Shutting down TSM on AIX

2002-05-16 Thread David E Ehresman
What is the preferred method of shutting down the TSM server on a AIX box when AIX is being rebooted? Is a kill command ok or is there a kinder way to shutdown TSM without using dsmadmc? David

Re: How does Archiving and Backupsets work???

2002-05-16 Thread David E Ehresman
To keep the archive separate, put them in a different primary/copy storage pool.

Re: Shutting down TSM on AIX

2002-05-16 Thread David E Ehresman
ally do a quick check and "quiet" the TSM server personally.. Regards, Gerald Wichmann Senior Systems Development Engineer Zantaz, Inc. 925.598.3099 (w) -Original Message- From: David E Ehresman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 7:01 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:

Re: How to limit drive usage when writing to a copypool

2002-05-17 Thread David E Ehresman
Make a new device class, set a max drive limit for it, and change your copypools to use that device class.

Re: yes/no tape question for os/390 server people

2002-05-22 Thread David E Ehresman
We have it set up like you do and like John use mountlimits on the devclasses and rigorous scheduling of the TSM events (via our MVS scheduler, ZEKE) to minimize tape drive contention. David

Register License

2002-05-22 Thread David E Ehresman
On AIX TSM, I issue a "register license file=1mgsyslan.lic number=4" command and get back "ANR2827I Server is licensed to support Managed System for LAN for a quantity of 1." How do I get 4 licenses registered? David

Storage Pool Size

2002-05-30 Thread David E Ehresman
I am planning a TSM Server move from OS390/MVS to AIX. My largest storage pool is about 73gig and is spread across 32 volumes of about 2.3gig each. On AIX I will have a 128gig file system so I could put that storage pool into a single volume if that makes sense. My question is should I spread t

Lan Free tape mounts

2002-06-11 Thread David E Ehresman
In a Lan Free/Storage Agent TSM 5.1 environment, which machine issues the tape mount command to the robot: the TSM server or the Storage Agent? David

Re: Slow Reclamation - And a need for speed...

2002-06-12 Thread David E Ehresman
>Our current schedule is: > Weekdays 1300 till 2000 - update stgpool COPYPOOL rec=20 > Weekdays 0900 till 1300 - update stgpool TAPEPOOL rec=10 > Saturday 0800 till 2000 - update stgpool TAPEPOOL rec=10 > Sunday 0800 till 2200 - update stgpool COPYPOOL rec=20 > Those parms say to reclaim tapes

Re: 4.1.0 To 5.1 Upgrade

2002-06-12 Thread David E Ehresman
>Upgrading from 4.1.0 to 5.1 on aix 4.3.3. If anyone knows of any pesky >little snakes hiding in the grass to mess up my day I would appreciate your >feedback. > There is a nasty bug in the hsm code at 5.1.0 and Aix 5.1 in 64 bit mode. Within a minute of loading the client (including hsm) code o

Re: replacing all 3590 with 3590 extended

2002-06-13 Thread David E Ehresman
>Yes, but how? There is only one scratch pool and tapes are allocated from >this scratch pool as needed when the primary tapepool is backed up to the >offsite tapeback. Is there a way to define 2 scratch pools and allocate >primary tapes from the Kscratch pool and offsite from the Jscratch pool?

Re: replacing all 3590 with 3590 extended

2002-06-13 Thread David E Ehresman
>We have 4 onsite pools and 2 copypools.I have defined our K tapes to all >onsite pools as private . mustafa, Are you saying that you define a given K tape to more than one storage pool? Or are you dividing you K tapes between your defined onsite storage pools? David

Re: what happens to the data

2002-06-13 Thread David E Ehresman
> Are you aware of the AUDIT Library command. > >Generally, a tape gets in this state if it is mounted in a drive and the TSM >Server task crashes. The reason is TSM does not know where the tape is >anymore. I wish it did not work this way on the 3494 library though >because >the 3494 library ju

Re: Execute OS or TSM command on completion of client schedule

2002-06-14 Thread David E Ehresman
I'm pretty sure you can do this with a Servergraph schedule. Talk to the good folks at Servergraph to find out for sure. David Ehresman University of Louisville

dsmaccnt.log location

2002-06-14 Thread David E Ehresman
Enivronment: TSM 5.1.0 running on AIX 5.1 In my /etc/profile, I have "export DSMSERV_ACCOUNTING_DIR=/var/adm/tsm" which should cause the dsmaccnt.log to be created in /var/adm/tsm. But it continues to be created in the server install path, /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin. Any ideas what else I nee

