Re: [SPAM: 9.000] Re: [ADSM-L] BMR - unlike hardware

2006-09-28 Thread Leigh Reed
I must confess that it has been a while since I have performed a W2K BMR and although I have always just copied back the files post restore for W2K3 BMR's, I had recalled that this was not possible in W2K as some of the files were held exclusively by the OS. However, finding a W2K machine, I ca

Q: managedservices option

2006-09-28 Thread goc
hi all, another quick one :-) why , oh why with q opt MANAGEDSERVICES: INVALID but in dsm.sys is SERVERNAME bscs * ENABLELANFREE yes COMMmethod TCPip TCPPort 1500 * LANFREETCPPort 1511 TCPServeraddress axptsm01 * LANFREETCPServeraddress mihael

Re: BMR - unlike hardware

2006-09-28 Thread Schaub, Steve
This is interesting, since my experience has been that we have had more success with W2K than W2K3 (using the copy-out/restore/copy-back you describe). I always seem to run into a brick wall with the way W2K3 does it's replace-on-reboot for system files being restored. Maybe I'm trying to copy

Re: BMR - unlike hardware

2006-09-28 Thread Leigh Reed
My original post regarding W2K BMR's was from memory and I recalled for some reason that the system files weren't copied back immediately after the system_object restore. I thought that this was because they were locked/owned by the OS. I checked this morning and realised that this is not the ca

Re: Does TDP for SQL Archive exist?

2006-09-28 Thread Del Hoobler
Hi Paul, Data Protection for SQL does not have a direct TSM "archive" function as you see with the TSM Backup-Archive client. Many customers accomplish this by creating a second nodename for archive purposes (for example, SQLSRV42_ARCH), and have the management class settings for the backups made

Select statements

2006-09-28 Thread LeBlanc, Patricia
I need a select that will give me all of my client schedules and tell me who is associated with them and what time they run. Client_schedules and associations are the tables I need. Just can't get my select to work. Any ideas? Not sure of the syntax on joining them. thanks

Re: Select statements

2006-09-28 Thread Lee, Gary D.
Why not just do a Q assoc * * That will give you every schedule and association. Gary Lee Senior System Programmer Ball State University -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of LeBlanc, Patricia Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:25

Help needed

2006-09-28 Thread Gopinathan, Srinath
Hi, Could anyone help me on how to define/add 2 client schedules. It would be great if someone could list of the steps on how to go about these. For eg: Schedule 1: INCR --For Incremental Backup on a daily basis Schedule 2: FULL --For FULL Backup on a weekly basis (every Sunday ) L

Re: Select statements

2006-09-28 Thread LeBlanc, Patricia
But it wont give you the schedule time. -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lee, Gary D. Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:41 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: Select statements Why not just do a Q assoc * * That will give

Re: Select statements

2006-09-28 Thread goc
select domain_name, schedule_name, node_name, substr(char(scheduled_start), 1, 16) as SCHEDULED_START, - substr(char(actual_start), 1,16) as ACTUAL_START,status, result, reason - from events where LENGTH(domain_name) IS NOT NULL and ( (status = 'Started') or (status = 'Completed') - or

Re: Select statements

2006-09-28 Thread Choudarapu, Ramakrishna (GTI)
Q EVENT * * Or the one provided by Stephen early today: select client_schedules.schedule_name,client_schedules.action,client_schedules. star ttime,associations.node_name - from client_schedules,associations where client_schedules.schedule_name=associations.schedule_name Regards, Rama -Ori

Re: Help needed

2006-09-28 Thread John Bremer
tsm>help define sched At 07:27 AM 9/28/2006, you wrote: Hi, Could anyone help me on how to define/add 2 client schedules. It would be great if someone could list of the steps on how to go about these. For eg: Schedule 1: INCR --For Incremental Backup on a daily basis Schedule 2: FULL -

