that proposal to gain three
marks of the color of eir choice.

When the CotC publishes a CFJ, but before that CFJ is answered, any
player MAY Digit Dash the ID number of that CFJ by announcement to
increase or decrease the Elevation of a Player by 1.

Within 4 days after a new rule is added to the ruleset, any Player MAY
Digit Dash the ID number of that rule by announcement to destroy one
land of eir choice.

A player MAY Digit Dash the number 1234567890 to increase eir VVLOP by 1.
Create a new rule titled "Land" with the text:
Land is a non-fungible asset that is owned by Players. Each land
possesses a name. The owner of a land MAY change its name by
announcement. The Banker is the recordkeeper of Land. A Player who has
never owned a land MAY gain a land of eir choice by announcement.

A Digit Ranch is a type of land. Soil is a Digit Ranch switch with a
range of the integers from 0 to 9 inclusive. The Soil of a Digit Ranch
is flipped to a random value upon its creation, and thereafter CAN NOT
be changed. Season is a Digit Ranch switch with values of Harvest and
Winter and a default of Winter. At the beginning of each week, the
Season of each Digit Ranch is set to Harvest. A player MAY flip the
Season of a Digit Ranch e owns whose Season is presently Winter to
Harvest by announcement. When e does so e gains one Digit of the type
corresponding to that Digit Ranch's Soil.

An Expression Factory is a type of land. Each Expression Factory has a
corresponding mathematical expression, which is set by its owner at
its time of creation. An Expression Factory CAN NOT be created without
a corresponding mathematical expression. The mathematical expression
of an Expression Factory MUST contain the variables X, Y, and Z. Labor
is an Expression Factory switch with the values of Idle and In
Production. At the beginning of each week, the Labor of each
Expression Factory is set to Idle. A player MAY flip the Labor of an
Expression Factory e owns whose Labor is presently Idle to In
Production, and assign three digits e owns to the variables X, Y, and
Z by announcement. E loses those digits. E then substitutes those
digits into the mathematical expression of the Expression Factory and
evaluates it. If the result is an integer of one digit, e gains one
Digit of the corresponding type, plus one Digit of the type 0 (zero).
If the result is an integer of two or more digits, e gains one Digit
of the type corresponding to the tens place of that integer, and one
Digit corresponding to the ones place of that integer. If the result
is not an integer, e gains no Digits.
Create a new rule titled "The Banker" with the text:
The Banker is an Office. It's holder is the tracker of land and
digits. The Banker's report includes the digits owned by each player;
and a list of all lands, their names, their owners, and any other
related information.
Append to R2126 in the list of ways VCs may be spent:
f) A player may spend 3 VCs of the same color to gain one Land of eir choice.
Upon adoption of this proposal, BobTHJ becomes the holder of the
office of Banker.

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