Re: checkin & label scratch volumes

2002-07-03 Thread David E Ehresman
If the new tapes are already labeled, you just need to do the checkin. If not, you need to do the label libvol. David Ehresman

AIX storagepool format

2002-07-03 Thread David E Ehresman
I am moving from an MVS server to an Aix server. When a do a "DEFINE VOL stgpool filename FORMAT=nnn" the Aix box stops responding until after the format is done. A monitor shows 100% i/o busy on the disk. Is this normal Aix behavior? TSM server = 5.1.1 Aix = 5.1 Disk = SSA Raid 5 David

Backup stalled

2002-07-30 Thread David E Ehresman
I had a large backup running last night writing directly to tape. In the morning the process to backup onsite tapes to the offsite copy started. That process was waiting on the tape being written by the client backup. But the client backup was stalled, i.e. it was no longer sending data to the


2002-07-31 Thread David E Ehresman
Is there a parm that controls the time that tsm waits for a storage agent to respond before issuing the "ANR8925W Drive DRIVE105 in library 3494 has not been confirmed for use by server MINERVA_SA for over 600 seconds. Drive will be reclaimed for use by others" message? David

TSM Macros

2002-08-12 Thread David E Ehresman
I have a TSM macro that issued a BACKUP STG for each of my five storage pools. If a BACKUP STG command is issued by the macro for a storage pool that does not have any data, I get the message "ANR2111W BACKUP STGPOOL: No data to process." AND THE REMAINING COMMANDS IN THE MACRO ARE NOT ISSUED. I

Eject a vol from 3494

2002-08-12 Thread David E Ehresman
What AIX (v5) command would I use to eject a given volser from a 3494 library? Where is this documented? I am not looking for the TSM CHECKOUT command. I need to eject a volser that is already TMS CHECKEDOUT but was reinserted to the library in error. David

Re: Restore backupset take very long

2002-08-13 Thread David E Ehresman
>Will I see restore improvement on >backupsets created with version 4.1.x.x by upgrading to 5.1 or will I only >see improvement on backupsets created with 5.1? > I am migrating from MVS TSM 4.2 to AIX TSM 5.1. As part of that process, I am changing from backupsets to move nodedata as the means to

Re: Restore backupset take very long

2002-08-13 Thread David E Ehresman
>But what is the improvement in restore time, which is the crucial thing. > Since the restore is a normal stg pool restore, I would expect it to take the same time as a stg pool restore with a reduced number of tape mounts. David

Re: Database backup retentions question

2002-08-16 Thread David E Ehresman
If you're using DRM, then the SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS sets the number of days after which DRM will automatically delete old backups. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/16/02 10:48AM >>> We are backing up our database with the following command setup in an admin script. backup db devclass=ltoclass type=fu

ANS1312E Server media mount not possible

2002-08-20 Thread David E Ehresman
I assume that "ANS1312E Server media mount not possible Explanation: Server media mount not possible. The server timed out waiting for a mount of an offline volume." refers to mounting a sequential acess media? If my assumption is correct, under what conditions should a backup

Re: ANS1312E Server media mount not possible

2002-08-21 Thread David E Ehresman
>think this also: >this volume may be full and next storage which is most probably a tapepool >need >a mount point? Which parameter controls how long a backup session will wait for a mount of a secondary storage pool volume after the primary storage pool fills?

Re: tsm select queries

2002-08-21 Thread David E Ehresman
The sample tsm scripts (q script) provide a number of useful select queries.

Re: Manually Define Volume to Storage Pool

2002-08-26 Thread David E Ehresman
First define all your existing scratch volumes to storage pools using DEF VOL. Then update all your storage pools to have MAXSCRATCH=0. As currently inuse scratch volumes go scratch, they will return to the scratch pool but will not be reused. Periodically go back and add recently scratched tap

3494 on MVS vs AIX

2002-08-26 Thread David E Ehresman
When the 3494 I/O station is full of ejected tapes (with more to come), the MVS console automatically gets a mesage "All convenience output stations in library TRROBOT are full." Is there a way for either AIX or a TSM server running on AIX to detect the condition so a email or page could be sent

Re: 3494 on MVS vs AIX

2002-08-27 Thread David E Ehresman
>Would a checkout with the "untilfull" parameter help ? As I read the manual, untilfull requires operator intervention. The only intervention we want by our operators is to remove the tapes and they need something to warn them the time has come to do so. They get an email when the move drm is d

LanFree Messages?

