select domain_name, schedule_name, node_name, substr(char(scheduled_start),
1, 16) as SCHEDULED_START, -
   substr(char(actual_start), 1,16) as ACTUAL_START,status, result,
reason -
   from events
   where LENGTH(domain_name) IS NOT NULL and ( (status = 'Started') or
(status = 'Completed') -
   or (status = 'Pending') or (status = 'Failed') or (status = 'Missed')) -
   order by scheduled_start,status,result

i find this one useful :-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "LeBlanc, Patricia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:25 PM
Subject: Select statements

I need a select that will give me all of my client schedules and tell
me who is associated with them and what time they run.

Client_schedules and associations are the tables I need.  Just can't get
my select to work.

Any ideas?  Not sure of the syntax on joining them.


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