
our 3584 tape library would not import FUJI tapes from I/O station. No
problem if tapes were put manually in slots. Concerning i/o's, no problem
with FUJI.

                René LAMBELET
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-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Graham Stewart
Sent: Thursday,25. November 2004 21:52
Subject: LTO Media


Up to now we've been using IBM branded LTO1 tapes in out 3584 library
(AIX server, TSM  I've found a reseller who's willing to sell
FUJI branded tapes at about 1/2 the cost.  Does anyone have any comment
on tape manufacturers to avoid (or flock to) for LTO media.  Any issues
with mixing media from different makers?

I'm assuming that there should be no problem here, but you never know ...


Graham Stewart
Network and Storage Services Manager, Information Technology Services
University of Toronto Library
130 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Canada   M5S 1A5                Phone: 416-978-6337 | Fax: 416-978-1668

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