Re: GIGE connectivity via TSM

2004-03-23 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
client and server are necessary. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Wholey, Joseph (IDS DM&DS) wrote: >Bill, > >I hate to beat this... but my situationa is as follows: I have a TSM server residing >on Z/OS with an

Re: 3494 Library and dual gripper?

2003-10-25 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
not reach them. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> On Sat, 25 Oct 2003, Hart, Charles wrote: >How would you loose slots being that the secongripped will be >on the robot ? I'm clearly missing somethig.

Re: New to TSM

2003-06-12 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
do on these boxes over the past five years (yes, *five* years) has been negligible. To bring in another thread, we are moving our TSM servers to Linux, but not as a result of a disappointment with AIX, simply keeping in line with corporate strategy. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, Dreamworks SKG

Re: Clear text passwords. Was: Automating dsmserv

2003-05-27 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
could solve the problem in a conventional and secure manner. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

3494 library on earthquake pads?

2003-05-27 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
ems as though it might have different requirements, what with it's need to stay aligned, etc. Feel free to contact me directly or respond to the list if you have had any experience in this area. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Clear text passwords. Was: Automating dsmserv

2003-05-27 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
to the server. If there isn't an outstanding request, I'll probably go ahead and ask that one be made. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> On Tue, 27 May 2003, Richard Sims wrote: >>Is it just me or does everyone think that placing &

Re: FastT700 with FlashCopy

2003-03-28 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Jin Bae Chi wrote: >Suad, Thanks for your help. Let me see if I understand correctly. > >1. When you said putting db in backup mode, I can think of >ARCHIVELOG mode for Oracle, which will take a few seconds and >execute the flashcopy; >Q: I heard flashcopy takes a lot less tim

Re: old adsm database salvage commands

2003-03-25 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
I'm not sure what they were, as we started with version 2, but if I recall past discussions on this list, they were added on because Version 1 lacked a database backup and restore functionality. They were, literally, "salvage" utilities, to be used in the same circumstances that you would now use '

Re: Fragmented Database Maybe?

2003-02-28 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
l, and all new database pages being allocated from the 5000MB volume. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kerberos support [was Re: password encryption]

2003-02-20 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
While we're on the subject of passwords and password encryption, is there any chance that TSM might support Kerberos in a future release? -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Seay, Paul wrote: >In encryption speak. The node n

Re: AUTOMOUNT options file option?

2002-09-25 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Chetan H. Ravnikar wrote: >tell me what you want to achive and I will try and help you. >I had the same probelm to get autmount working on solaris-2.8 and TSM >4.2.20. Infact never got it to work., But I have a workarround. > >In my environment, I have a design to backup auto

AUTOMOUNT options file option?

2002-09-25 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
c incr -domain="/usr/home/tlaporte"' seems to work fine, and a query of that node reports a filespace type of NFS3. Thanks for anybody's thoughts or experiences on the matter. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Eternal Data retention brainstorming.....

2002-08-15 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
he drawback that I see is that there is no "forever" parameter for reusedelay. days is the maximum. Granted, that's over 27 years, but we know how long government investigations can last! :-) -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> On Thu

Re: Help with select statement

2002-07-18 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
I'll take a stab: select cast(entity as varchar(12)) as "Node Name", \ cast(activity as varchar(10)) as Type, \ sum(cast(affected as decimal(7,0))) as files, \ sum (cast(bytes/1024/1024 as decimal(12,4))) as "Phy_MB" \ from summary where end_time>=timestamp(current_date -1 days, '09:00:00') \ and

Linux IA-64 client?