How Backup 3 DB at the same time

2006-09-28 Thread Miguel Saez
I need to backup 3 data bases at the same time (to 3 p.m. and the 1 a.m.). Each data base belongs to a different instance. Which would be the best way to do it? TSM Server is 5.3.2, TSM Client 5.3.2 with API 64bit and Data Base is DB2. Miguel Sáez Sáez IBM Certified Deployment Professional IT Sp

Re: How Backup 3 DB at the same time

2006-09-28 Thread Allen S. Rout
>> On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:03:23 -0400, Miguel Saez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > I need to backup 3 data bases at the same time (to 3 p.m. and the 1 > a.m.). Each data base belongs to a different instance. Which would > be the best way to do it? TSM Server is 5.3.2, TSM Client 5.3.2 > with API 6

Re: BMR - unlike hardware

2006-09-28 Thread TSM_User
If I have Win2K3 SP1 server that I want to recover then I build a new Win2K3 server leaving it in a work group. I copy out the hall.dll and ntoskrnl.exe. I then run the restore. I then copy back those files. My instructions do state to copy out all the sytem files and then back in but I've never

Re: BMR - unlike hardware

2006-09-28 Thread TSM_User
Also note that R2 is not an SP, it is simply an upgrade on top of SP1. So, while I would still start with a recovery server at R2 if that was what I was recoverying you can not slipstream R2 into a bootal CD. As such the inplace upgrade process will need to be run with a Win2K3 SP1 slipstreamed

How to start Reclamation

2006-09-28 Thread Norita binti Hassan
Hi, How to start the reclamation process? Can anyone explain to me pl... NORITA BINTI HASAN Senior Programmer Enterprise Systems Services Information Communications Tech. Div 6th Floor,Pos Malaysia HQ 50670 Kuala Lumpur * : 03 - 22756638 *: 016 - 6090530 Pos Malaysia Berhad is Malaysia

Re: How to start Reclamation

2006-09-28 Thread Mark Scott
For example UPDATE STGPOOL TAPE RECLAIM=60 h upd stgpool -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Norita binti Hassan Sent: Friday, 29 September 2006 11:18 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] How to start Reclamation Hi,

Re: How to start Reclamation

2006-09-28 Thread Roger Deschner
UPDATE STGPOOL RECLAIM=50 ...should do it, if you have any tapes that are at least 50% empty, and you have two drives free. There's a whole discussion of this in the TSM Administrators Guide. If that still doesn't start reclamation, check to see if you have any tapes that are empty enough, with Q


2006-09-28 Thread Gopinathan, Srinath
Hello, Can anyone help me on how to schedule with a sample example in a TSM? Regards, Srinath G This e-mail has been scanned for viruses by the Cable & Wireless e-mail security system - powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive managed e-mail security service, visit http://w

Re: Recurring error

2006-09-28 Thread Gopinathan, Srinath
Hi, I have the next error every night... ANE4993E (Session: 217053, Node: GBCWBLEIPSF3-SQL) TDP MSSQL ACO3002 Data Protection for SQL: log backup of database Pirate_Audit from server GBCWBLEIPSF3 failed, rc = 1914. (SESSION: 217053) 1) What does it mean? 2) What corrective

Re: How to start Reclamation

2006-09-28 Thread Efim
Also you can add to administrative schedule: RECLaim STGpool pool_name THreshold=number DUration=minutes Wait=No(Yes) OFFSITERECLAIMLimit=number_of_volumes and set REClaim=100 (DEFINE or UPDATE STGPOOL for prevent unexpected reclamation process) REClaim must be greater than 50 (default 60),

AW: [ADSM-L] Recurring error

2006-09-28 Thread Thomas Rupp
Go to the Achive of adsm-L ([EMAIL PROTECTED]&q=1914) and you'll find a lot of answers. HTH Thomas Rupp -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Gopinathan, Srinath Gesendet: Freitag, 29. September 2006 0

Re: AW: [ADSM-L] Recurring error

2006-09-28 Thread Gopinathan, Srinath
Hi, Can you help me in getting a doc containing a list of return codes and their explanations. Regards, Srinath G -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thomas Rupp Sent: 29 September 2006 07:13 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L]