Re: periodic ADSM/TSM shutdown

2000-10-13 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
nager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Subject: Re: periodic ADSM/TSM shutdown That's why we run ADSM on AIX instead of NT: so we don't need periodical

Re: Restoring Client to Client Data

2002-05-22 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, Try on Node C, 'dsmc -nodename=Node B' or 'dsmc -virtualnodename=Node B'. Also look at 'help' concerning this subject //Henrik "Al'shaebani, Bassam" cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: Rest

Expire data on a server that doesnt exist any longer.

2002-07-10 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hello ! If I have backup of a server which is out of production. What can I do and how, if I want to expire all extra backup copies (versions data exist) except the last backup (versions data deleted)? I can change mgmtclass but I still have to do a backup to rebind my files. If I use a client an

Expire data on a server that doesnt exist any longer.

2002-07-11 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hello ! If I have backup of a server which is out of production. What can I do and how, if I want to expire all extra backup copies (versions data exist) except the last backup (versions data deleted)? I can change mgmtclass but I still have to do a backup to rebind my files. If I use a client an

Re: Expire data on a server that doesnt exist any longer.

2002-07-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Thanks for your answers. It seems like I miss something here. I copied the domain and updated/validated/activated the policy set and updated the node. When I do a 'dsmc incr' with a modified dsm.opt (NodeName xyz and Exclude E:\...\*) on a different node, STO-LN02, I only backup STO-LN02´s files

Re: Expire data on a server that doesnt exist any longer.

2002-07-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Daniel Sparrman cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM: Su

missing volumes

2002-08-29 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hello, I would like to know how to compare volume names in volumes and libvolumes with a select statement. Or if there are other ways to determine missing volumes? I use ex. I dont use DRM but I send my volumes offsite and update their access to offsite. I bring back my volumes onsite,

Re: missing volumes

2002-08-29 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
. //Henrik GUILLAUMONT Etienne cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Se

Re: TDP for Domino ACD5704E error

2002-09-02 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
AIL PROTECTED] BM.COM> cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: Subject: Re: TDP for Domino ACD5704E error "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" &

select statement

2002-01-28 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi ! What can I write after DESC if I just want to see my first 10 volumes? 'select volume_name,read_errors + write_errors as error,access from volumes order by error desc' regards Henrik --- The information contained in this mess

Re: Searchable archive offline?

2002-02-13 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
| | To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) | | Subject: Searchable archive offline? | >| Do

Re: question: db-backup

2002-03-20 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
DSM: Dist | || Stor Manager" | || | |+-> >| || | To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt)

Re: question: db-backup

2002-03-20 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
| | To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) | | Subject: Re: question: db-backup | >--

Volume status

2002-04-04 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, If I change reusedelay for my tapepool, when will my volume status change for examlpe from pending to empty? What triggers that change? If I lower my recl. threshold, reclaimation doesnt start immediately. What/when make reclamaition to occur (except lowering threshold, expiration)? tia He

Re: Backing-Up in Windows 2000 Enviroment (Verificación ScanMail )

2001-12-10 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Dist Stor Manager" | || | |+--> >| || | To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) | | Subject:

Audit volume and a restore failure

2002-01-22 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi all! 1. I got the error "ANR8355E I/O error reading label for volume volume name in drive drive name" and ran an "audit vol" on that specific volume as suggested. Then I recieved the error below. Have anyone seen something like this and know what I probably should do to correct it? I run TSM 4

Re: My experience with audit db

2003-02-23 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Schmitz Garnebode cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt

dbbackup trigger

2003-03-02 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Good morning! First of all things.. I use on w2k. Second, I have my log (3GB) in roll forward mode and use a dbbackup trigger which kicks off at log full percentage=40. I belived that an incremental dbbackup would lower my logs pct. utilized, but I might be wrong? After an incremantal dbb

Re: TSM vs Veritas?

2003-03-05 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
.IN> cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: Re: TSM vs Veritas? Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .EDU>

Re: Poor TSM Performances

2003-03-06 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SLINK.COM>cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: Poor TSM Performances Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] client crach rc=4, System object?