2002-06-25 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
Anybody know of any plans for a TSM client for Linux on the IA-64 platform? Thanks. Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2002-05-30 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
s is "very slow"? -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> On Wed, 29 May 2002, Francisco Molero wrote: >Hi everybody, > >My question is simple. We are running selective backup >through Gigabit, and my STGpool is 3590 Tape Pool. I >want t

Re: Ordering license upgrades

2002-05-17 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
to end users. I hope it didn't also have to do with the fact that our software quote went up by $70,000 when the change was made. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> On Sat, 18 May 2002, Zlatko Krastev wrote: >'cause there is no published rule h

Re: Recovery Log almost 100%

2002-05-02 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
but I think the resources are available to administer such a beast at the large sites that require very large databases. More food for thought *early* on a Thursday morning. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Thu, 2 May 2002, Paul Zarnowski wrote: >TSM Development is

Re: Recovery Log almost 100%

2002-05-01 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
then there is a rush to see if our database backup is going to finish and clear the log full condition before we use up the additional log space--lest we find ourselves in the same perilous condition, only *closer* to the seemingly arbitrary maximum log size. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks

Re: About TSM API

2002-04-29 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
Fred, If by talking to the server without a client you mean running administrative commands, there is no TSM administrative API. The client API is for backup/restore and archive/retrieve operations, and that is the only API available. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: ANR0534W - size estimate exceeded

2002-04-26 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
at the TDP products are all written with the API, so I am not surprised to hear that they suffer from this problem, as well. AFAIK, the best we have been able to get from support is the admission that the error message is inaccurate, or at the very least misleading. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte Drea

Re: TDP for NDMP

2002-04-23 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
in this support. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Don France (TSMnews) wrote: >You've just about gottit all. There is some concern about this whole thing; >currently, you are limited to image backups using NDMP; if you want >file-lev

Re: How Best to Suspend a Schedule

2002-04-19 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
That would involve recycling the server, wouldn't it? I'm guessing from Paul's e-mail that he's looking for something he can do online. What I've done in the past is update the start date of the schedule to the following day, that way it won't run in the coming evening, but will pick up again the

Re: Help Urgent!

2002-04-11 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
This often means that the tape volume on which the object resides in in status "UNAVAILABLE". Check your activity log on the server at the time of the restore. You should see additional information. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Am

Re: Restore TSM server to different OS?

2002-03-19 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
/cgi-bin/get/adsm0111/951.html -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Daniel Sparrman wrote: >Hi >  >Restoring the TSM server(database) to a different OS will work fine as >long as you keep to an open systems platform such as Windows NT/2000,

Re: Backup to multiple tape simultaneously

2002-03-13 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin upd stg POOLNAME collocate=filespace On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, ARhoads wrote: >except for all of the contention for tapes... >- Original Message - >From: "Bill Smoldt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:08 AM >Subject:

Re: Oracle on Linux backups

2002-03-13 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
p and Recovery" by Velpuri, et al (it exists in several editions for the various versions of Oracle). -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote: >I had earlier asked the question about using the TSM TDP for Oracle on a >Lin

Re: Point in Time Backups

2002-03-07 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
If you manage your RETVER and VEREXISTS and RETONLY parameters properly, this can be accomplished with point in time *restores*, rather than point in time backups. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, Cheri Howard wrote: >I have numerous customers

API / Client compatibility

2002-02-07 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
are set to 0 and the timestamps are set consistently wrong indicates that the BA client *is* attempting to use the struct stat info in objInfo. Has anybody reconciled this? Has anybody successfully written an API client for which objects can be retrieved or restored using the BA client? Thanks, -- Tom

Re: Network Appliance - Filer backup - (DAR) Direct Access Restore

2002-02-06 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
gerly anticipating support for NDMP on AIX. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Prather, Wanda wrote: > but, from what I have read on the Tivoli web site, you can only get >NDMP support if your tsm SERVER is on Windows, and if your tape drives


2002-01-03 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
version archived on 2001-11-20. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On 01/02/2002 Mike Crawford wrote: >Good Afternoon, > >A client is having trouble locating archived files using dsmc q ar. The >problem >seems to be that the filespace_name and hl_names diff

Re: include/exclude list

2001-11-16 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
est of the management classes (30 versions retained for 30 days). As part of our TSM bootstrap process on the clients, we log in to any local Oracle databases and dynamically build a list of files to be excluded for that node. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks Animation [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Fri, 1

