Haha good timing I suppose! V0.0.3 support Display Campaigns 
now: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/release-notes

I suppose Video is similarly waiting on support in a future version in that 
case then.

On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 8:39:02 AM UTC-7, James Robinett wrote:
> Hi there, 
> I'm trying out the new Google Ads Beta API, running a very simple query to 
> grab a list of Campaigns:
> campaign.id, 
> campaign.name
> FROM campaign
> WHERE campaign.status IN ("ENABLED", "PAUSED")
> ORDER BY campaign.id
> The result has all the expected Search campaigns for the requested 
> account, but doesn't include any Campaigns with Type = Display or Video.
> I've tried adding ad_network_type as a segment as well, but it still shows 
> the same list of Search Campaigns only. Also tried explicitly searching 
> WHERE campaign.name = "Display Campaign Name" but got no results.
> Am I missing something or is querying Display/Video campaigns not 
> supported yet?

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