2003-06-11 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, I have a w2k sp3 client with TSM TSM server is During backupwindow my backup schedule starts and completes and fails with RC=4. Then the schedule start to loop i.e restart the schedule during backup window like 30 times and do a backup..each time. I can backup everythin

TDP for Domino 'invalid ID table'

2003-06-12 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, TSM server on w2k. Client with TDP for Domino, Domino 5.0 build 166 on w2k. After I restored a Notes database and apply logs with TDP agent. I open the database locally on dominoserver then I get 'invalid ID table' when I browse it´s folders. If I dont apply logs it works fin

Re: client crach rc=4, System object?

2003-06-12 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Tnx for answers Matt & Wanda. //Henrik --- The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is intended for the addressee only. Any unauthorised use, dissemination of the information or copying of this message is pr

Re: Interesting LTO fault's symptom

2003-06-24 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt

Re: backup systemobject hanging on win2k

2003-06-27 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Joe Howell cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: Subject: backup systemobject hanging on win2k &

Re: "System files" backup aborts

2003-07-08 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
COM> cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM:Subject: "System files" backup aborts Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ST.EDU>

Re: ANR9999D bfcreate.c(1906)

2003-07-11 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hello, I coulnt find any usefull on my search, even if the problem is mentioned before. Do you have clue why this happens? 07/09/2003 19:31:20 ANRD bfcreate.c(1918): ThreadId<60> Destination switched from DIRECTORYPOOL to BACKUPPOOL2 in the middle

Re: ANR9999D bfcreate.c(1906)

2003-07-11 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Med vänlig hälsning Henrik Wahlstedt Statoil Phone: +46 8 429 6325 KTJ IT NED SE1Torkel Knutssonsgatan 24 Mobile: +46 70 429 6325 118 88 S

Re: Upgrade TSM Server problem

2003-07-15 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
AIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] RISTIE.SE> cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM: Dist

Re: Upgrade TSM Server problem

2003-07-15 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
hälsning Henrik Wahlstedt Statoil Phone: +46 8 429 6325 KTJ IT NED SE1Torkel Knutssonsgatan 24 Mobile: +4

Exclude all?

2003-07-23 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hello, What is the correct exclude/include statement if I want to exclude everything files, folders and system objects on a w2k box with client, except for C:\Backup\*. //Henrik --- The information contained in this mess

Re: Exclude all?

2003-07-24 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) BM.COM> Subject: Re: Exclude all? Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] RIST.EDU>

Restarts of TSM services

2003-07-30 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, We are monitoring our w2k sp3 with pre-hotfixes sp4 servers with MOM (MS Operation Manager). And of course, we monitor TSM scheduler services which generates an alert in MOM if a TSM service goes down. And they do that a little bit too frequently.. use repeat count in MOM. I am aware of w2k

move nodedata

2003-09-02 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hello, I wanted and tried to move a nodes data to a different storagepool, non-collocated to collocated. >From dlt-standard with copypool to dlt-monthly with copypool-monthly. (move nodedata xxx from=dlt-standard to=dlt-monthly) Move within primarypools went ok and I thought that admin schedules

Re: downward compatibility clients / server v 5.2

2003-09-02 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
ED]cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) JEWOUD.NL> Subject: downward compatibility clients / server v 5.2 Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] DU&g

Event ID ( 4097 )

2003-09-05 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi After upgrading a w2k sp3 client from to I get this message in Eventviewer when backup schedule completes. 'The description for Event ID ( 4097 ) in Source ( AdsmClientService ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL f

Re: TSM to and over

2003-09-08 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
(bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: Subject: Re: TSM to and over "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] RIST.EDU> 2003-09-08

Re: Event ID ( 4097 )

2003-09-09 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) BEE.COM> Subject: Re: Event ID ( 4097 )

Re: reorg offsite data - noncollocated to collocated

2003-09-09 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Henrik Wahlstedt Statoil Phone: +46 8 429 6325 KTJ IT NED SE1Torkel Knutssonsgatan 24 Mobile: +46 70 429 6325

Help with select

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, I need some help with this. I would like to have the following output on a select from backup table on Domino trans.logs. NODENAME ACTIVE_VERSION INACTIVE_VERSION Node 1 12062 Node2 80 99 select NODE_NAME,FILESPACE_NAME,STATE,CLASS_NAME, TYPE,H