2002-08-30 Thread David E Ehresman
Is there a server side message other than ANE4971I reporting zero bytes that would alert to a LanFree node that was not using the LanFree path? Server is TSM 5.1 running on AIX 5.1.

Tape a given file is on?

2002-08-30 Thread David E Ehresman
Given a file that has been backed up by a node, how do I find out which tape the current copy of the file is on without doing a restore? David

Re: Tape a given file is on?

2002-08-30 Thread David E Ehresman
>a crude way is...for a single file...issue a restore to another filename and >watch >what tape mount gets can also cancel the restore once the >mount is requested (q sess f=d...). >FYI > The restored failed without indicating which tape it thought was inaccessable. That's why I nee


2002-09-09 Thread David E Ehresman
On the output from a Query Occ command, what is the difference between the Physical Space Occupied and the Logical Space Occupied figures? David Ehresman

Re: Monitor TSM via SNMP

2002-09-10 Thread David E Ehresman
>How do others manage this? We use Servergraph/TSM. One of its many features is to send a page when the TSM server quits responding. David Ehresman University of Louisville

Re: Strategies for DR recovery of large clients

2002-09-10 Thread David E Ehresman
>Another approach might be to occasionally >(every three months maybe) do a "full" backup (by changing mode to >"absolute" to force even unchanged files to get backed up)... this should >effectively "defragment" the tape pool and put all active versions on one >(or a couple) tape. We did this onc

Novell clusters

2002-09-11 Thread David E Ehresman
Is anyone using TSM to backup Novell clusters? If so, how do you handle the situation where a file volume fails over to another node in the cluster? David Ehresman

Re: 2 volume ranges with distinct usage in 1 library

2002-09-13 Thread David E Ehresman
I don't believe you can do this with **scratch** tapes, but if you are willing to predefine your tape volumes to storage groups, you can use one tape range as your primary storage group and the other as your copy storage group. David

Volume count and maxscratch

2002-09-17 Thread David E Ehresman
Can someone help me with a select that will list by storagepool name the number of volumes in the storage pool and the maxscratch set for that pool? Thanks, David

reconstruct=yes overhead?

2002-09-19 Thread David E Ehresman
Anyone have data on how much overhead reconstruct=yes on a move nodedata adds to the run time? David

Re: How can I tell when an archive was performed?

2002-09-19 Thread David E Ehresman
select node_name,filespace_name,description,min(archive_date) - as "Archive Date", count(ll_name) as "Num Files" - from archives group by node_name, - filespace_name, description

Re: How can I tell what tapes are in a BackupSet?

2002-09-20 Thread David E Ehresman
q volhist type=backupset

Reuse Delay

2002-09-20 Thread David E Ehresman
Does a Reuse Delay of 1 mean "24 hours" or does it mean "after midnight"? What process caused a tape to move from Pending to Empty once the reuse delay time is up? David

Server Patch Level

2002-09-20 Thread David E Ehresman
Aix Server patch is apparently not generally available. Is stable or should I go to instead? I am currently at Server and Storage Agent Does the Server and the Storage Agent have to go to 5.1.1.x at the same time or can I take the Server to 5.1.1.x one week and

Re: Time for IMPORT with TSM 4.2.2 ???

2002-09-23 Thread David E Ehresman
>import will usually take significantly longer then an expor My recent experience was just the opposite. Export took days, import took hours. David

Transfer filespace?

2002-09-23 Thread David E Ehresman
Is there a way to transfer a filespace from one node to another other than restoring it on the target node and backing it up again from there before deleting it from the source node? David

Re: Transfer filespace?

2002-09-23 Thread David E Ehresman
>Depending if it is an AIX filespace or file you want to copy, you could >use the rcp -p /filesname nodename:/filesname command that AIX offers. > How would that transfer TSM ownership? David

Re: Under-utilized tape volumes

2002-09-25 Thread David E Ehresman
Do the "under-utilized" tape volumes have data that is pre-compressed by the client? This can cause tapes to appear to be under-utilized. David

Re: Calculating amount of data being backed up every 24 hours.

2002-09-27 Thread David E Ehresman
>Does anyone have any suggestions regarding how to calculate how much >data >is being handled by TSM every day ?? > > Get a trial of Servergraph/TSM, , and see if it does what you want (and a whole lot more). David Ehresman A satisfied customer

Re: how to add tape to library?

2002-10-01 Thread David E Ehresman
> then make sure the volume has been labeled using the dsmlabel >command, which is wierd cause i though you only use that command on the >drives not on tapes??? You need to dsmlabel the new tapes to write a volume serial on the tape. dsmlabel has nothing to do with the drives.

