Re: TSM 5.3.2

2006-09-29 Thread Matthew Warren
pool, then ejecting those / that tape/s and sending them offsite. This is a simple overview of the process, I recommend you read up on the subject and apply to your environment, as depending on your setup management of the volumes may differ. Matthew Warren.

Re: update server roles

2006-10-06 Thread Matthew Warren
I could be missing something, but I cant off the top of my head understand(remember?) why TSM1 is communicating to TSM2 to update a storage agent/server definition at all? Even though TSM1 is a library client to TSM2, I don’t think TSM2 needs to know anything about the storage agent defined to

Re: update server roles

2006-10-06 Thread Matthew Warren
And understand better how the > communication is going from TSM1 to TSM2. I know we have a > rather unique setup. > > best regards, > Kurt > > > > > > Van: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager namens Matthew Warren > Verzonden: vr 6/10/2006 15:18 > Aan: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU &

Re: update server roles

2006-10-06 Thread Matthew Warren
nication is going from TSM1 to TSM2. I know we have a > rather unique setup. > > best regards, > Kurt > > > > > > Van: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager namens Matthew Warren > Verzonden: vr 6/10/2006 15:18 > Aan: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Onderwerp: Re: [ADSM-L] update server

Re: update server roles

2006-10-09 Thread Matthew Warren
backup of TSM1 is sent to the library LIB2 of > TSM2 by means of the library client (TSM1) and manager (TSM2). > > best regards, > Kurt > > > > > Van: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager namens Matthew Warren > Verzonden: vr 6/10/200

Re: Dsmc output on AIX sometimes contains a crlf

2006-10-16 Thread Matthew Warren
Hi, Oddly, the two lines of output you showed look exactly the same in my email client. But, I would approach the problem with a workaround, and pre-process the log output to remove spurious crlf's before processing it further. If you repost an example of the broken lines, I could most likely he

Re: Question about LanFreeBackup

2006-10-18 Thread Matthew Warren
I wouldn't simply use the figure from the tuning guide. The buffpool size is useful in increasing performance through upping the database cache hit %, which should ideally be over 98%. Matt. > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manage

Re: Multiple schedules in schedlog

2006-10-18 Thread Matthew Warren
Can this situation be avoided by using the CAD? Matt. > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of Prather, Wanda > Sent: 18 October 2006 15:07 > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Multiple schedules in schedlog > > No. > Th

Re: Backup window ?

2006-10-19 Thread Matthew Warren
The backup window can be extended using the dur and duru parameters of an 'update schedule' command; use 'help update schedule' for detailed information on the parameters. I'm not sure if you will have problems making the window >24 hours if the schedule is expected to run once every 24 hours thou

Re: good books on queries

2006-10-20 Thread Matthew Warren
Hi Avy, Have a look at the SELECT statement, and find out about the available TSM database tables for query. There are lots of useful select statements to search for in this list. Matt. > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of Avy W

Re: TSM DB occupied space

2006-10-25 Thread Matthew Warren
Generally node B would take up more space, although a straight linear comparison cannot be made as file aggregation will skew the result. File aggregation is controlled via the TXNGROUPMAX and TXNBYTELIMIT parameters, TXNGROUPMAX can be set as a serverwide value, or overridden for particular clien

matching dsmc process to TSM sessions

2006-10-30 Thread Matthew Warren
The other posted topic 'Sessions in Actlog' nudged me into remembering a question I've wondered about in the past; Is there any way, for a backup launched via 'dsmc i' on the unix command line, to tie the process ID of dsmc to the session on TSM that is receiving data? For curosities sake, I woul

Re: Space occupied by a object

2006-10-30 Thread Matthew Warren
You can see the file size of an object by querying the contents table, although for files in aggregates only the size of the aggregate is given. For TDP exchange files, I imagine they would be to large to be aggregated. Matt. > -Original Message- > From: AD

Re: Space occupied by a object

2006-10-30 Thread Matthew Warren addition to my previous mail, as you are using TDP and it most likely is generating filenames on the fly you most likely need to query the archives table to find the names TDP Exchange has given it's archive objects in TSM. Matt. > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Re: Restarting a scheduler in HP-UX

2006-10-31 Thread Matthew Warren
You can start he scheduler from the unix shell as; nohup dsmc schedule > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & Matt. > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of Gopinathan, Srinath > Sent: 30 October 2006 16

Re: Actlog file location

2006-10-31 Thread Matthew Warren
The actlog doesn't exist as a separate entity. All entries are stored in the TSM database, for a length of time specified by 'set actlgoretention' If you are after the entire contents of you activity log as a file, you could Q actlog begind=-999 endd=today >> outputfile (I'm assuming you havent