Re: ANR4737e message

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Stor | || Manager" | ||| |+> >---| | | | To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi Zoltan, Can this be something for you? //Henrik Zoltan Forray/AC/VCUTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlst

Re: ANR4737e message

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
| | To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt)

Re: tape prob

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, Sounds charming trying to be helpfull theese days. :-) It appears to me that you cant use that faulty tape, have you tested to mount the tape in another drive? It´s quite simple, if you cant read the tape... you cant move the data. or force it to move. What he also said was "If there are

Command routing

2004-11-23 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hello, I have defined a couple of TSM servers (TSM1, TSM2 etc) on our main TSM server and I can route commands ex. TSM2:select xyz or TSM2:q se. My problem is when I try to make a script with selects it wont route the commands, what did I miss? 11/23/2004 10:31:25 ANR2017I Administrator XXX

Command routing

2004-11-23 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hmm, I forgott ( )... (STO-W03) Select Node_name, state, count(*) as "Number of trans.logs" from backups where (node_name='STO-W09-TDP' and filespace_name='STO-LN01.DOMLOGS') group by Node_name ,state order by node_name,state //Henrik - Forwarded by Henrik

Re: New hardware, new TSM version

2004-11-26 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
//Henrik Daniel Sparrman cc: (b

Re: New hardware, new TSM version

2004-11-29 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Daniel Sparrman cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM: Sub

Re: auto reply for checkin and checkout

2004-11-30 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Henrik Wahlstedt Statoil Phone: +46 8 429 6325 KTJ IT NED SE1Torkel Knutssonsgatan 24 Mobile: +46 70 429 6325

Clientactions and firewalls

2004-12-07 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, I have a problem with define client actions across firewalls. TSM server on w2k and TSM client . on NT4. Schedmode is set to prompted on both server and client. Client highlevel and lowlevel address are specified. TSM server actlog, 'q act begind=-1 s=NodeA: 06-12-2004 13:38:08

TSM server is using wrong port number accoss a firewall.

2004-12-07 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi I have a problem with client port numbers across firewalls. TSM server on w2k and TSM client . on w2k. Schedmode is set to prompted on both server and client. Client highlevel and lowlevel address are specified. Client has two scheduler services and two nodenames, NodeB and NodeB


2004-12-10 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, Windows TSM server On an idle friday afternoon... I wanted to check out q_proc_stats scipt in scripts.smp. I renamed it to scripts.mac and run 'macro scripts.mac'. It ran to: def script q_archret_gt desc='Show mgmt classes with archive retention > X days' ANR2002E Missing closing quo

TSM client uppgrade to

2005-01-24 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, If I upgrade TSM client on a w2k3 server, to Then I have SYSTEM OBJECT´s in 'q fi'. Compared to a clean install of Why does SYSTEM OBJECT remain? I think SYSTEM OBJECT should be converted or expired... hopefully I´m just missing something here... Any thoughts? TSM

Re: TSM client uppgrade to

2005-01-25 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
TECTED] cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) BM.COM> Subject: Re: TSM client uppgrade to

Re: Backing up Domino logged databases

2005-01-25 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
EDU KWELL.COM> cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM:Subject: Re: Backing up Domino logge

Disk configuration

2005-02-03 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, I got a new disk enclosure, singe bus, and 14 ultra320 300GB disks (HPProliant) to my w2k3 TSM server. I dont need all gigabytes, at maximum I backup 750Gb per day which includes weekly TDP backups. Normally the amount of data is 150Gb. Today I have one archive- 150Gb, backup- 600Gb, directory

Re: NTFS security

2005-02-15 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt

Re: TSM Windows Client 5.2.4?

2005-02-16 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, Aprils sounds right according to //Henrik "Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM" To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Disable sessions at startup, q stat - Availability: Enabled

2005-02-19 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, How do I disable sessions and keep sessions disabled even if I restart my TSM server (w2k, ? //Henrik --- The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is intended for the addressee only. Any unau

Install a second server instance

2005-02-22 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, How to I install a second server instance without using the management console on a w2k, server? //Henrik --- The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is intended for the addressee only. Any una

dsmserv format + initnode.dat

2005-02-28 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, In admin ref. guide v5.2 under dsmserv format it states that I should use the file, initnode.dat. Where is it? Is there any other file I should run? I cant find the file on my or CD´s when I search the whole CD, or in the package I downloaded? And dsmfmt is under \tsm\c