Re: Expected throughput rate for space reclamation

2002-10-09 Thread David E Ehresman
As Paul says, this will depend as much on your data as on your hardware. Using 3590E tape drives, yesterday we got rates of 1.6MB/s to 55.4MB/s as reported by Servergraph/TSM on our 5 tape to tape storage pool copies; the median was 27.4MB/s. The rates on our 8 tape storage pool reclaims last ni

Re: 3494 library with J and K type cartridges

2002-03-13 Thread David E Ehresman
If you're running an OS390 Server, use SMS to control what data goes to which type carts. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/13/02 04:20AM >>> Hi TSM'ers , i have 3494 library with 3590 J and K type cartridges in it for all sequential access storage pool, I want to define sequential access storage pool

Re: SANergy in TSM 5.1 not a pre-req

2002-03-14 Thread David E Ehresman
No, SANergy is not included in TSM v5.1. It is needed if you plan to do LANfree to disk storage pool. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/14/02 05:31AM >>> On 13-Mar-02 Cindy Bogle wrote: > SANergy is not a prerequisite to TSM V5.1. But my question was: "Is it included in TSM V5.1?", and if yes, "Is i

Re: Benefits of moving to platform other than OS/390

2002-03-20 Thread David E Ehresman
I've not done the move yet but expect to in the next 6 months. The con I expect has to do with media movement to and from our offsite vault. On OS390 we have a vault management system that tells the ops what tapes to send offsite, tells the courier which slots to put them in, which slots to pull

TSM Accounting Records

2002-03-21 Thread David E Ehresman
Do the TSM accounting records that are written in an Aix environment have the same layout (minus the header info) that the TSM SMF accounting records have in MVS? David

Re: Benefits of moving to platform other than OS/390

2002-03-21 Thread David E Ehresman
ill Boyer DSS, Inc. -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David E Ehresman Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 10:13 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Benefits of moving to platform other than OS/390 I've not done the move yet but

Mapping deviceclass to tape storage pool

2002-03-28 Thread David E Ehresman
I currently run TSM 4.2 on OS390 2.10. I use DFSMS and the data set name prefix set by TSM for a device class to put some storage pools on standard length carts and some on extended length carts in a 3494 library. I am planning for a conversion to TSM on AIX sharing the 3494 library with MVS. O

Re: Anyone know how to have TSM script read an input file?

2002-04-02 Thread David E Ehresman
We do a Q NODE which feeds a Q FILESPACE where we check for date of last completed backup. This is done in REXX on OS390. David Ehresman University of Louisville

Q_MSG_SEV Script

2002-04-04 Thread David E Ehresman
How would I modify the SELECT statement in the sample Q_MSG-SEV script to only return messages from the past 24 hours?

TSM Addons

2002-04-04 Thread David E Ehresman
What TSM add-on commercial programs are available for managing/monitoring a TSM server running on AIX?

Activity log messages

2002-04-05 Thread David E Ehresman
How would I modify the SELECT statement in the TSM supplied sample Q_MSG-SEV script to only return messages from the past 24 hours?

Query Output Format

2002-04-05 Thread David E Ehresman
If I put a "Q DB" and a "Q DB F=D" together in a script and run it from a terminal (AIX), the "Q DB" output is in table format and the "Q DB F=D" output is in list format. This is what I want. If, however, I redirect the output to a file, "RUN QUERY > query.txt", they both come out in table form

Re: Query Output Format

2002-04-05 Thread David E Ehresman
>Not sure what you are trying to do here. Trying to duplicate my MVS/TSM email reports in an AIX environment :-( David

Re: Query Output Format

2002-04-05 Thread David E Ehresman
>With all that said, I'm curious: Q DB F=D includes what is in Q DB, so why >do you want both? > Well the simple answer is I'm trying to duplicate an existing MVS/TSM report in Aix. The better answer is that %database full stands out better in Q DB than in QD F=D but the later has additional deta

Re: Query Output Format

2002-04-05 Thread David E Ehresman
>You could try using -outfile instead of redirection. That did the trick. Now does anyone know why -outfile minics output to a terminal while redirection does not? What's the difference between them? David

Re: Query Output Format

2002-04-08 Thread David E Ehresman
>If this is for digestion by another program, use the -comma or -tab >switches on the dsmadmc command line. It is not. >Note that the WIDTH of your >terminal window can also affect whether >table or list format is selected. So is there a way I can make my (unix) file the same WIDTH as my termin

