
Could you please try to install the latest version of python client library 
<https://github.com/googleads/googleads-python-lib/releases>? please refer 
this README.md 
while installing and run get_campaigns.py 
program. If the issue persists please share the error logs/ screenshots. 
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Sai Teja, AdWords API Team.

On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 5:05:50 AM UTC-4, ostkmkt...@overstock.com 
> I have a python script that makes the following call:
>    from googleads import adwords
> When I run the script, it hangs on this step.  I've validated with print 
> statements that this is the case.  I've run it in verbose mode and it hangs 
> at the same point every time.
> I can go into python in interactive mode, and import the library 
> successfully, most of the time.  Every once in awhile this hangs as well.
> Any help or troubleshooting tips would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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