QUERY FILESPACE: No match found using this criteria

2005-03-09 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, I dont get this logic when I do a 'q fi'. Anyone who knows what might be wrong or seen this before? I´m not doing anything else except q fi againt thoose filespaces. TSM on w2k3. Thanks Henrik tsm: x>q fi sto-tw01 Node Name Filespace FSID Platform Filespace

Re: QUERY FILESPACE: No match found using this criteria

2005-03-09 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Henrik Wahlstedt Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 7:00 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: QUERY FILESPACE: No match found using this criteria Hi, I dont get this logic when I do a 'q fi'. Anyone who knows what might be wrong or seen this before? I´m

Re: ITSM Client Install Problem (UNCLASSIFIED)

2005-03-23 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
N/IBM" To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt)

Re: Can I exclude he WinSxS folder on Windows2003 server?

2005-03-29 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
AIL PROTECTED]To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU CAST.NET>cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: Subject: Can I exclude he WinSxS folder on Windows2003 server? "ADSM: Dist S

Re: ANR0209E Page address mismatch detected on recovery log

2005-03-30 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
erver with involved. //Henrik [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU "ADSM: Dist cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Stor Manager"Subject: Re: ANR0209E

Re: Programmes Guide

2005-04-14 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
use copy_type and stgpool_name to narrow your results if you like. //Henrik Karin Dambacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU MPRISE.DE>cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sen

DB or LOG mirroring

2005-04-24 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, Windows admin guide 5.2 says that you can define a dbcopy or logcopy with "define dbcopy(logc) vol1 e:\dbvol\vola formatsize=25". So I tested it on my server. TSM:SERVER1> define logcopy E:\TSM\TSMLOG\log01.dsm E:\TSM\TSMLOG\LOG01M.DSM formatsize=2500 ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CON

Re: TSM 5.3 and the good-old WEBadmin good news

2005-05-04 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
David vs Goliat... //Henrik Richard van Denzel To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) LTN.NL> S

Re: Inquiry About TSM Database

2005-05-09 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) MY> Subject: Inquiry About TSM Database

Re: TSM 5.3 better on windows2000 or AIX

2005-05-11 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
(bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: TSM 5.3 better on windows2000 or AIX

help with select from volumes and processes, pls.

2005-05-16 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hello ! What I would like to get is a select like this below, but I would aslo like to get some information if the listed volumes are in a process or session? If that is possible, how do I do? Select cast(volume_name as char(6)) as "Volume", Cast(substr(stgpool_name,1,16) as char(16)) as "Storage

Re: Encryption

2005-05-25 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
t; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 2005-05-25 03:32 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Subject:Encryption Good Evening. Running TSM 5.2.2 on AIX 5

Upgrade to on Windows2000

2005-05-27 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hello, Only by curiosity Why does TSM server installation require .Net framework which require that the Remote Registry services to be started? I havent heard about any relations between TSM and .Net. I got the following error message when I upgraded TSM fron to "The Remote R

Re: reclamation tape predicting

2005-06-07 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
You can try something like this, (depending on your reclamation threshold...). select volume_name,stgpool_name,location,pct_utilized,pct_reclaim from volumes where pct_reclaim>70 order by pct_reclaim desc //Henrik -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Select from sessions??

2005-06-07 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, If I do a Q Se I see how many bytes sent/received a node has in it´s current scheduled backup so far. At the end I get stats from the client but I cant find any information about how many bytes that were sent to the client. Is there a way to get this information? Accounting record? When I

Re: Select from sessions??

2005-06-07 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi and thanks, But isnt bytes in summary refering to the number of bytes backuped? And not Total bytes sent To (from server) and From the client? //Henrik -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cory Heikel Sent: 7. juni 2005 17:58 To: AD

Primary recovery media = disk?

2005-06-13 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi !! Do you have any hints in setting up an enviroment that uses disk as a primary recovery media. And tapes to store historical data and as offsite media? >From my understanding I can use weekly image backups (almost as fun as selective...), daily incremental backups and have a migration delay

Re: TSM DB unload

2005-06-13 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, Yes, since the unload will re-org and shrink the database I always use disk, devt=file, when I do an unload/load DB. My DB backup to disk is 26GB, an unload DB is 16GB. Mostly I do this drill (test all utilities on my DB) in upgrade times on a test server, hardly never on my production server

Re: TSM DB unload

2005-06-13 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
No, I use the same deviceclass. I dont know how much smaller it will get before it is unloaded. Even if there are some selects that will help me calculate wasted space. //Henrik -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lawrence Clark Sent:

Re: Volume not available?