3590s in a Aix environment

2002-04-08 Thread David E Ehresman
How have folks in an Aix environment handled a 3494 library with 3590 drives and a mixure of J and K (standard and extended length) carts? Do you try to control which storage pool goes to which length cart or do you just let the library randomly pick? If you control, how do you control which car

Re: Installing Second Column

2002-04-08 Thread David E Ehresman
On Aix after a LTO drive was replaced in a 3584, I had to rmdev the drive and then do the cfgmgr again before TSM would recognize the drive again. Don't know if this would help with your problem or not. David

Re: retention policies

2002-04-10 Thread David E Ehresman
versions data exists - no limit versions data deleted - no limit retain extra versions - 30 retain only version - 30

Backup filespec

2002-04-19 Thread David E Ehresman
I have a customer who tried: incremental -verbose /ps/odstest/data and several objects were inspected but not were backed up. He then tried: backup -verbose /ps/odstest/data and that backed up the two sub directories but no files. Finally he tried: incremental -verbose /ps/odstest/data/ a

SQL Output

2002-04-24 Thread David E Ehresman
I there a way to get JUST the output from a select statement into a file without the TSM version header info at the beginning and the condition code at the end? This is TSM 4.2 on Aix 5.1. David

Re: Question about collocation on/off

2003-02-20 Thread David E Ehresman
I think you have to be at TSM 5.1 to get the feature, but we use the MOVE NODEDATA command on a regular basis to consolidate data for a node onto a minimum number of tapes. David

Where are the manuals today?

2003-02-20 Thread David E Ehresman does not work today to find the TSM Server 5.1 manuals. Where are we suppose to find them today?

Re: SHOW commands and TSM 5162

2003-02-21 Thread David E Ehresman
>Anyone else running 5162 and able to use the SHOW VERSION command? I've never used the SHOW VERSION command before but on my server, a "SHOW VERSION nodename filespacename" returns output like one might expect from a show command. David

TSM and Groupwise

2003-03-03 Thread David E Ehresman
Anyone backing up Groupwise postoffice boxes using TSM? If so, are you using an open file manager that works? We're on Groupwise 6 and TSM David

TSM and AIX client

2003-03-03 Thread David E Ehresman
I just got back from a week off and we are having problems with backups not finishing. The backup client is on AIX backup level backing up to an AIX server at TSM level Anyone else seen problems with this combination? David

Re: "messed up" q pr status text & help text

2003-03-03 Thread David E Ehresman
I opened a PMR on this issue and was told that it is documented in APAR IC34754 with date of fix still unknown. David >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/03/03 02:07PM >>> Started for us when we installed service to bring us to TSM (AIX 5). Assumed it to be a 'feature'. -Original Message-

Re: TSM and AIX client

2003-03-04 Thread David E Ehresman
n provide? -Original Message- From: David E Ehresman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 1:25 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: TSM and AIX client I just got back from a week off and we are having problems with backups not finishing. The backup client is o

AIX client

2003-03-04 Thread David E Ehresman
Anyone had experiences, good or bad, with AIX backup client level David

Re: TSM and AIX client

2003-03-04 Thread David E Ehresman
Still waiting to hear from the support center. Meanwhile I found an entry in the aix backup client level readme that sounds like a match. We're going to try that on one of our machines. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/04/03 02:51PM >>> From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >From someone

TSM Licensing and Pricing Structure?

2003-03-05 Thread David E Ehresman
Is there a web document that explains the current TSM licensing and pricing structure? David

Re: Logmode RollForward on

2003-03-07 Thread David E Ehresman
I've been running TSM server on AIX in production for two weeks in RollForward mode. Our log utilization increases steadily until we do our daily data base backup at which time it returns to zero and the cycle restarts. David >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/06/03 11:51AM >>> Is anyone running i

Re: SAN LANfree backup licensing requirements

2003-03-07 Thread David E Ehresman
>We have extended edition. But, aren't the SAN client setup as "Library >Clients" of the server? And if so, wouldn't this imply that Library >Sharing is required? > The TSM for SAN license authorizes you to use the Storage Agent on the client; you need one per LanFree client. You need one Libra

Messages and return codes

2003-03-07 Thread David E Ehresman
Is there any documentation of what messages cause which numeric return code to the client. In particular, I'm trying to determine what return code a "ANS1492S Invalid virtual mountpoint /ps/epmtest/psoft: File not found." returns to the client. Is there any way to change which return code a messa

Re: 3494 cleaning (2 nd. try)

