to query, if you want to
query all nodes replace the $1 with a % (procent sign).
regards Walter Ridderhof.
The information in this electronic mail message is private and
confidential, and only intended for the addres
are you sure the new client was properly installed, I can recall one time where
a SUN client had to be updated but the current SUN client had to be removed
before the new client install could take place.
regards Walter Ridderhof
ected to a TSM
resource problem, be it disk or tape, you should find the answer to your problem
in the server activity log.
regards Walter Ridderhof.
The information in this electronic mail message is private and
e time. And for sure get that % db cache hit
up to 98.
regards Walter Ridderhof.
The information in this electronic mail message is private and
confidential, and only intended for the addressee. Should you
receive thi
m was solved. We're still
having diffilculties installing these clients on clusters where we get the
dreaded Windows Installer error 1631, the suggested workaround did not work but
the NT gurus are still working on it.
regards Walter
..\server\dsmserv loaddb devcl=file vol=dumpdb.vol
time /t >>d:\apps\tsm\server1\dsmdump.log
date /t >>d:\apps\tsm\server1\dsmdump.log
echo * audit the db as consistency check >>d:\apps\tsm\server1\dsmdump.log
we also experienced dying TSM
schedule services. V4.1.2.17 did not resolve this, V4.1.2.19 did.
regards Walter Ridderhof.
The information in this electronic mail message is private and
confidential, and only intended for
I'm not going to guess how long it will take to restore multiple
gigabytes of copy pool data
We have a PMR open with Tivoli but they haven't a clue as to why the
virtual volume restores are so slow.
Anybody seen this behaviour or know about it ?
will rap around at 999) with
contents similar to this:
Event time: 11/11 12:00:00
Severity : error, TSM function: server
Event type: server, message origin: TSMSRVX, message owner: TSMSRVX
ANR2121 the message..
For those *SM's interested in NT userexit sample code and a working
DLL, please mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll reply
with the userexit package.
regards Walter Ridderhof
The info
The following used to work on Novell 4.x servers but went defunct in
Novell 5:
load dsmc query backup dir (CLIB_OPT)/>SYS:ADSM/ADSM.OUT
regards Walter Ridderhof.
__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Redirecting out
id of the messages.
regards Walter Ridderhof
__ Reply Separator _
Subject: IO error ANR8311E with 3570 drive on AIX TSM411
Author: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at INET-1
Date:11/16/00 7:07 PM
SM fc support was to remove the
tivoli.tsm.devices.rte fileset (thru smit) then install the
tivoli.tsm.devices.fcprte fileset after which I applied the
regards Walter Ridderhof.
__ Reply Sepa
possible alternative, just uninstall the ..devices.rte and
then try to selectively install the ...devices.fcprte. If this
doesn't work then install ...devices.fcprte followed by the
devices.fcprte patch.
regards Walter Ridd
I know there's a lot of work being done on connecting 3575 ATL's thru an
IBM SAN Data Gateway so there's a good chance someone else (besides me)
has had the following connection problem:
After connecting the 3575L12 to the SAN Data Gateway all scsi d
ue on the source server has no effect on the restores.
regards Walter Ridderhof
The information in this electronic mail message is private and
confidential, and only intended for the addressee. Should you
py volumes).
The problem tapes were replaced and till date (4 months later) no
tape errors.
regards Walter Ridderhof.
__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: Expiring Media Tapes
Author: "ADSM: Dist Stor M
AN is
in anyway used.
Oracle support is looking into it but have no answer as of yet.
Anybody got a clue as to why the control files are getting corrupted ?
regards Walter Ridderhof.
The information in this electronic mail me
ol, and for the WAN(ners) if
possible set client compression on, this helps reducing the amount of client
data pushed thru the WAN.
regards Walter Ridderhof
The information in this electronic mail message is private a
timeout setting (1200).
We're running Exchange 5.5 on NT4 SP6a using TSM API 4.1.1. and Exchange TDP
client V1.1.1.01.
The problem has been reported to Tivoli, I'm waiting for a reply, if anything
usefull comes by I'll pass it al
Fellow TSM'rs,
What level of TDP for SAP should I install on a system that runs SAP V4.6
and TSM Server 3.1.2 latest update?
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Sincere salutations,
Kind Regards,
Mit freundlichen gruessen
Michel Engels
TSM Administrator
* AXA Royale Belge
25, bd du souverain
put would break anywhere between 10mb and
300mb but a get of the same file from the TSM server would always succeed.
After replacing the ethernet cards everything was back to normal.
regards Walter Ridderhof.
The info
I've even got customers using
this method to clone NT server systems.
regards Walter Ridderhof.
The information in this electronic mail message is private and
confidential, and only intended for the addressee.
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