Re: Clarifications: LAN Free ( SAN ) Backup

2001-11-15 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
parameter in your FILE device class. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Wouter V wrote: >So : "A FILE devclass device may be in use by only one party.", means only >one client a time can backup to >the SAN-disk device ? The SAN

Re: Merging two server into one

2001-10-31 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
double the amount of space available for the actual export, because the data will occupy at least two locations for the duration of the export/import process. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Jolley, Bill wrote: >If the Private and Scra

Re: Anyone seen ANE4032E?

2001-10-31 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
I've seen before. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Nancy Reeves wrote: >I have a user who is trying to restore a few files and is getting error >ANE4032E, A file that was flagged as compressed was not compressed, and >the system failed.

Re: oracle backup(linux)

2001-10-25 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
O for Linux might become available, given IBM's heavy push in the Linux arena, but without any announcements I, and in turn my rep, have to seek out this information, and report it back whatever unofficial information that we have garnered. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROT

Re: oracle backup(linux)

2001-10-24 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
I just recently spoke with my IBM rep on this, and the word I got back that, although there are no specific times set or announced, a TDP for Oracle could be available on Linux with TSM v5 in the first half of 2002. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, 24 Oct

Re: Expiration "challenge"

2001-09-21 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
a vendor to loan you equipment for the process, I would think that of the two options I've proposed, #1 is the better choice. I'm sure others on the list might approach this question from a different angle and offer further suggestions. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL

Re: FW: Inability to restore ADSM data using TSM client

2001-09-06 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
You appear to be accessing two different servers, ADSM and ADSME. Note the following lines from your two distinct commands: Session established with server ADSM: MVS ... Server date/time: 09/05/01 11:17:26 Last access: 09/05/01 11:07:46 Session established with server ADSME: MVS ... Se

Re: Backup of EMC

2001-09-06 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
Jeff, NDMP support is meant to be available at the end of this month. That they haven't set pricing information for this yet makes me wonder if it will actually be available any time soon. I'm skeptical, but hopeful, as we've several TB of NetApp storage in our environment. -

Re: Transfer Rate

2001-08-02 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
Also, if you're client and server are on the same host, the network shouldn't enter into the picture, you should be using SHAREDMEM as your protocol. -- Tom On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, David Longo wrote: >Your original post of actlog stats didn't include how many objects >inspected/backed up. If you

Re: Backing up lots of small files

2001-07-31 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
Is it possible to break up the filesystem(s) with VIRTUALMOUNTPOINT options? This will let you break down the problem into smaller chunks, and possibly run your 'dsmc' processes out of cron, rather than via the scheduler. On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Gerald Wichmann wrote: >Has anyone come up with any g

Netapps for ADSM Server?

2001-07-13 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
on our ADSM servers. Just wondering if anybody else has gone down this path before me, or have even thought about it. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Data on my tapes

2001-06-20 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
tape, I'd say you're getting pretty good storage utilisation. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Jeff Bach wrote: >What is my problem? > >I am just going to 3590K. I use client compression on everything. I >compress on the t

Re: Upgrading to 4.1

2001-06-14 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
> > 1) do a full database backup of the instance > > 2) copy my relevant files (dsmserv.dsk, etc.) to the new >DSMSERV_DIR (/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin) > > 3) start the TSM 4.1 server with 'dsmserv upgradedb' > > 4) re-register all of my licenses >

Upgrading to 4.1

2001-06-14 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
27;dsmserv upgradedb' 4) re-register all of my licenses Has anybody else gone through the process in this manner? Am I missing something? Any advice/tips/suggestions are welcome. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Network Appliance

2001-05-09 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
e present tense. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, 9 May 2001, John Bremer wrote: >Geoff, > >Tivoli announced that TSM version 4.2 should provide backup and restore of >NAS filers - 3Q 2001. Tivoli Data Protection for NAS is a specialized >c

