Also you can add to administrative schedule:
RECLaim STGpool pool_name THreshold=number DUration=minutes Wait=No(Yes)
and set REClaim=100 (DEFINE or UPDATE STGPOOL for prevent unexpected
reclamation process)
REClaim must be greater than 50 (default 60), because if you have two
tapes with REClaim=50 (50% in use or 50% free) 50%+50%=100%- you don't
have assurance that all data go in to ONE new tape. If you set
REClaim=60 - 40%+40%=80% full assurance.
if you have only one drive set the RECLAIMSTGpool=pool_name when define
or update STGPOOL
* Roger Deschner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Thu, 28 Sep 2006 23:47:07 -0500]:
...should do it, if you have any tapes that are at least 50% empty,
you have two drives free. There's a whole discussion of this in the
TSM Administrators Guide. If that still doesn't start reclamation,
to see if you have any tapes that are empty enough, with Q VOL. Beware
that the number on UPDATE STGPOOL is the percent EMPTY, not the
FULL, though of course that difference does not matter for the usual
recommended setting of 50%.
Roger Deschner University of Illinois at Chicago
Academic Computing & Communications Center
On Fri, 29 Sep 2006, Norita binti Hassan wrote:
>How to start the reclamation process? Can anyone explain to me
>Senior Programmer
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