As u said, After you've completed the initial sign-up for the Google Ads
API, you're issued a developer token with the test account access
level. how will i get this developer token , i haven't got one yet,
please tell me which is the MCC account . i have these two account ids i.e
Kindly note that you can check the user interface of the Google Ads for current
bid adjustment types and their bid modifier ranges. The API behaves the same
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vG4R9:ref"
Google Ads API Team
By reviewing your query, I understand that your concern is regarding Broad
match keywords. I recommend you to check this documentation about
KeywordMatchType which shows possible keyword match types. You can check the
sample code that demonstrates how to create a shared list of negative bro
Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.
The content API for shopping related issues is out of scope for the Google Ads
API team. I would recommend that you reach out to the Content API for Shopping
support team by filling out this form.
Please note that our team can
Dear Google Ads Team,
I hope this message finds you well.
I am currently encountering an issue with the Content API, specifically
related to accessing supplementary feed details. Despite adhering to the
documentation and reviewing my implementation, I am unable to retrieve the
necessary info
As of V17 of the API you can set the field keyword_match_type to "BROAD"
when creating or updating a campaign:
If set, this value will be visible when retrieving the campaign via the
reporting API:
I encounter an error whenever I attempt to create an ad group criterion
that includes either Language or Location parameters.
You can find the detailed logs here:
Method Name:
Can we have an update info?
On Monday, September 16, 2024 at 8:15:47 PM UTC+7 wrote:
> Hi,
> How to get/set Broad Match Keyword options in the campaign via Google Ads
> API? In particular, the value ON/OFF of that setting.
> I attached the screenshot.
> Thank
Did you check this issue?
On Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 4:55:59 PM UTC+7 wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the info. Now we can get the list of *location asset sets* via
> the table *campaign_asset_set*.
> However, when we get* location assets* inside those *asset set