2003-03-10 Thread David E Ehresman
> I saw that the cleaning tape was ejected to the bulk >I/O area. So I removed it from the library and I placed a new one in the >bulk I/O area. The library picked it from there and placed it in an empty >cell. I though that that was enough, but apparently not. Is there a special >procedure for che

Re: TSM and AIX client

2003-03-10 Thread David E Ehresman
>One problem I am aware of at this level of the client (, if I >understand correctly) is IC34996. For AIX, this is fixed in patch level > You might try applying that patch to one or two machines that >consistently see this problem to see if that resolves it. > Andy, Thanks for the

TSM Accounting record

2003-03-10 Thread David E Ehresman
Field 17 of the TSM accounting record is "Amount of backup files, in kilobytes, sent by the client to the server". If a file is retry-ed, does it get counted once or twice in this field? David

Re: 3494 cleaning (2 nd. try)

2003-03-10 Thread David E Ehresman
mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -qL >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/10/03 03:17PM >>> Richard, what is the mtlib command that shows how many cleaning cycles are available in the library? I used to know it but nothing seems to work now. >From: "Cook, Dwight E" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor M

Re: Database backup strategy?

2003-03-13 Thread David E Ehresman
We backup the data base once a day and send it offsite. We also run the log in rollforward mode. This means if we still have the log, we can restore the data base and recover to the point of failure. Recovering without the log would obviously mean we only recovered to the point of the db backup.

Re: TSM and AIX client

2003-03-17 Thread David E Ehresman
>Hi David, > >what about AIX client ? Have you tried it ? > > René, I have not tried the AIX was the highest patch level when I started my problem analysis. I do have running on a handful of Window 2000/XP clients for about a week with no problems. David

Prompted mode backups did not start

2003-03-19 Thread David E Ehresman
We've been running prompted mode backups for a few months and have been running the AIX TSM Server for about a month and life has been good. Last night, NONE of our prompted mode backups started. There were no server side "ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting VHOST3 (session 23462) to st

Re: Prompted mode backups did not start

2003-03-20 Thread David E Ehresman
a (408) 257-3037 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (change aye to a for replies) Professional Association of Contract Employees (P.A.C.E. -- -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David E Ehresman Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 7:32

Re: License Pricing

2003-03-21 Thread David E Ehresman
>The figures I quote are from the IBM Tivoli Price Estimator tool. Is this tool publically available to TSM customers? David

Re: poll: versions data deleted

2003-03-21 Thread David E Ehresman
Our standard policy to retain backups for 30 days. We do that by setting both VersionsExist and VersionDeleted to NoLimit and DaysExist and DaysDeleted to 30. Versions unlimited means we don't take the performance hit of versioning during the client backup window. David

Re: Prompted mode backups did not start

2003-03-21 Thread David E Ehresman
After examining the trace I supplied, level 2 decided the problem was probably in the TCP layer but did not have enough info to make a definitive determination. If it happens again, they want a core dump (Aix command kill -11 ). So if anyone else encounters this problem of prompted mode schedules

Re: poll: versions data deleted

2003-03-21 Thread David E Ehresman
>Where are the settings for DaysExist and DaysDeleted at? I'm sorry. I was using the TSM/Servergraph admin gui terminology rather than the tsm terminlogy. The tsm terms are "Retain Extra Versions" and "Retain Only Versions" but the units are in days. These are set on the copygroup. David

Re: Schedule prompter stops initiating for backup!!!!!

2003-03-26 Thread David E Ehresman
I am experiencing the same problem on aix tsm and support thinks it is a tcpip problem. I would urge you to open a pmr with tivoli support and reference pmr 14310,082 David Ehresman University of Louisville >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/26/03 02:12AM >>> Hi ALL, Iam observing a strange probl

Session retry interval

2003-03-27 Thread David E Ehresman
When I get a session that does not start with a "ANR8214E Session open with failed due to connection refusal. " I get a session retry every 30 seconds with the ANR8214E being issued over and over. Is there a parm that controls that retry interval? David

Events table

2003-03-28 Thread David E Ehresman
If I do a "SELECT * FROM EVENTS" I only get events for the current day. Are the events from previous days (like those available from q event * * begind=-1) available in another table? David

Moving node to new storagepool

2003-04-01 Thread David E Ehresman
I am moving some nodes to a new storagepool, from a non-colocated one to a colocated one. I updated the copygroup definition to point to the new storagepool and new backups are going there. I used move nodedata to move the old data from its primary tape pool to the new one. My regular backup stg

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