Re: IBM tape history

2005-03-10 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Very nice, thanks a lot Richard, René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence GC-Central Support Center SD-IT Av. Nestlé 55 CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland) tél +41 (0)21 924

Re: Expiration/inactive node

2005-02-19 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi, you could also export this node to tape, and use relative timing if import needed for the audit René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence GC-Central Support Center SD-IT Av. Nest

Re: DB unload/load

2005-02-18 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi, please do not forget the backup of your db as first step ! rené -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rees, Chris (Corp) Sent: Friday,18. February 2005 15:22 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: DB unload/load Richard I'm doing this

Re: Tape Recovery Questions

2004-12-28 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
HI, in such case (scratch tape updated in private by TSm), we just do a checkout remove=no, then a label overwrite=yes or checkin as scratch. Yours René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Support Center

FW: LTO Media

2004-11-26 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi, our 3584 tape library would not import FUJI tapes from I/O station. No problem if tapes were put manually in slots. Concerning i/o's, no problem with FUJI. René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Suppo

Re: Unable to delete all filespaces for a node

2004-11-17 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi, you will be able to delete with TSM server 5.2. René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Support Center SD/ESN Av. Nestlé 55 CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland)

Re: Corrupted LTO CM Index

2004-10-04 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi, what type of tape is it ? Imation, IBM... ? When did you get them, 2003 or sooner ? We have to replace all Imation tapes delivered between 2001 and 2002 !! At about one third of the tape, we get the tape in r/o by TSM because of EOD missing and write errors. René LAMBELET

Re: Effects of password expiration when client is off

2004-09-29 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi Ian, we use dsmcad together with Client POLLING, no problem at all, René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Support Center SD/ESN Av. Nestlé 55 CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerlan

Re: ITSM Server backup or not ?

2004-08-24 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Bill, we backups all TSM servers, all local file systems incrementally, except DB's, logs and storage pools as they are all saved on tapes with processes like "backup db" and "migrations, backup stgp", regards, René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Globa

3494 in degraded modus

2004-08-11 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi, our 3494 magstar library is running VERY slow. Take 10-20 mn to mount a tape (3590). A checkin with checklabel=no takes 1-2 mn ! We upgraded our TSM server to (under AIX5.2 build 2 fix 6). Could anybody say which level of atape driver and library firmware they use? Any other tip ? Th

Re: Write Protected tapes not set to ReadO - and Mounted Again an d Again....

2004-07-20 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi, we just had to fix a drive sensor problem, symptom was "tape write-protected". In fact the tapes were all right, only the sensor in the drive was in error (hardware), I'm not sure if this is related to your problem, just in case... René LAMBELET NESTEC SA

Re: Speeding up my SQL statement

2004-06-29 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
hi Eric, you could add node_name like '%ORC' to the where clause... best regards, René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Support Center SD/ESN Av. Nestlé 55 CH-1800 Veve

Out of data storage space - DIFFESTIMATE for TdP for Exchange ?

2004-05-26 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hello, does anybody knows of the DIFFESTIMATE parameter exists in the TdP for Exchange ? As it exists for TdP for SQL ? We would like to supress warnog messages we get about too small reservation of required space for the backups. Thanks a lot, René LAMBELET NESTE

Error restoring SQL full backup

2004-05-17 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hello dear TSM'ers trying to restore a full backup of one of our SQL servers, we get following error message : > 05/17/2004 13:48:20 ACO5456W The backup is corrupt and is not fully > restorable. > 05/17/2004 13:48:20 Processing will continue. > 05/17/2004 13:48:21 Restore of CTR_HQ_GLOBE_DV faile

Re: bad performance on web administration tool under ITSM V5.2.2. 3

2004-04-28 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi, we use the DNS with TSM server (AIX) and didn't notice any problem of performances with the Web admin tool. Best regards, René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Support Center

Re: DB2 backup

2004-03-11 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi Nicolas, you might have to reinstall the APi code, but think about stopping DB2 during reinstallation, yours René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Support Center SD/ESN

Re: TSM-monitoring script that provides summary of daily backups

2004-02-19 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi Alexander, we use 2 packages that give us excellent sources of informations: Do not hesitate to take the tours ! yours René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central Su

TSM for Data Retention

2004-02-17 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hello, we will test and use TSM for Data Retention in our Doumentum application. Objective being to be sure archives will be retained UNCHANGED for the specified retention period (version safe). Min level: TSM 5.2.2 Anybody already tested this new function of TSM server or TSM clients ? Would it

Re: Inconsistency between summary and actlog

2004-01-14 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Hi, also please note there is a bug about accounting records, up to version 5.1: as soon as your reach session number 64k, accounting will be erroneous, TSM server has to be restarted, René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence

Re: Backup of all-local -systemonject

2004-01-12 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GLOBE Center CSC
Tony, thanks for your advice. I think tsm does not use c:\adsm.sys\...\* any more to store the system objects, at least since version 5. Exception for locked files. René LAMBELET NESTEC SA GLOBE - Global Business Excellence Central S