Re: archive or backup date on the tape conetents

2006-10-31 Thread Matthew Warren
Hi, query content will not show you the date an object was inserted to the library no matter how you ask it. You could do something similar to; tsm: SOFASAP30_SERVER1>q content S00810L1 Node NameType Filespace FSID Client's Name for File Name ---


2006-11-02 Thread Matthew Warren
Has the copy destination in the archive copygroup been updated to point to the new pools, and policyset activated? Matt. > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of Whitlock, Brett > Sent: 01 November 2006 17:49 > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Re: restore inactive files

2006-11-02 Thread Matthew Warren
A point in time restore may get you what you need, depending on the strategy you use to backup the files. If you do regular incremental backups and you can frame the restore in terms of 'when' the files were good rather than which version of the files you need. Matt.

Re: how to search backups/archives ...

2006-11-02 Thread Matthew Warren
Do you mean, Query backup / query archive ? dsmc>query backup /home/user/somefile -ina would show all backups of /home/user/somefile, including inactive versions. There are wildcards and other options / qualifiers you can use. Matt. > -Original

Re: Dictionary of TDP for Domino return codes - 2nd attempt

2006-11-02 Thread Matthew Warren
Hi, I was going to post this last time, but the reasons it gives seem to be way off for the codes you specify, but here it is just in case its useful - Despite the page name it actually gives API return codes so... Although as I say, the ones you give f

Re: Sloooow Restore

2006-11-03 Thread Matthew Warren
Here are some things you could consider; Matt. > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of Orin Rehorst > Sent: 03 November 2006 15:03 > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Sloo

Re: select events table

2006-11-07 Thread Matthew Warren
Odd, how can it be that select * from events returns different to select * from events where scheduled_start>'1900-01-01' How is the table 'special'? Matt. > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of Rainer Tammer > Sent: 07 November 2

Re: select events table

2006-11-07 Thread Matthew Warren
t; > "Events table is calculated at runtime..." etc > > Cheers > Henrik > > -Original Message----- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of > Matthew Warren > Sent: den 7 november 2006 11:37 > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Re: select statement for All active files for a node

2006-11-07 Thread Matthew Warren
I'm not sure if you can do this with a select. One thing you could try would be an export node, with filedata=ALLActive and preview=yes. Matt. > -Original Message- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > On Behalf Of Fawad Baig > Sent: 07 November 2006 15:09 > To: A

Re: duplicate backup

2006-11-27 Thread Matthew Warren
oader? you may have to look at collocation or a second stgpool to ensure the second data copy is written to different tapes. Matt. -- Matthew Warren. TSM Technical Specialist. AIX & SAN administrator. Thesaurus Computing Services. Sasho Sterjovski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: &

Re: scripting change of schedules

2006-11-27 Thread Matthew Warren
schedules automatically, but I think you can automatically change a lot of schedules with-a-bit-of-groundwork. ;) Matt. -- Matthew Warren. TSM Technical Specialist. AIX & SAN Administrator. Thesaurus Computing Services. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

HP LTO3 drives

2006-12-05 Thread Matthew Warren
920's, only the 960's. Any help on how to determine exactly what drives they are under windows would help :) Thanks, Matt. -- Matthew Warren. TSM Technical Specialist. AIX & SAN Administrator. Thesaurus Computing Services.

Re: HP LTO3 drives

2006-12-06 Thread Matthew Warren
river version that was asked, it's TSM device drivers Windows server 2003 Thanks, Matt. -- Matthew Warren. TSM Technical Specialist. AIX & SAN Administrator. Thesaurus Computing Services. "Prather, Wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: D

Re: HP LTO3 drives

2006-12-12 Thread Matthew Warren
ws, use Quantum firmware with HP Library and tape tools to do the update, not the Quantum update tools. Matt. -- Matthew Warren. TSM Technical Specialist. AIX & SAN Administrator. Thesaurus Computing Services. Robert Clark <[EMAIL PRO

Re: Mixing drive types in logical library 3584

2007-06-05 Thread Matthew Warren
Hi, Heres a select statement I use that helps see scratch levels when using multiple libraries and media types. select libraries.Library_name, libvolumes.mediatype, count(*) as "Scratch" from libraries, libvolumes where libraries.library_name=libvolumes.library_name and libvolumes.status='Scratch

Re: How to Incorporate a CDL into TSM environment?

