
we use the DNS with TSM server (AIX) and didn't notice any problem
of performances with the Web admin tool.

Best regards,

                René LAMBELET
                NESTEC  SA
                GLOBE - Global Business Excellence
                Central Support Center
                Av. Nestlé 55  CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland) 
                tél +41 (0)21 924'35'43   fax +41 (0)21 924'45'89   local
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-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday,27. April 2004 20:15
Subject: Re: bad performance on web administration tool under ITSM

>I included DNSLOOKUP NO in my dsmserv.opt file an the performance
>problem is solved.

But... As the APARs indicate, it is typically the case that TSM helped
identify a site configuration/service problem, which needs to be pursued,
as it can affect all applications running on that system.

DNS lookups should be almost instantaneous in a well configured system.
(Having an unresponsive DNS server's IP address in a DNS servers list
can result in a four-second failover delay before rotating to the next
address in the server list.)

I would urge pursuit of the underlying problem.

   Richard Sims    http://people.bu.edu/rbs

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