Re: Reducing/compressing the database

2001-04-23 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
this type. I'm a little bit concerned that our collective guessing and anecdotal evidence is all that any of us as administrators have to go on. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Shawn Drew wrote: >TSM v3.7.3 > >I have read alot on this

Re: TDP for Oracle

2001-04-19 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
What about Linux? Is there plans for TDP for Oracle on Linux? This would be extremely useful, especially since Linux is now a tier one platform for Oracle. On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Thiha Than wrote: >hi Geoff, > >We don't have it planned in the near future. > >regards, >Thiha > >Date:Wed, 18 Apr

Re: Oracle Database Backups

2001-03-13 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
r database within that time frame. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Jane Doe wrote: >Given the following scenario, >Full DB backup on SAT >Incremental backup on Sun-Fri > >If I have a huge database, say 2 TB, Is this a typical scen

Re: IBM 3494 Automated Tape Library Information needed

2001-03-13 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
think I'd rather have the 150 or so tape slots that we'd gain without the option. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Richard Sims wrote: >We have a 3494 with a dual gripper. Based upon experience, I'd >recommend not getting a

Re: How to find out what tape's a client data are on ?

2001-03-01 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
re node_name = 'MEDRS1' - group by node_name -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Shekhar Dhotre wrote: > >Thanks David ... > >tsm: TSM>select volume_name,node_name from volumeusage where node_name='MEDRS1

TSM Pricing [was Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files]

2001-02-21 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
ng to run a large-scale ADSM implementation without a 3494 (or similar) tape library. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, bbullock wrote: >That is also an option that we have not considered. It actually >sounds like a good one. I'll bring

Re: Performance Large Files vs. Small Files

2001-02-14 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
n have more multiple processes working simultaneously on the backup. The aggregate time it will take to back up the server will be the same, but the wall clock time will be approximately divided by the number of processes you can run simultaneously. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG

NDMP support?

2001-01-31 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
x27;t exist. Just wondering if Tivoli is going to either update their vision, or include any of the myriad functions discussed in this vision paper in an actual product. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Generting Commands from a Script

2001-01-24 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
;NTTAPECO' - or upper(stgpool_name)='NTTAPENO' and pct_utilized <50 You'll probably need to set sqldisplaymode to wide, or if you run it in batch to commadelimited or tabdelimited. Redirect the output to a file and you've got a macro file that you can run. -- To

Re: script parsing

2000-12-08 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
Your best bet is to include the "-comma" or "-tab" options, which will get you comma delimited or tab delimited output. You can then process the output in any way necessary. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks Feature Animation [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Fri, 8 Dec 2000, G

Re: periodic ADSM/TSM shutdown

2000-10-12 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
We have never seen any issues with long running ADSM servers (note we're further down level than you are!): tsm: DLADSM>q stat ADSM Server for AIX-RS/6000 - Version 3, Release 1, Level 1.5 Server Name: DLADSM Server Installation Date/Time: 08/06/199

Re: H80 - TSM - 3494 ---> Bottleneck?

2000-08-10 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
Fiber connection between the host and drive. -- Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks SKG [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Ronnie Crowder wrote: >We are in the process of getting a new TSM server and library. I was thinking >about how the hardware connects up to the 3494 and drives. I the

Re: alternate plan for DASD primary pools...

2000-08-02 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
ainst what you are trying to do. Go with regular disk pools. CAVEAT: We are on of the AIX server--yes it's down rev, it also works; we're not in the QA business :-). I can't speak to whether these issues are addressed/fixed in any newer releases of {AD,T}SM. -- Tom Thomas

Re: Performance: Process Dirs

2000-07-21 Thread Thomas A. La Porte
LIZATION" that allows you to multiplex your client sessions may be useful, however, that may also require a 3.7 server. - Tom Thomas A. La Porte DreamWorks Feature Animation [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Dieter Herzog wrote: >Hi > > We have problems to backup (increme