Hi Kevin,

I have downloaded the following jar files from maven 

I am not able to find this class in maven *
com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader...*can you let me know which jar should 
be downloaded for this class?? and also is any other jar files needed to be 

On Monday, 9 April 2012 20:41:15 UTC+5:30, Kevin Winter wrote:
> Hi Vijayraj,
>   Currently, the recommend solution is to use Maven and add the correct 
> artifactId and let Maven pull in the AdWords Library as a dependency.  The 
> examples pom.xml can be used for this: 
> http://code.google.com/p/google-api-ads-java/source/browse/examples/adwords_axis/pom.xml
> Alternatively, you can browse the maven repository to pull down the 
> individual jars you need: http://search.maven.org/#browse%7C-1058958374
> We plan to publish the jars as a download on code.google.com, but we 
> don't yet have that process in place.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Monday, April 9, 2012 6:03:06 AM UTC-4, Vijayraj Chauhan wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> The example link which you provided for OAuth 1.0a works fine. However 
>> looking at the example it seems we still have to pass the clientId even 
>> after authenticating..Just the authtoken is not enough to get the campaign 
>> info ??
>> From where can I download the jar files for the latest java client 
>> library..This link http://code.google.com/p/google-api-ads-java/ just 
>> contains the example programs....??
>> TIA,
>> Vijayraj
>> On Friday, 6 April 2012 18:15:17 UTC+5:30, Kevin Winter wrote:
>>> Hi Vijayraj,
>>>   We've published an example showing how to do OAuth 1.0a with the new 
>>> java library here: 
>>> http://code.google.com/p/google-api-ads-java/source/browse/examples/adwords_axis/src/main/java/adwords/axis/v201109/misc/OAuthExample.java
>>> It depends on how you set it up.  You can either authenticate as a user 
>>> on the MCC, which gives you access to all accounts managed by that MCC, or 
>>> you could authenticate to the individual client account (which naturally 
>>> just gives you access to this account) and then you wouldn't need to link 
>>> the account to an MCC.
>>> - Kevin Winter
>>> AdWords API Team
>>> On Friday, April 6, 2012 7:27:28 AM UTC-4, Vijayraj Chauhan wrote:
>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>> Thanks for the update.....It will be great if you can help me with code 
>>>> example for using OAuth 1.0a with Adwords....
>>>> I also wanted to know will it still require to link the customer 
>>>> account to our MCC account after migrating to OAuth authentication??
>>>> TIA,
>>>> Vijayraj
>>>> On Thursday, 5 April 2012 19:02:44 UTC+5:30, Kevin Winter wrote:
>>>>> Hi Vijayraj,
>>>>>   We just released the stable version of the new java library: 
>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/google-api-ads-java/
>>>>> This rewritten library works with maven and supports OAuth 1.0a as an 
>>>>> authentication mechanism.  We're committing to full support of the new 
>>>>> library at this time - it is no longer considered experimental and can be 
>>>>> used in production code.
>>>>> - Kevin Winter
>>>>> AdWords API Team
>>>>> On Thursday, April 5, 2012 3:38:50 AM UTC-4, Vijayraj Chauhan wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>> Any update on this??? Does the Java client library support any other 
>>>>>> authentication other than ClientLogin?
>>>>>> TIA,
>>>>>> Vijayraj
>>>>>> On Monday, 7 November 2011 21:04:06 UTC+5:30, Kevin Winter wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Vijayraj,
>>>>>>>   No, the Java client library does not support AuthSub (it's an 
>>>>>>> older protocol like ClientLogin).  Unfortunately, ClientLogin will be 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> only supported authentication until the rewritten java client library 
>>>>>>> is 
>>>>>>> ready.
>>>>>>> - Kevin Winter
>>>>>>> AdWords API Team

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