2002-11-06 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
//Henrik Jim Taylor cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt)

Re: recovery log mode

2002-11-12 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Do a 'q stat' from command line. The web gui doesnt always update all shown information even if your update is accepted by the system/server. //Henrik "Mire, Nona" cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt)

Re: How to call 'archive' from an AT-Job in Win2000

2002-11-15 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Subject: How to call 'archive' from an AT

Re: delete filespace

2002-12-10 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi! After a 'del fi' the files are removed immediatly. But you have to reclaim the space in your storage pools, upd stg xxx reclaim=50 or whatever % you prefer. //Henrik Michelle DeVault To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

timeout value for processes

2002-12-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Henrik Wahlstedt Statoil Phone: +46 8 429 6325 IT EH SE

Re: timeout value for processes

2002-12-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt

Re: timeout value for processes

2002-12-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
//Henrik John Naylor cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: &

Re: Database page size?

2003-01-16 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Henrik Wahlstedt Statoil Phone: +46 8 429 6325 IT EH SE Torkel Knutssonsgatan 24 Mobile: +46 70 429 6325 118 88 Stockholm E-mail

Re: cancel process problem

2003-01-16 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM:Subject: Re: cancel process problem Dist

Re: database reorganisation

2003-01-17 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Chevallier cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM:Subject: database reorganisation Di

Re: database reorganisation

2003-01-21 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Well well, so we actually dont have a criteria for unloading db´s? I agree more or less (not necessarily buy new HW) with all responses so far. But I was trying to define a criteria in my first unclear answer. You dont have to unload your db, your TSM server will still run continuously. I´ve only d

Re: Submission of job through the TSM server

2003-01-23 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Assuming a backup job 'define clientaction 'NodeName' from admin cmdline, (see help def clientact). Which other types of jobs do you refer to? //Henrik Nicolas Savva cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt)

Re: Define Client Action command

2003-01-29 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: Subject: Define Client Action command "ADSM:

Re: TSM 5.2 Question

2003-02-13 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt) Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: Re: TSM 5.2 Que

Re: Trouble - ASR on Win2003 - changed raid controller

2005-06-14 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, What I used when I tested to do a restore to a different RAID controller was to use a slip streamed w2k3 installation CD where all HP drivers were included. I had no problems and it should work if you follow the steps in the ASR Redbook. HP DL380 G3, 5i Plus and 5312 controler. Backup 5i

Server to server communication

2005-06-16 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
ed to take a temporary step to 5.2.4 or 5.2.5 before I upgrade to 5.3.2? Regards, Henrik Med vänlig hälsning ____ Henrik Wahlstedt KTJ IT NED SE1 Statoil <> Torkel Knutssonsgatan 24 118 88 Stockholm Sverige Phone: +

Re: Web Admin GUI not working after upgrade: HELP!

2005-06-20 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, Have you run 'dsmserv runfile dsmserv.idl' after the upgrade? If not do that and try the WEB gui again. //Henrik -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joni Moyer Sent: den 20 juni 2005 13:57 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Web Ad

Re: TSM DB stats not good

2005-06-20 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi again, I think your bufferpool pages are low, only 512?? Are you sure you are using the right dsmserv.opt? Available Space (MB): 121,856 Assigned Capacity (MB): 119,856 Maximum Extension (MB): 2,000 Maximum Reduction (MB): 6,240 Page Size (bytes)

Re: TSM DB stats not good

2005-06-20 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
] "Henrik Wahlstedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] To > ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Sent by: "ADSM: cc Dist Stor Manager" Subject <[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: TSM DB sta

Re: Backup

2005-07-14 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, If speed/duplex settings are OK for NIC´s and switches and you can FTP some large files from/to Oracle and TSM servers with a reasonable speed. Then you have to monitor CPU, Disk I/O etc on both servers and switches... To find a pattern and track down the problem. //Henrik -Origina

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