Hi ,
I have an adwords account which is inactive from past few months, but when
i try to get the Click Performance Report for that account, I get a
response with some data..I am not sure how the datas are generated..Can
anyone pls help?
API Team
>> On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:46:15 PM UTC+9, Takeshi Hagikura
>> (AdWords API Team) wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is it possible to share the request XML and the clientCustomerId?
>>> Best,
Hi Kevin,
Any update on this??? Does the Java client library support any other
authentication other than ClientLogin?
On Monday, 7 November 2011 21:04:06 UTC+5:30, Kevin Winter wrote:
> Hi Vijayraj,
> No, the Java client library does not support AuthSub (it's an older
> prot
sm. We're committing to full support of the new
> library at this time - it is no longer considered experimental and can be
> used in production code.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Thursday, April 5, 2012 3:38:50 AM UTC-4, Vijayraj Chauhan wrote:
to all accounts managed by that MCC, or you
> could authenticate to the individual client account (which naturally just
> gives you access to this account) and then you wouldn't need to link the
> account to an MCC.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On F
ividual jars you need: http://search.maven.org/#browse%7C-1058958374
> We plan to publish the jars as a download on code.google.com, but we
> don't yet have that process in place.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Monday, April 9, 2012 6:03:06 AM UTC-4, Vijayraj Cha
Winter wrote:
> Hi Vijayraj,
> I believe the {creative} parameter will return the ID of the Ad, but I
> have not used ValueTrack myself, so I recommend you test this.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:24:26 AM UTC-5, Vijayraj Ch
Hi Ewan,
{keyword} parameter gives you the exact search query typed into Google or a
word which is there in your AdGroup? From what I know, it gives the word
which the user have searched in Googlelet me know if I am wrong...
On Wednesday, 25 April 2012 19:17:58 UTC+5:30, Ewan
Hi Kevin,
I have been trying Oauth1.0a authentication from the link which you have
mentioned earlier
also extracted all the dependencies from the fi
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Monday, May 28, 2012 10:50:39 AM UTC-4, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> I have been trying Oauth1.0a authentication from the link which you have
>> mentioned earlier
>> ht
Hi Daniel,
I am using *CampaignServiceInterface *to get the list of campaigns along
with the 10 selector fields. Can you please let me know how the api units
is calculated for this request?? Does it depends on the no. of selector
fields requested or the no. of campaigns returned??
illed by the number of campaigns returned.
> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
> On Tuesday, July 3, 2012 4:42:18 PM UTC+4, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> I am using *CampaignServiceInterface *to get the list of campaigns along
> at
> com.google.api.ads.adwords.lib.factory.AdWordsServices.(AdWordsServices.java:50)
Do you have any idea about this error. Any help will be grateful.
On Thursday, 31 May 2012 19:45:11 UTC+5:30, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> I have filed an i
> using an IDE? What else is on the classpath besides these jars?
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 3:43:20 AM UTC-4, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> I have included all the dependency jars from
>> *a
> (JBoss<http://code.google.com/p/reflections/wiki/JBossIntegration>in
> particular). We're looking into this.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 3:59:49 AM UTC-4, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
> library-specific information where it belongs.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Thursday, July 26, 2012 1:53:07 AM UTC-4, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Kindly update this thread once you get any clue about this issue.
t; AdWords API Team
> On Monday, August 13, 2012 7:44:52 AM UTC-4, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> OAuth2 authentication is now working fine for javaWIth that token how
>> do I get the current users account information ??. I referred to the
Hi Anash,
In adwords account there is an option to invite other users as well. Is
there is an api to get the "Account Access Level" for the authenticated
user?? I tried using *ManagedCustomerService *and also* CustomerService *api
but none of them tells whether the logged in user has a Standard a
I am completely new to the Adwords API and I really need help. I have gone
through all the forums but i am not able to find the solution.
I want to create sandbox account for my MCC account(no billing information
provided yet).
As said in this link http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/sa
Hi Kevin,
Its great to hear that Google Adwords now support OAuth authentication.
However after going through the blog i found that there is no example given
for authentication using Java Client Library.
It will be really helpful if you provide the code example using Java.
Its sad that we were waiting for the OAuth authentication for a long time
and now when its released it does not support Java client library ...Can you
please let us know approximately when will it be released for Java.
Also fin
Hi Kevin,
I have been following adwords api blog for a while now and thus noticed
that the updated versions of all the client libraries have been
released...:) However i was unable to find any examples regarding the
authentication using OAuth for the Java Client Library.
I have the access tok
Does it supports AuthSub Authentication? If not, is there any other way
for authentication other than ClientLogin using Java?
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Hi Danial,
I have created a sandbox account using the v201101 and have five
clientEmail associated with it. I was able to use the adwords api by
passing clientEmail to the AdWordsUser. But now i have migrated to v201109
and since it does not take clientEmail as the arguement, i have to pass the
I too faced this problem while working with v201109 using Java client
library. It was working fine for v201101.
I followed the three steps as said by you and created five sandbox customer
accounts with emailIds like client_1+emailId, client_2+emailId
However the clientIds returned f
Hi Danial,
I tried this exampleI got the five sandbox login account
client_1+emailId, client_2+emailId. but their clientId were 0...dont
know why?
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Danial Klimkin <
danial.klimkin+fo...@google.com> wrote:
> Hello Vijayraj,
> You need to u
I gone through many documents and forums but was unable to find any api
which can give me the information like adwords Id, campaign Id and keyword
using the given *gclid. *Is there any such api??
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Hi Kevin,
Using GetAccountHierarchy example still gives the clientCustomerId as 0 for
all the five sandbox accounts.
While trying with the GetClientCustomerId example, I get an error as *
Here is the code from that example which I am using...
* InfoSel
I am facing the same issue in my sandbox account
@ com.google.ads.api.services.common.error.InternalApiError*.
I get this error when using *AdGroupAdServiceInterface *class.It was
working fine untill yesterday.Also tried in sandbox ac
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the link...However referring to ValueTrack I found that it is
possible only to get the keyword...Using this keyword we can find the
AdGroup in which that keyword is present, but we cannot find the ad which
was displayed to the user...Is it possible to retrieve the Ad id ...
Hi Anash,
Can you suggest any other work around to know that the client's invitation
is pending?? Something like when I call Adwords api, I get exception
informing me that USER'S INVITATION IS PENDING...
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