2007-06-08 Thread Matthew Warren
Josef Weingand said: >>why do you want to use a VTL with TSM? >I get this question a lot in my talks. The first thing I'd say is for the same reasons we want to do it in other environments: performance and manageability. Backups and restores rock with a VTL and that's all there is to it. Secon

Re: delete specific files off tsm backups

2007-06-08 Thread Matthew Warren
lient 'delete backup' command will not work; TSM see's objects from the API (TDP agents, etc..) as separate entities outside of the incremental / selective process. Matthew Warren. I

Re: Cannot get tapes labelled in 3584 SCSI library: help

2007-06-12 Thread Matthew Warren
Hi Joni, did you try the previous suggestions using the reply command? Also, John Schneider wrote Greetings, This is not the syntax for a CDL, since it does not have an I/O door. Why are you trying to label only one tape, anyway, when you want to label them all? The sy

Re: Move drmedia

2007-06-14 Thread Matthew Warren
I have used DRM commands just to manage DB backups in some cases, without moving around copypool volumes. Just identify the volumes you wish to work with and specify volume names with your move drm commands. I use a small script to query the volhist t=dbb and identify the volume names to manage T

show config output prettify

2007-06-18 Thread Matthew Warren
Hi TSM'ers Before I reinvent the wheel, I was wondering if anyone had done any work on processing the output of a 'show config' and reformatting it into something a little more friendly, and usable? Cheers, Matt. -- Matthew Warren. TSM Technical Specialist. AIX & SAN Admin

Re: Lost in TSM licensing

2007-06-27 Thread Matthew Warren
Hmm, there is always a scheduled TSM command that send's it's output to a file you have rights to look at later? On occaision for small adhoc tasks I have used the TSM scheduler to initiate a command on a client, when I've needed to do the same thing across a lot of nodes. as TSM administrator, y

Re: Lost in TSM licensing

2007-06-27 Thread Matthew Warren
orry, for me, way too much work. Geoff Gill TSM Administrator PeopleSoft Sr. Systems Administrator SAIC M/S-G1b (858)826-4062 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew Warren Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 9:20 AM To

Re: Waiting (and waiting) for TSM prompt...

2007-06-28 Thread Matthew Warren
I've always imagined that the dsmserv process send all the data regardless, akin to >/dev/null. IE, the server carries on sending, but after pressing 'C' your not listening anymore. I'd be interested to know what is really going on and why it needs to be. Most of the time you can ctrl+c and log b

Re: Lost in TSM licensing

2007-06-29 Thread Matthew Warren
I thought this was a joke when I first read it, along with the DB2 and WAS requirement. Internet [EMAIL PROTECTED] M To

deleting copypool volumes to be rebuilt by backup stgp

2007-07-13 Thread Matthew Warren
I recalled a point that has bothered me for ages after following the recent posts regarding splitting the copypool and technote 1222377. There is a general acceptance that it's ok to do things like, delete the volumes from the copypool and just let the backup storage pool recreate them. But, it's

console mode and resource use

2007-08-14 Thread Matthew Warren
not good enough? Explaining network load is negligible is simple, but a non-technical person would like assurance that 'dsmadmc -console' wont hurt server performance. Thanks, Matt. -- Matthew Warren. TSM Technical Specialist. AIX & SAN Administrator. Thesaurus Computing Services.

Re: Select statement

2008-01-15 Thread Matthew Warren
Would this be the count of tapes made mountable that day?, q drm * wherestate=mountable? - I don;'t have access to a TSM server to test a select for the same info. That would assume you are moving mountable tapes to state 'vault' each day. Matt. Internet [EMAIL PROTECT

Re: Windows client failing with RC=12 ANS5250E & ANS1468E errors

2008-01-16 Thread Matthew Warren
I found this; |--| | | | | |

Webclient signon error 53

2008-01-23 Thread Matthew Warren
Hi *SM'ers, A customer has recently upgraded client versions on AIX machines running AIX 4.3 and 5.3. TSM server is v5.3.2 on z/OS 1.7 After upgrading the AIX 5.3 servers to the TSM 5.4.1 or 5.5 client, trying to logon to the client using the web interface gives; ANS2622S Invalid ID or Pass

Re: Webclient signon error 53

2008-01-23 Thread Matthew Warren
thanks, I'll follow that up, post how it goes. Matt. Internet [EMAIL PROTECTED] To ADSM-L Sent

Re: Data Deduplication

2008-01-23 Thread Matthew Warren
Hmm, I was going to say I'd expect almost none, because the eencryption wouldn't generate the same data each time through. But maybe It depends on encyption scheme, on how keys are managed (I would expect the same data to encrypt the same way if the same keys are used - although I am no cryptologi