Re: Account labels in API are not correct

2018-08-29 Thread Dorian Kind
Hi, something to be aware of is that account labels are associated with a specific client manager account. The same account will appear to have different labels depending on which MCC account ID you provide for the call to the ManagedCustomerService. Just in case that might be the cause of the

Re: Account labels in API are not correct

2018-08-29 Thread Oliver
Thanks Dorian. That explains exactly what is happening. We're seeing different labels dependent on which MCC ID we use to retrieve the data. It's very confusing though why this was designed to work like this! Oliver On Wednesday, 29 August 2018 08:16:33 UTC+1, Dorian Kind wrote: > > Hi, > >

Re: Fix/Troublshooting PolicyViolationError during BatchUpload

2018-08-29 Thread 'Dannison Yao (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, To get more information about your error, I suggest you enable logging in your client library by following this guide . After enabling logging, you could rerun the service and investigat

Re: How do i add a single product id to a shopping campaign in JAVA

2018-08-29 Thread 'Peter Oliquino (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Thomas, You can review our shopping campaigns guide on how you can configure your accounts and create shopping campaigns with their corresponding bids and product partitions and set its product dimensions

adwords api session limitations

2018-08-29 Thread karthick r
Hello all, We have a batch job which calls the Google Adwords APIs to generate reports on a monthly basis. We use the adwords-lib and adwords-axis dependencies to connect to the Adwords APIs. And we create the session this way adwordsCredential = new OfflineCredentials.Builder(). forApi(O

adwords api session limitation

2018-08-29 Thread karthick r
Hello all, We have a batch job that calls the Adwords APIs (TargetingIdeaService) to generate reports on a monthly basis. We use the adwords-lib and adwords-axis dependencies to connect to the Google Adwords API. And we create the AdwordsSession this way adwordsCredential = new OfflineCredentia

Import googleads hangs in python script

2018-08-29 Thread ostkmktspendapi via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
I have a python script that makes the following call: from googleads import adwords When I run the script, it hangs on this step. I've validated with print statements that this is the case. I've run it in verbose mode and it hangs at the same point every time. I can go into python in inte

Re: How to access a campaigns targetCPA

2018-08-29 Thread shean
Hi, i have the same issue after use the code, i always get instance no attribute ' getBiddingStrategyConfiguration' i use python more_pages = True while more_pages: page = service.get(selector) # Display results if 'entries' in page: for campaign in page['entries']:

Google Ads Beta API - Display/Video Campaigns not showing up in query

2018-08-29 Thread James Robinett
Hi there, I'm trying out the new Google Ads Beta API, running a very simple query to grab a list of Campaigns: SELECT, FROM campaign WHERE campaign.status IN ("ENABLED", "PAUSED") ORDER BY The result has all the expected Search campaigns for the requeste

Re: AuthorizationError.SERVICE_ACCESS_DENIED

2018-08-29 Thread 'Milind Sankeshware (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, The MCC ID associated with the token seems to be approved for AdWords App Conversions and Remarketing API. This developer token does not have permissions to make API calls against the AdWords API, so your request might failing with SERVICE_ACCESS_DENIED. You can contact API Compliance team

Re: Unable to get client ids by AdwordsUser and unable to get AdwordsReport

2018-08-29 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Joab, Thank you for sharing the details privately. Please find my response below for the three set of logs shared: 1. For the logs specific to ManagedCustomerService, it looks like the account is not completely setup. Can you please setup the account completely and retry the API request

Campaign Audience

2018-08-29 Thread Ramanajee Kandregula
Hi, Is there anyway to get campaign audience through API call ? -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the

How do I get a general report on all companies by gender?

2018-08-29 Thread Сty Вord
Hello I do not understand how to get a report on all companies by gender?(together) (on Python) I read: Single and multiple attribution Gender Performance Report

How do I get a general report on all companies by gender?

2018-08-29 Thread Сty Вord
*Hello* *I do not understand how to get a report on all companies by gender?(together) (on Python)* *I read:* *Single and multiple attribution* ** *Gender Performance Report* *

Re: Import googleads hangs in python script

2018-08-29 Thread 'Teja Makani' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Could you please try to install the latest version of python client library ? please refer this file while installing and run ge

Re: adwords api session limitations

2018-08-29 Thread 'Teja Makani' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Karthick, Please find my responses inline: - What happens to the sessions we create ? Do they expire ? Yes, the sessions expire when the access token expires. This depends on the value set in expires_in . Please refer this section

Re: Google Ads Beta API - Display/Video Campaigns not showing up in query

2018-08-29 Thread James Robinett
Haha good timing I suppose! V0.0.3 support Display Campaigns now: I suppose Video is similarly waiting on support in a future version in that case then. On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 8:39:02 AM UTC-7, James Robinett wrote: > > H

Re: Google Ads Beta API - Display/Video Campaigns not showing up in query

2018-08-29 Thread James Robinett
Wow good timing! The just today released v0.3.0 supports Display Campaigns: I suppose Video is similarly waiting on support in a future version in that case then? On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 8:39:02 AM UTC-7, James Robinett w

CampaignBidModifierOperation not in _OPERATION_MAP

2018-08-29 Thread wtemmerman
Hi, I tried to create a call bid adjustment with the API. So after reading the Adwords API and analyze data return by Adwords API. The problem is : I create my add operation but the CampaignBidModifierService

Re: Google Ads Beta API - Display/Video Campaigns not showing up in query

2018-08-29 Thread 'Teja Makani' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello James, Yes, Google Ads API Beta v0.3.0 now supports display campaigns as well. I ran the exact query you mentioned and able to see search, display campaigns as well. Currently, video campaigns are not available via API. We

Re: Import googleads hangs in python script

2018-08-29 Thread ostkmktspendapi via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
We have 14.0.0 installed; I tried to create and execute the sample script but unfortunately it also hangs on import from googleads. On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 1:48:53 PM UTC-6, Teja Makani wrote: > > Hello, > > Could you please try to install the latest version of python c

Re: adwords api session limitations

2018-08-29 Thread karthick r
Hello Teja, Thanks for answering my questions. On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 2:06:01 AM UTC-7, karthick r wrote: > > Hello all, > We have a batch job which calls the Google Adwords APIs to generate > reports on a monthly basis. > We use the adwords-lib and adwords-axis dependencies to

Re: Campaign Audience

2018-08-29 Thread 'Peter Oliquino (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, You can try and use the CampaignCriterionService.get() to retrieve the list of CriterionUserList

Re: CampaignBidModifierOperation not in _OPERATION_MAP

2018-08-29 Thread 'Luis Xander Talag (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Wilfried, If you successfully downloaded and installed the Python client library, you should be able to see the operation as it is possible to adjust bid through the API. This being said, the possible issue here is specific to the Python client library rather than the AdWords API. I would su

Re: How do I get a general report on all companies by gender?

2018-08-29 Thread 'Dannison Yao (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Could you confirm if you wish to download reports across all your client accounts at once? If this is what you are pertaining to, you may refer to this link to know more about

Re: How to access a campaigns targetCPA

2018-08-29 Thread 'Peter Oliquino (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Your issue appears to be more related to the Python client library. Also, we currently have no sample codes or documentation that demonstrates how the field is retrieved using Python. You may try and contact the library owners via this link

Re: data about suspended accounts

2018-08-29 Thread henry
Hi AdWords API Team, Is it still a fact that we cannot check if an account is "suspended" via AdWords API? Thanks On Tuesday, November 21, 2017 at 6:25:58 PM UTC+8, Vincent Racaza (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Ted, > > Based on the link you provided, the PolicyTopicEntry >